Quote# 21271
What lies beneath the ice in Antarctica?
It is commonly speculated that Antarctica was once a tropical paradise. Imagine, for a moment, the possibility of great cities, frozen Nephilim, and technology greater than ours, lying preserved beneath the icy, Antarctic surface!
Taking this a bit further, I ask you to cast aside what you've been programmed to think, and consider the possibility that the Earth is, in fact, a hollow planet. Posted below is a crude, 2-dimensional representation of what I am proposing: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/bdw84/Hollow_Earth2.jpg [diagram of his idea]
The first layer (in blue) is the outer atmosphere of the Earth. The inner and outer crust (in green) of the Earth are collectively 1000 miles thick, with a thin layer of molten rock (orange) sandwiched in-between. This is the location of Hell, where the souls of the damned are imprisoned -- reserved for the Great and Terrible Day of Judgment.
<"supporting" bible quote>
Beyond that, there are many additional layers:
The inner crust itself, where paradise (Abraham's Bosom) was located. This is where the souls of the Righteous were preserved for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, at which point the souls were carried away into Heaven.
[more "supporting" bible quotes]
Jesus Christ spent three days in this heart of the earth.
Moving on...
The fifth layer, the inner atmosphere (blue), is held to the inner surface by centrifugal force. Beyond that lies the vacuum of space, separating the inner Earth from the inner star, which brings us to the conclusion of our marvelous journey! At the heart of the Earth is Solterra, which provides daylight and warmth to the inner world.
Christian Forums 56 Comments [2/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jeremy PC