Quote# 22606

[eave God and religion to the churches. There, you can believe it all you want and go in depth. Schools would no more endorse a single religion than hey would throw out Math or Science studies.]

Your in school right now, your just not listening to the teacher.

Back in the good ol days teachers could beat the tar out of you.
Now they have no power.

Spare the rod spoil the child.

You cant hit your kids today.
Another NWO idea no doubt.

My old man used to use a meat board or the old orange hotwheel tracks.

I think you been spared too much. E enemy A alien D Devil.

samurai, The Resistance Manifesto 38 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 22607

Over the years, I have felt the fury of the homosexual movement, via both physical attacks and hundreds of threats. I have seen the rage that a simple gospel message of repentance and rebirth can kindle in the hard-core sodomite's heart. My testimony to those with ears to hear is that a fascist heart beats in the bosom of America's very dangerous homosexual movement. Yet this is no excuse to draw back or to mute the gospel in the face of the "gay" brown shirts. Quite the opposite. Though the sodomites may rage and gnash their teeth, this is no time to be timid.

Ralph Ovadal, Answering Sodom 14 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22609

(concerning this comment: http://www.fstdt.com/comments.asp?id=22219)

some asshole submitted a quote from this group to this site.
Some atheist thought he was funny. Well he wasn't because he is an atheist and therefore he is wrong.

Alex Wainright, Facebook: Allow Prayer in Schools 34 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22610

[In response to an article where a nun claimed to be healed after praying to the late Pope.]

I know that the Egyptian magicians were able to replicate the miracles Moses performed, but I didn't know that Satanic forces could heal people.
I think that as we get closer and closer to the Rapture, and then the deception of the AC, such "miraculous" things will increase, deceiving millions.

forbygrace, Rapture Ready 18 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 22611

[Mentos saved the day, Jesus saves the soul!]


shane, GodTube 11 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: MK

Quote# 22612

[In response to two female pastors who wanted to simply help the people of New Orleans, not try to convert them.]

I would have a hard time looking past female pastors to the message. Which part of the Bible do they take seriously if they ignore the roles of men and women? If the most basic clear scripture is ignored, then how could one seriously consider any other message they give? Just sayin'

funmudder, Rapture Ready 14 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 22613

I know not every storm and tornado is a judgment from God, but according to the word, God does indeed use the weather, or the lack of, as a tool of chastisement. It is about timing and magnitude as to whether it is a judgement or not.

Job 36 and 37 as a whole speak of God using weather to punish and to show mercy. It speaks of how God sends the snow and the rain; he sends tornadoes, the whirlwinds, and the frost; he controls the cycles of the weather. Job 37:13 "He brings the clouds to punish men, or to water his earth and show his love"

In Isiah chapter 26:9, when the earth experiences your judgements, the inhabitants of the world learn rightousness. In Waco, Tx, in 1953, the town of Waco experienced its wort tornado ever. 14 people killed, 900 people injured, it was like an atomic bomb went off in downtown Waco. During the next three months, there was standing room only in the Churches in Waco, but of course, as things go, people grew apatheic and cold over time, therefor God must from time to time correct us.

You were at the Tulsa prophecy conference last year, did you happen to see David Regan's presentation on multiple US decisions involving Israel, and how they coincided with major weather events? It was very interesting, and many could chalk it up to coincidence, yet... there is a point when you have to say too much coincidence to just be coincidence. Especially when the word says point blank that the Lord uses the weather as a tool of chastisement.

Srogue, Rapture Ready 17 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 22615

The Question is when do we put down our Bibles and pick up Guns?
Many think you should Lie Down and just take it especially if its Government sanctioned persecution.
Others Keep a great distance from the world by choosing private Christian schools and such.
But know the Homosexual Lobby is persecuting them aswell.

turtle, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 22616

[On fstdt quoting him and his members.]

We live in a nation that has a long history of protecting the rights of it's citizens. One of those rights is our freedom of speech. However, no right is an absolute right. Your right to freedom of speech ends when it infringes upon one of my rights.

Bro. Randy, Teens-4-Christ 94 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 22617

[Fstdt and it's members.]

I'm not sure which board you are referring to. That point is irrelevant, because all such boards are equal. Poor taste and vulgarity seem to be the characteristics required to be a "popular" poster among their members. Spewing ignorant opinions about things not understood and fabricating disgusting scenarios about people they don't know appear to be their favorite pass-times. When I visit such message boards I always leave with mixed feelings of sadness and disgust. But for the grace of God I would fit in with those who post on them. I thank God He is true to His Word and regenerates fallen man.

Mrs Lace, Teens-4-Christ 36 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 22619

One thing someone suggested to me that REALLY helped this problem [nightmares] was this: praying OUT LOUD and anointing my pillow, headboard and bed with oil before I went to sleep at night. I anointed it with oil and prayed the Lord's protection over my bed, my nighttime and dreams as well. (I am a very avid dreamer.... and GOd speaks to me very often thru dreams. It is because of this that I think SAtan attacks me harder than others, in the night... trying to 'scare me' out of my dreams.....).


GOd ordained sleep for us weak humans... it is of Him. Of course the enemy of our souls would want to mangle that anyway that he can.

humbleone, Rapture Ready 32 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 22622

[More slander aimed at fstdt.]

your ideas actually constitute conspiracy to commit a crime and a recruitment effort. According to the FBI agent I spoke to, your childish ideas amount to a conspiracy to commit internet fraud, internet vandalism and theft of bandwidth. Others have attempted to spam our site with porn. When they do that, the charges also include contributing to the delinquency of a minor, distributing harmful materials to a minor and (possibly) distributing child pornography. In additional to the federal criminal charges, a civil liability exists for any costs we incur, time lost, emotional distress and punitive damages.

Bro. Randy, Teens-4-Christ 95 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 22624

Ken Ham, an Australian who is Answers in Genesis' $120,000-a-year founder and president, says the museum opening will be a significant event in Christendom.

"No one else has ever built a place where you can experience biblical history and merge it with the science," he said.
When the Gallup Poll asked people about their views on the subject last March, 47 percent of Americans polled said that God created humans pretty much in their present form some time in the last 10,000 years. That belief was strongest among those with less education, regular churchgoers, people 65 and older, and Republicans.
There also will be an exhibit suggesting that belief in evolution is the root of most of modern society's evils. It shows models of children leaving a church where the minister believes in evolution. Soon the girl is on the phone to Planned Parenthood, while the boy cruises the Internet for pornography sites.

Creation Museum, Kentucky.com 52 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 22626

In the end, we should all be grateful that we aren’t getting what we deserve which is perpetual unbearable suffering for our sin.

rgmontgomer, help.com 34 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Missa

Quote# 22628

Jesus is the answer to all our problems !
HE understands !
HE heals !
HE’s the best friend you can ever have !!

Woohoo !! Aint that great ?

olden, help.com 43 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -2
Submitted By: Missa

Quote# 22629

when i see anybody touch that stuff " it make me wanta we'll it makes me wanta shove salvation in them pluss the K,J,V in them who's with me huh say who's with me { ok I'm gona start preachin in a minute lol!!!} and thats my cuzz'es job Matt {preacher_kid}LOL

N.C. Tarheels, T4C 23 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Missa

Quote# 22630

Why, with all the many productive ways to use the time you are given, would you choose to be part of a forum whose greatest sport and pleasure is to attack and destroy those things you don't comprehend?

Mrs. Lace, Teens4Christ 42 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: KommissarKrunch

Quote# 22631

[I don't like boards where] Spewing ignorant opinions about things not understood and fabricating disgusting scenarios about people they don't know appear to be their favorite pass-times.

Mrs. Lace, Teens4christ 47 Comments [3/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: KommissarKrunch

Quote# 22536

Again, If someone goes through life and dies without ever having heard anything about the gospel, it is because they rejected the notion of the one true God. God promised that if someone desires more information( for lack of a better word) about Him He WILL provide it. Like BHiles stated look at Romans 1:19-20 this is general revelation. No one will be able to stand before God at the Great White Throne Judgement and claim they had no clue about God because He reveals Himself through His creation. As I stated earlier it is what A person decides to do with general revelation that will ultimately determine their fate.

Here is scenerio 1--- 1)God reveals Himself to a person through nature
2)This person says " wow, someone or something must have created all this, I sure wish I could get to know Him"
3)God sends a missionary to teach them more
This is not open to debate because this is what God promises to do.

Here is scenerio 2--- 1)God reveals Himself to a person through nature
2)This person rejects the notion of God
3)God will not bother to send more light because they already rejected Him.

This hypothetical person WILL go to Gehenna based on their rejection of God. If someone doesn't like this, please don't shoot the messenger. Take it up with God.

SJC72, RaptureReady 29 Comments [3/26/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 22539

God doesn't commit rape, murder, genocide, slavery, so why accuse him of this? This is your problem, is you accuse, but you don't have anything to support your accusation. Israel annihilating nations that no longer exist today because they were so utterly corrupted in killing their own children for sacrifice is something that needed to be done, otherwise this would continue to this day and protected under constitutional rights to practice their religion by being allowed to murder their children. Israel changed the world to God's good pleasure to say this was in those days no longer permitted. What a sick world that would be eh? However, because Israel sinned in not finishing the job, Islam is the remnant of child sacrifices through suicide mass murderers and training their children at the youngest of ages to prepare to blow themselves up when they come of age.

A Friend, FSTDT Comments 45 Comments [3/26/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22547

"I don't give a rat's back side about scientific fact. I do care about my eternal soul. Just for the record, I'm a science teacher, and I still believe that God (HE) created all that is, and He is responsible for all that ever shall be.

I have a life and a family. People who debate never do anything except debate. So sit in your lofty heights and continue to delude yourselves that you are greater than and smarter than the rest of us. As for me, I won't waste my efforts on those who are so jaded by their own conceit as some of you are."

E. Treasures, Amazon.com: Customer Discussions 46 Comments [3/26/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Lillian

Quote# 22548

Sarwanism+Evolution=Theoretical Religion
Creationism&Intelligiant Design= Truthful Religion
Truth=True Science

People can decide to believe Evolution just as well as Christianity so they both must be religion, however only one can be truth...
Creationism has only one hole in it, where did the creator come from...
Evolution has many holes, one is what was it's creator thinking when he said "i am related to a banana and it's tree...

Sarwanism+Evolution=Theoretical Religion, Gaia Online 41 Comments [3/26/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Jon Voisey

Quote# 22553

I was watching the landscaping people at these new apartments. They brought in pallets of grass sod. Then they would pick up a piece at a time and lay it on the bare ground. It would lift right off the stack of grass.

Well, some of the pallets of grass sod sat there for a few weeks without being used. It sat through the sun and the rain, just the right things to help it grow.

When they came back to pull off the top piece of sod, it was difficult to lift it, because the roots started to go INTO the sod piece below it. It took some pulling, but they were able to lift each piece off.

There were several other pallets, however, that they were not able to use because the demon roots, I mean grass roots, grew through each piece of sod so much, that it was like ONE piece of sod stacked up. The whole pallet had to be cut up and destroyed.

Demons work just like the grass sod. When they enter INTO you, they look for a good spot that is not already taken, and then they let their roots start hooking on to everything it can. The longer the demon has been IN you, the further his root system is IN you.

If you have ever tried to pull up grass by the roots, it is a tough job. Sometimes you think you got all he roots, but it grows back. What do you do? You pull some more!

Stan, demonbusters 39 Comments [3/26/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 22556

There couldn't be a Big Bang, cause it takes two to bang and reproduce. Athiests and evolutionists are so dumb, they think 'one' can bang alone, and then explode into all the Universe, and be fruitful and multiply. We have to teach these nonX'ers about the facts of life, and how to bang in rthymn and harmony.

But then again, it might mean they would reproduce into more non thinking atheists...... and we would have to teach their next generation how to bang again. Darn, they just don't get it.

Davidjayjordan, JREF Forum 38 Comments [3/26/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22557

No wonder Nephilim are browsing this forum because many of the posts on here are full of furtive information that they don't want anyone to know about. That answers the question on why some non-Christians would even take the time to join this site and post their obnoxious comments.

We must always keep our guard up and test everyone to see if they're true Christians, although that sometimes may not help since the Nephilim are master deceivers.

Uribe, The Resistance Manifesto 28 Comments [3/26/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Infected
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