Quote# 23369

Homosexuality is becoming classified by society as normal because of the persistent marketing of gay morals. Polygamy will be next. Then the age of consent will be lowered. Then bestiality will be accepted.

Who's morals should rule the day?

Author's Comment, Gather.com 32 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 23370

What is it about freedom that liberals hate the most?

It's an honest question.

1) "Global Warming" is just a way to implement international command and control for the sake of command and control.

2) Social(ist) Security is just a way to enslave the productive people for the benefit of the unproductive and lazy.

3) They want to judicially force gay marriage onto society.

4) They want to take away the freedom to keep and bear arms.

5) They want to pull out of Iraq.

The list goes on and on.

Frank, Myspace 48 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 23371

Yes, enemies. Jesus had them. The prophets had them. Christians have them, whether they realize it or not. I think it is high time they started to realize it. People like those that launch the lawsuits to get prayer or crosses, or the bible, etc out of the state, or country, or schools, etc.
We are in a war of the worlds, and only one side will come out as winners. The battle has begun.

dad, Christian Forums 18 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 23372

[What you refer to as "fearmongering nightmare dreams" is the accurate explanation of the future. Whatever you want to call it, I want an example a child who's been scared by, for example, the statement: "In billions of years, the sun will run out of nuclear fuel and begin to expand into a red giant. It will shed its outer layers until finally collapsing into a white dwarf.]

"They talk of all suns burning out, and everything falling in a black hole, galaxies colliding, in a cosmic roller derby, and death and despair and dark hopelessness at every turn. Any child that has heard, or been taught about heaven wonders how all this fits in with it. How am I supposed to live forever and the sun and moon and stars last forever, and our city last forever, when these guys claim we are all gooing to crash and burn??"

dad, Christian Forums 29 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 23373

Shapes prove there is a God!

Okay, I had one of my crazy thoughts driving home this evening. Has anyone else ever noticed that things that God created are circular or curved, but things that are man-made are not circular. Okay, just for fun, poke holes in this crazy idea of mine. Lets see what we come up with.

Lisa0315, Christian Forums 87 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Jeremy PC

Quote# 23374

The Blasphemy Challenge is a group of atheists who are militantly seeking to lure children and young people away from God and Christianity. They broadcast an internet radio program from a hidden site in Philadelphia. And, now they have come up with this scheme using the YouTube internet web site to reach millions of young people with their anti-God, anti-Jesus, anti-Holy Spirit message. This atheist group has definitely declared war on God. They are militant, and their targets are your children and grandchildren. Below is an excerpt from their web site: http://www.blasphemychallenge.com [...]

When you visit their web site, and I strongly urge that you to do ---- first click on the face of the young girl to see her video on YouTube. Her name is Jessica --- and she is someone's daughter; she is someone's granddaughter --- and, through the encouragement of this Satanic group, she happily, ignorantly, denies God. [...]

Do you have a young person in your home with internet access to YouTube --- and the 25 popular sites chosen to target your children and grandchildren? If so, be warned that they are sitting there with the Rational Response Squad's gun at their heads! And accompanied by screeching, slobbering demonic spirits, this group of atheists are working hard to pull your child into hell with them.

Have you taken a moment recently to see what web sites your children and grandchildren are visiting? Don't you think you should?

I plead with you as never before --- share this message with ALL of your Friends, Relatives, Associates, and Neighbors --- all your FRANs. Help us warn the world of this new attack against ALL CHILDREN, including yours.

Bill Gray, The Conservative Voice 34 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 23375

Atheists are bringing about Satan's plan unknowingly

Weishaupt, the guy who started the illuminati group needed a battle plan. A way to bring about a one world government controlled by the Luciferic elite's. He wanted a way to overthrow the Governments of the Western world. Specifically U.S with it's free enterprise system. In 1823 a German professor named Hegel provided that plan. Thesis minus antithesis equals synthesis. It's simply this - the existence of one type of government - democratic, and religion - Christianity would be called thesis. It would provoke the appearance of the opposite government and religion - antithesis, or Atheism and communism. A third Government and religion would emerge. Weishaupt learned this and so he brought it about. In 1848 the league of 12 men, a group of elite's that want to control the world financed Karl Marx to write the Communist manifesto. This introduced Communism and Atheism. They believed Hegel's theory that synthesis would occur. This would be Facism, which is a blend of Capitalism and Communism - and their one world Religion - which would be a blend of Christianity and Atheism. I will not go into that religion in detail but I thought you Atheist's might want to know what you're a part of.

truth, Its All Politics Forum 30 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Infected

Quote# 23376

in psychiatry was homosexuality identified to be a disease not many years ago.
now itœ forbidden to called homosexuality a disease in many countries, so when a psychiatrist diagnose such a disease itœ called a personality disorder with a diagnostic number(but still the some disease). I know several homosexuals and all of them aren´t happy about their sexual orientation, all of them visited a doctor-specialist because of their disease (psychiatrist, psychologist or sexuologist). Do you think that they had to pay when they visited such doctors. No, because it was paid from their medical insurance.
Do you member basic life needs you learned at a school? A need to reproduce is included. So open some psychologist textbook and study what will happen with a human who won´t have fulfill his life needs,...

Lethe, Topix.net 25 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Infected

Quote# 23378

1. Expose evil, tell the Truth to abortion-minded pregnant moms. Compile information on the dangers of abortion to women; expose the evil practices of abortionists at the clinics through various means such as dispersing literature to women in crisis pregnancies and through referral counseling at the abortion clinic.

2. Expose evil, tell the Truth to high school students who make up a major percentage of abortion-minded people. The "God is going back to school campaign" involves showing the truth of abortion to high school students as they go to school in the morning. Healthy discussions and debates on abortion are started and last as long as a week and in every classroom according to reports from students. Literature promoting abstinence until marriage is passed out. Some students find out enough about abortion to decide to not get involved in any activity that might result in even considering one.

3. Expose evil, tell the Truth to the public. The print and broadcast media won't. Make use of the Internet to make this information available to the public. Expose abortionists for who they are and what they do for a living; give hard evidence of women who have been injured through abortion (i.e., streaming video of ambulances arriving on the scene to take injured women to the hospital; sound files of 911 calls; death certificates of women killed at the hands of abortionists; etc.)

4. Expose evil, Tell the Truth to our government. Encourage litigation by women who have been injured by abortion, encourage pro-life legislation by our elected officials, and report violations of regulations by clinics that operate with unethical, dangerous, or illegal procedures.

Fyi, Forerunner.com 19 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 23380

[In response to a post asking if he would really kill his child and his childs teachers is said child was gay]

I wasn't really being sarcastic, no. There are red lines beyond which I would feel compelled to take up arms and do justice myself, and if the lib propagandists and homosexual recruiters crossed it in this way, my life would be less to me than justice.

People aren't homosexual naturally, they're that way because they're broken human beings. They don't function properly in a major major way. There's none of that in my family. If it did arise with my own kid I would have no doubt that he was brainwashed into it.

At a certain point my own personal safety would be meaningless, and this would be a case for me personally that would reach that point.

I don't have any kids, by the way, so this is purely speculative, but I rightly imagine this is how I'd feel about it. I'm sick and tired of having everything that is good and right and wholesome being corrupted and turned into evil. If it reached my own family in this incredibly devastating way, I would absolutely hold those I believed to be responsible for it to account.

If that makes me a troll, or disturbed, so be it. I'd kill a man who raped my daughter, too.

If we had a system of law that worked, I might feel differently. But our laws don't work for good and decent people, they work for criminals and politicians (but I repeat myself).

thoughtomater, Free Conservatives 24 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 23381

A Prayer for America

Our Father who art is heaven, hallow be thy name.

I pray that Christianity will be victorious over Islam in the Middle East wars so that Islam will be denied the conquest of the world through force and have to deal in the world of ideas on a intellectual level instead of a terrorist level.

I pray the world will accept the concepts of Democracy, Christianity an Capitalism and compete on an economic level instead of a military level.

I pray Mexico will see the total failure of there governmental system that causes people to flee to find work.

I pray Venezuela will see the failures of socialism as proved by Cuba.

I pray that Christianity will be victorious over Atheism in America so that America will return to be a Christian Nation where the Christian Lifestyle is advocated instead of the Atheistic Lifestyle.

I pray people will see that the Christian Family Concept of the Christian Lifestyle provides the best possible protection for men, women and children.

I pray that journalists will see the harm they cause to America by the biased reporting in the Cultural War.

I pray for the America Judicial System that they might return to the Blackstone concept of Law.

I pray for those involved in or advocate extreme environmentalism, socialism, feminism pornography, abortion and homosexuality because of the disease, death and destruction that is involved.

I pray for a revival in America where people accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and look to the Bible for instructions for the decisions of their daily lives.

This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.

clirus, Christian Forums 51 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 23383

[For a change of pace, a secular fundie.]

In fact, all devout people should not be allowed jobs.

United Beleriand, NationStates Forum 34 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Witty Name Here

Quote# 23386

Mr Temporao says that around 200, 000 women are treated for complications following abortions every year, the vast majority of them believed to have taken place in illegal clinics involving a high degree of risk for the women.

Round the number down to about 2, 000 per year. Abortion supporters have always inflated the numbers to gain sympathy for their cause.

HM3 Ratigan USN 1987-1993, Once a Doc Always a DOC, Myspace 30 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 23388

Occam's razor states that the simplest answer tends to be the right one.

Which is the simplest answer?

That man is the result of evolution, is desended from monkeys which desended from dogs which desended from slime because of a cosmic acident in which the universe just happened to perfectly fit what was required for life?


That God designed and created the universe as is and placed life into it?

Occams Razor says that God did it as obviously the God answer is much more shorter and simpler than evolution.

Case closed.

Gipper, Christian Forums 50 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 23389

A son tells his parents that he has become an atheist, and his mother gets a wee bit upset.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8Aq00yJSxo">Pissed Off Catholic Mother of an Atheist</a>

Pissed Catholic Mother, YouTube 28 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 23390

I don't care who wants to bastardize the definition...but hating gays is not homophobic...a phobia is a fear of something

if you hate bananas, you're not bananaphobic

ccnuggie, Livejournal 47 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 23392

Saying lack of sex education results in abortions is as retarded and malice as saying Jews were victims of the holocaust because they have big noses.

It's crap like that that prevents the taxpayer from wanting to fuel your idiocy. Inuyasha has no problem with teaching sex education. If it was actually educational.

Children taught sex-ed should actually have to endure the scientific nitty gritty of sex. If sex education were done right, it wouldn't even need to be called sex-ed. It'd be called biology.

But liberals don't want biology they just want the taxpayer to spend ridicolules amount of money to tell children to use a condom. And that will be met with a simple no from Inuyasha. No over the top antics, no death threats, no whailing of the arms. Just a simple, to the point, no.

Inuyasha (aka Spider Jerusalem), Pro-life 47 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Haley

Quote# 23393

(in response to a thread about a gay teen attempting suicide)

So what?

A pervert tried to kill himself.

Am I supposed to get all weepy eyed when millions of children are being murdered?

What dose this prove other then he was mentally unstable and to weak-minded to take the insults that he himself was responsible for.

While I think those people taunting him went way overboard I feel that there behavior was better then excepting his perversion and then teasing those who know it is wrong.

And I would not have resorted to such behavior unless the pervert was around little children and I thought he was trying to recruit.

Even then I wouldn’t resort to petty name calling I would use brute force to stop him from spreading his perversion and ruining another life.

By the way a fag is literally a bundle of hot and fast burning sticks.

JaSon, Pro-life 52 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Haley

Quote# 23394

[negative comments about the movie "the last mimzy", all the other negative comments are just as rediculous]

I guess I must have seen a different movie than the rest of the reviewers. This movie is very offensive to me and my family. (1) Eastern religion was shown in a very positive light. (2) It talks about people from another planet. (3) At the end of the movie the little girl is described as the mother to all the other planets people. (4) The teacher and his girlfriend were living together. (5) The teacher's girlfriend was also a palm reader. (5) The children got special powers from someone other than god. I want to end this review by saying this movie leads non-believers to think that other religions also lead to heaven, they don't.

John Talley, christian spotlight 32 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: kent

Quote# 23395

My point of view is that there there are no atheists who do not believe in morality and also that there are no atheists who do believe in morality - and therefore that there are no atheists.

CSMR, Christian Forums 50 Comments [4/10/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 23349

One time though, I was standing in
the living room waiting for something
to heat on the stove, watching the
tv, and the Lord spoke right to me, and
said, " I have hear her prayers and I
am giving her a child" (there was more
too but that was the beginning of the

I was sort of freaked out, and I knew
without Him saying who He was referring
to, exactly what He meant.
It wasn't anyone I had been praying for
or even spoke to more than once a month
if that.

I asked Him why He told me and if I were
to share the info etc. but He didn't
choose to have a conversation about it
I guess.

sunlover1, Christian Forums 35 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Jeremy PC

Quote# 23350

[On a female character in a movie talking about men misplacing their socks]

I wanted to reach in and twist her throat right there, and then rape her corpse for good measure. She was that hateful of a character.

Pete Patriarch, Pete Patriarch's Blog 66 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 23351

Homosexuality is a violation of the created order and the profoundly spiritual relationship between 'male' and 'female'.

Simonline, CARM 26 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 23352

If you are listing some of the Hindu Gods, you should also know that Hinduism has roots an ancient Judaism, so despite their complete difference in viewing God (Where the one God has millions of 'faces' and avatars) Hinduism still has its basis in Judaism and the old Testament times.

HiFi55, Myspace 35 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: clemsecon

Quote# 23353

Worshipping homosexuals worship a different god

My God never changes. He asks me to repent and change. Having shared these thoughts from the bible, when I pray and read the bible it denounces homosexuality as an abomination and sin. It will keep two participants from heaven.

The Gay claims to pray and get endorsement. There are not two correct answers. Therefore we must conclude it is prayer to a different god that causes the answers to be different than Jesus (the Word that became flses and dwelt among us) tells us.

Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, root and offspring of David and you will get the same answers every time. Pray to a pagan humanist deity and he will tell you what will give you pleasure.

coadie, CARM 20 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3