Quote# 22370

No Christians reject science. This, you are very confused on. Christians reject the assumptions that people like you make. Garbage like million or billions of years, etc... I'm a troll because I speak opposite of your silly superstitious beliefs. So be it. I will be labeled whatever you would like. Either way, I will eat your lunch. You have nothing to stand on. I have the truth. Where does that leave you? Talking out your ass as usual. None of you walking dead atheists can even agree with each other on ANYTHING. So I win once again!

xceptionalguysd, Sherdog.Net 48 Comments [3/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22372

Do you know that there is no such thing as an atheist? Its true friend, for if you were an atheist you would believe in absolutley, positively nothing, not even what you see in front of you or all around you. Atheist believe in absolutley nothing not even in the things that surround them. However, you friend are what they call an Agnostic. Which means you believe in what you see around you but you do not believe in a Higher Power, such as God.

Anonymous, help.com 56 Comments [3/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Missa

Quote# 22373

There are several appauling tricks atheists use to deny logic, but one of the most agregeious (sp?) is the use of strawman argument in relation to questions of origin.

Theist says: Where did the universe come from?

Atheist says: where did God come from?

Theist says: God did not come from anywhere God always was

Atheist says: that is special pleading.

That sounds like logic, but it's not. Its' plyaing with logic terms to get away with their own illogic. The truth is it's a straw man argument on their part.

they are insisting you must accept my straw man! It is so because it's not what we believe! you cant' call theistic belief "special pleading" because that's the belief itself. Now it could be used as special pleading at some point but this is not that point!

Metacrock, CARM 47 Comments [3/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 22376

My church recently visited the college, and many did not aprrove. They have very low dress standards. (Ex. Girls wear shorts to play volleyball in) I do not approve of that at all! I also don't agree with them competing with secular universities.
As far as guys and girls not walking together, and being in the same elevator, I do agree with their stand on that. I just don't see why they couldn't have those kind of standards in the rest of the college.

Bluegrass Girl, Teens4Christ 70 Comments [3/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: nakedliz

Quote# 22377

Do I think athiests would try to convert Christians? No. I think they would try to kill them, as they have in the past (The Pharisees who pretended to honor God, Rome etc.). Then again, if I am going to bring the Bible into this and follow its model, athiests would ONLY try to kill Christians if they evangelized... But seeing as that's a major belief of Christianity, yes, I could definately see mass murder taking place.

Preventer Wind, TeamXBox.com 22 Comments [3/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22378

A German woman judge has refused a Moroccan-born woman permission to file for divorce by interpreting the Koran as allowing husbands to beat their wives.

"This Moroccan woman has the same right to protection from a violent husband as any German woman. Anything else would be misconceived sensitivity to the benefit of the husband and would amount to racist discrimination against the wife," said the Tageszeitung daily.

The Central Council of Muslims in Germany also condemned the decision.

"The judge should have made a decision based on the German constitution instead of the Koran," said spokeswoman Nurhan Soykan, who said that violence and mistreatment, regardless of the gender of the victim, were also grounds for divorce in the Islamic world.

A court in the western city of Frankfurt on Wednesday upheld a complaint of bias against the judge lodged by the lawyer of the 26-year-old woman, who has two children.

The woman had filed for immediate divorce on the grounds that the husband, also of Moroccan origin, regularly beat her and threatened to kill her. The claims were backed up by a police report.

But the female judge, who has not been named, made clear in a letter that the wife's bid had little chance of approval because, according to her, Islamic law allowed a man to strike his wife.

German politicians from all parties were united in disgust at the judgement.

"When the Koran takes precedence over the German Basic Law, then I can only say: Good night Germany," Ronald Pofalla, the secretary general of the conservative Christian Democratic Union of Chancellor Angela Merkel, told Bild.

Hans-Christian Stroebele, of the opposition Greens, said the kind of abuse suffered by the woman should be punished by German criminal law.

female German judge (name not mentioned), Yahoo! News 19 Comments [3/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Gadren

Quote# 22305

I see a woman wearing pants or a man wearing a dress (or other women's clothes) as a sexual sin. It is crossdressing. This sin, as homosexuality, is a physical sin, but it is also a sin of confusing the genders. Literally, those who cross-dress are mixing up or confusing what God has created. The cross-dresser would tell you that he/she/it was not born with the correct anatomy. That person would say that he has the anatomy of a man but the spirit of a woman. That is the extreme. Some simply put on the garments of the other gender - a man wearing a dress or a woman dressing to look like a man. Regardless of the degree, the result is the same: a man wearing a woman's garment is an abomination and a woman wearing a man's garment is an abomination.

This sin goes back directly to the feminist movement - the movement where woman literally wanted to become as men in society. The movement where woman forsook their God-given role in the home, their role shaping the generations to come, so they could move into the role of men.

Bro. Randy, Teens-4-Christ 33 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Heather

Quote# 22306

["But don't all the other religions have faith in their gods? Why is our God special?"]

Because HE LIVES!!!

[Check out the rest of the thread too]

Mrs Lace, Teens-4-Christ 28 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: g$

Quote# 22312

How do we know true from false and right from wrong?
Some maintain that such things are a matter of opinion and, apart from human opinion, have no existence at all. This is obviously false to Christians.

There does exist true and false, right and wrong.
Yet how do we know which is which?
Humans disagree, societies disagree, even religions disagree. Is there any solid way of knowing true from false or right from wrong?

God and God alone determines true from false and right from wrong.
As He loves us, so He reveals true from false and right from wrong to us.
Yet many maintain that there is no such revelation, and so they argue over true and false, right and wrong, based on their thoughts, beliefs, opinions, feelings and those of other humans. In essence, many will maintain that the basis of and or only way of knowing true from false and right from wrong is the 'self'

As Christians we do not abide in our 'selves', nor follow our 'selves', nor determine true from false or right from wrong by our 'selves'.

Jesus Christ is the One in whom we abide and not another, even our 'selves'. He is the revelation of truth and righteousness.
So why do some Christians say "God has revealed homosexual acts are immoral", while others say "We, our 'selves', believe it is not immoral"? Which 'side' has its moral basis in God's revelation and which 'side' has its moral basis in the 'self'?

I tell you no church has ever blessed homosexual relationships through God's word but only by following popular opinion based on majority vote.

Full_Moon, Christian Forums 20 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 22313

God help us that we have so many in our world today who have bought the lie of evolution hook, line and sinker and want their children to grow up believing in same!

Who would've thought that a day would come when the Holy Bible's teaching would be referred to as something that prevented a child from learning what they "need to know?"

Who would've thought twenty-five years ago we'd see a day come when parents would be concerned that the minds of children could be "POLLUTED" by hearing a reference made to the Word of God in a classroom?

Michael G. Mickey, Rapture Alert 23 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 22315

In our school district in Alabama, our daughter is being exposed to so much persecution by hateful kids and so many lies that my husband and I don't know if we can undo all the damage. That is why we are desperately trying to get our visually impaired daughter caught up to grade level so we can put her back in a private school again and hopefully get away from some of this perversion, which includes AIDS education classes in 5th grade.

Anonymous, Rapture Alert 26 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22317

When adding evolution to God's creation, there are some things that need to be considered.

1) If evolution goes so well with God, why did Darwin have to recant his faith in order to write his theory? Can we do something the originator of evolution could not?

2) If evolution goes so well with God, then it should be used to bring people closer to God. And there should not be people losing their faith due to believing it.

3) Evolution should be used as a salvation tool, if it works so well with God. The preaching of it alone should draw people to the front of the church to get saved. But is this what we see?

4) Evolutionists argue that evolution is not a religion. But yet will accept someone who mixes both as one of their own. And will defend them in debates as well. Can a non-religous subject be combined with a religous one and work without turning the non-religous one into religion?

5) Evolution and God working together should not promote God hate sites like FSTDT.com

Added: 6) And if theistic evolution is ok, why is it such a problem that Darwin may have recanted it on his death bed so he could be right with God and go to heaven?

ikester7579, Evolution Fairytale 20 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 22319

Evolutionists are obsessed with skulls. In particular they love sticking thier noses down into rotting skulls with tape measures. Then these self-absorbed thinkers very carefully analyze the shape, size and contour of these skulls because they think they can make judgements on how intelligent someone was based on these measurements and observations. Neanderthals, for instance, despite being genecally 99.9% the same as modern humans, have been labled brutes and savages because they had big skulls with thick bones. Not only that, but some evolutionists say they were unable to even speak, and instead, resorted to making high squeaking noises -- I guess like some sort of dolphin or hyena or something. Of course, it was because they were so darn dumb that us "real" humans supposedly overpowered them and drove them into extinction. Afterall, who wants dumb people around? (This is despite the fact that there's absolutely no evidence of widespread killings or savage murders of Neanderthals.)

Seriously....reading the words of these people is just laughable. Listening to them go on and on about the specific dimensions and sizes of skulls, like these things have anything to do with the intelligence of the individual is just insulting. In fact, I truly do feel insulted for the person who's skull they are sifting through. How would you evolutionists like someone in the future digging through your skull and calling you sub-human or incapable of intelligent thought -- or saying you didn't know how to talk?

But my question to you evolutionists is this: What in the world would make you think that because someone has a different shaped skull that they cannot think as good as you can? And what does size have to do with anything? Evolutionists keep searching for "intermediate" skulls -- skulls that lie somewhere in between an apes' and a humans' for years now.

But if skull size meant anything at all, then why aren't gorillas much more intelligent that we are? And elephants? And hippos? A human is a human is a human. The human brain is a human brain no matter what size it is. You can be a tiny person such as a pygmy or you can be a giant. A giant, despite his large brain, is no more intelligent than a small person.

School kids, even the class dunce, could get this logic -- but evolutionists can't.

supersport, CARM 25 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22320

Do you recognize this statement and who made it?

"He who owns the youths, gains the future."

This quote is by Adolph Hitler. And if you read some history, Hitler created a massive army of Jew killer from German youths trained to be his soldiers. Now, how did he do it. By continual exposure to his(Hitler's pholosophy of life and who is worth this or that). We read the history and call it brainwashing and a angered by it and rightly so. But so how this same way of thinking is in the church and in our society when it comes to raising children. Somehow some churches, families, parents feel that raising their children in the nuture and admonition of the Lord is brain washing them. This maybe stretching it quite a bit, but just think and answer, why don't the church teach based on the statistical data the dangers of dating. What the church, family, parents do instead is tell a man or woman that they can take fire in their bosom and not get burned. These are the rules for dating? I, you, us can positively impact the dating stats, one way being the same a Hitler, teach our children when they are young the way they should go. Notice the results directly in the verse. And when they are old, THEY WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT.

No if God inspired this to be put in His word, then God must have a way for it to be done. And my example of Hitler shows that it can be done; although Hitler did evil, but he thought he was doing good.

kkll4ever, CARM 16 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22323

Al Gore is not promoting cleaner air and correcting global warming for the interest of preserving the world.

WMD warfare is more of an immediate threat than pollutions from factories. Why isn't he fighting a cause to eliminate nukes? All anyone has to do is push a button and we are all gonners. How many countries have the capacity to blow up this planet? Think abou that! But what is Gore doing? He's promoting to get huge profits from his own stock! Fact is, Global warming is the least of our threats or worries.

Relic, 123 Christian Forums 21 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22328

This just sounds to me like athiests trying desperately to preserve their anti-Christian fairytale that we apparently evolved from apes. if we really evolved from apes, then we would basically be the same species as apes, but we're more evolved, eh? so we would be able to empregnate them. Simple as that. Black people can empregnate white people, chinese people can empregnate arabs, border collies can empregnate poodles, but why can't people empregnate monkeys? Because we did NOT evolve from apes. No atheist can convince me. Maybe if someone fucks a monkey and gets it pregnant, maybe i will believe the fairytale of evolution.

James, Myspace 45 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 22329

Demonstrating the exact attitude the prophesied Antichrist himself will personify in the Tribulation Period to come, Richard Dawkins, author of the book "The God Delusion," is quoted in the article as saying, ""I am attacking God, all gods, anything and everything supernatural, wherever and whenever they have been or will be invented."

In Scripture, we see that the Antichrist to come will "exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done." (Daniel 11:36)

So, in this commentary, we see that those "seeking to increase the visibility and respectability of nontheistic viewpoints in the United States" are not just trying to earn a measure of respect for themselves and their viewpoints, their clear goal is to target the children of our land by spreading their anti-Christian intolerance on 25 popular teen websites. Those teens, Christians, should the Lord delay His coming, are the future Church. Thus, our mission is clear.

As the light of the world, the Church bears the responsibility to dispel darkness and that is precisely what we need to be doing in these final days.

Michael G. Mickey, Rapture Alert 25 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 22331

You seem to not understand evolution theory at all, or you are attempting to change it's meaning to support the lack of transitional forms in the fossil record. This is a typical evolutionist game. [...]

Losing bones and regaining them, as depicted in the bogus example provided by evolutionists, is perposterous. It suggests that a group of bones suddenly appreaded in one new form, then dissapeared in another, then reapeared again. This is contrary to evolution the9ry because it represents a step bacward, not to mention the perposterous mutation causing numerous bones to appear suddenly in specific locations twice in the same animal line.

Furthermore, since mathematical theses has shown that not only is evolution mathematically next to impossible, the time required, according to researched frequency of mutations, means that this dissapearing and reapearing of bones is impossible.

IronOne, Internet Infidels 12 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22334

My belief is that the world is round and does have four corners in some way.

Jake Wilson, facebook 46 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jeremiah

Quote# 22335

lol...this is very complicated even for me, I have done my research and I'm sticking to the fact that there are still dinosaurs around today...call me crazy or stupid but its what I believe

Charissa Anne Wallace, facebook 55 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jeremiah

Quote# 22336

[Concerning Pete Stark admitting his lack of belief in God]

He should be impeached and removed from office. Our founders thought so. Any man that believes in no higher authority than the laws of Man, is an amoral scoundrel and is unfit for public office.

ROLF of the HILL COUNTRY, Free Republic 40 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 22338

RHJunior, RHJunior Webcomics 31 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 22340

I agree with Gwen Shaw and Kenneth Copeland that man's blood is congealed light. I further agree that Jesus now has the Glory of God flowing through His veins. Gwen Shaw and Kenneth Copeland apparently agree on this point.

What I'm looking for is two things.

1. More scriptural support that man's blood is congealed light and that Jesus has the Glory of God flowing through his veins.

2. Any scientific studies, setatements by doctors, etc, that ther is scientific eviden that man's blood is congealed light.


My doctor's wife told me she had read in one of he husbands medical journals that there has been scientific research which supports the proposition that human blood was one real light which had for some reason been congealed. I can't find the article and my I my family doctor's wife is deceased. Gwen Shaw is the only person who I can find who makes reference to a scientific study. I have heard Copeland talk about this and I almost certain that he also used the term congealed light. I believe that the light of God's glory would be superior to light as we know it because the ability light in our Universe is by physical laws whereas the Glory of God would have no limitations.

Anyway, somewhere out there, there is some scientific research on the subject and I want to have a look at it if that is possible.

God Owned, Christian Forums 60 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 22341

["Evidence" against the Big Bang]


Creation vs Evolution, Youtube.com 9 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 22342

There is no evidence that anyone could present to me that could convince me God is not real. God himself could appear before me and try to prove to me he is not real and I wouldn't believe him either

yourcuteguy, Secularity 41 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5