Quote# 22613
I know not every storm and tornado is a judgment from God, but according to the word, God does indeed use the weather, or the lack of, as a tool of chastisement. It is about timing and magnitude as to whether it is a judgement or not.
Job 36 and 37 as a whole speak of God using weather to punish and to show mercy. It speaks of how God sends the snow and the rain; he sends tornadoes, the whirlwinds, and the frost; he controls the cycles of the weather. Job 37:13 "He brings the clouds to punish men, or to water his earth and show his love"
In Isiah chapter 26:9, when the earth experiences your judgements, the inhabitants of the world learn rightousness. In Waco, Tx, in 1953, the town of Waco experienced its wort tornado ever. 14 people killed, 900 people injured, it was like an atomic bomb went off in downtown Waco. During the next three months, there was standing room only in the Churches in Waco, but of course, as things go, people grew apatheic and cold over time, therefor God must from time to time correct us.
You were at the Tulsa prophecy conference last year, did you happen to see David Regan's presentation on multiple US decisions involving Israel, and how they coincided with major weather events? It was very interesting, and many could chalk it up to coincidence, yet... there is a point when you have to say too much coincidence to just be coincidence. Especially when the word says point blank that the Lord uses the weather as a tool of chastisement.
Rapture Ready 17 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Talulah