Quote# 21677
If any of you out there look at fashions magazines or watch T.V. you will notice the subtle change in advertisement over the past 10 years. Magazine ads from perfume to watches featuring women alone are now shown with a man caressing her, or posing in very provocative positions. Shampoo, or clothes softener ads have turned into prodigies of sexual denotations giving ‘excuse’ for the garments of the man and woman to be cast on the carpet in little heaps as the two fall into bed; one on top of the other. The changes dawned on me slowly, but surely. I even made comparisons of magazines I had in 2002 and 2003 with two magazines I bought recently. Same type of pictures, but now with very ‘suggestive’ changes. What do the changes suggest? Fornication. Acts 15:20, 1Thes 4:3.
For those of you who are not aware, the demon who presides, or influence people to commit fornication is Poseidon. http://www.pantheon.org/articles/p/poseidon.html. Surprised! Then I’ll give you a few of his Biblical names: Baal, Numbers 22: 41 {along with his female counter part Ashtaroth 1 Kings 11:31, 1 Sam 12:10} and Dagon {half man, half fish god of the Philistines, Judges 16:23, 1 Chr 10:10}.
Now you are probably wondering what connection there is between a fish god and fornication? To sum it up, Baal (which means husband) is the god of fertility and the sea. When he was happy crops were abundant and the sea was safe. When he was angry, boats were capsized/ lost at sea, crops failed and war broke out. To ‘appease’ Poseidon {a.k.a. Neptune}, live horses were sacrificed by being drowned in the sea and/or (preferably) the oldest child of families were sacrificed and thrown into the fire. The place called Tophet is mentioned in the Bible. Jeremiah 19:13 Isaiah 30:33.
New Agers will tell you that we are in the Aquarian (Poseidon) age. I don’t believe in Astrology, but the tsunami, hurricanes floods and other ‘water’ tragedies of gargantuan magnitudes over the past two years was enough to make me stand up and take notice.
Who is Aquarius? What is the Aquarian age? Well, you won’t find a complete answer by consulting an astrologer, the best informant is….the Bible! Troy Lawrence, author of ‘The Secret Message of the Zodiac’ explains that the Hebrews (whose name for zodiac is Mazzaroth) had the names and meanings of constellations first. The Greeks and Romans got it afterward, using the zodiac (Mazzaroth) as a horoscope guide. A classic case of Satan trying to imitate God!
Each Mazzaroth sign has meaning of Biblical significance. Aquarius is the water bearer. A man pouring water out of a pot/pitcher. Jesus is the water bearer pouring living water out to Pisces the fish. Numbers 24:7, John 7:37, John 4:14. The fish (symbolizing Christians). The lesser constellations that support Aquarius are Cynus (a swan: a bird of return), Acts 1:11. Pegasus (the winged horse: signifying swiftness) Revelation 22:20, and Piscis Australis (the southern fish: God’s people).
don’t believe for one minute that the Baal worship of pagan times has stopped! It goes on today in the guise of other religions! And believe me they know who the evil Aquarius is and don’t hesitate to support him by promotion to spread his evil. Choose you this day whom ye will serve! Aquarius; the bad sign, or Jesus; the GOOD sign, the real Aquarius, who will return in this generation/age. Genesis 1: 14-16.
Please note: Both Poseidon and Baal mean husband-
The name Jezebel, top prophetess of Baal, means unhusbanded
Poseidon has a horse as one of his three symbols as does Jesus has three
You can look in any good Bible dictionary for in depth info and definitions on the Biblical names of Baal and info on TOPHET/TOPHETH. Two good ones are UNGER'S Bible dictionary and HARPER'S Bible dictionary.
Christian Forums 29 Comments [3/5/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: UberLutheran