Quote# 32169
Only in our day and age would a presidential candidate calling homosexuality a sin make big headlines. Huckabee called it right, and I hope he doesn't try to back peddle on it.
There also was a time when isolating aids carriers was thought to be a good idea. Aids is a political football. It used to be called GRID....gay related immuno deficienct desease. The gays didn't like that, so the name was changed.
Our blood supply is screened to avoid aids contaminated blood from corrupting the supply. So you can thus see the danger that is present.
Aids could be wiped out if only.......men would stop exchanging body fluids with each other.
But no. Man must have his perversion and then demand a treatment be developed for the consequences of his perversion.
The ones who need our help are those like children who accidentally receive aids tainted blood. Thus isolating aids carriers could eliminate this problem as well.
Rapture Ready 31 Comments [12/9/2007 12:09:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 6