Quote# 31403

The reason why homosexual women don't gets AIDS is because the female anatomy doesn't enable them to have homosexual "sex". Otherwise they would get it. Also, female homosexuality isn't punishable by death while male homosexuality is.

Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim, JTF Forum 42 Comments [11/20/2007 9:31:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 31404

I would burn every church to the ground in Israel. Israel is a JEWISH state ONLY.

newman, JTF Forum 40 Comments [11/20/2007 8:38:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 31392

Genesis is scientific....much more scientific than ToE.

guzman, foru.ms 33 Comments [11/20/2007 8:03:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 31391

I've never done anything occult but i look up that kind of stuff sumtimes. I heard that if u burn an ouji board it screams. Whoever hears it scream only has 36 hours to live. The proper way to dispose of it is to cut it into 7 pieces sprinkle it with holy water and bury it. So don't burn ouji boards.

Lee, ChristiaNet 52 Comments [11/20/2007 6:51:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 31385

Yep - if you want to buy slaves, and you are a believer, you'd better be treating them the way God says to.

ContentInHim, foru.ms 35 Comments [11/20/2007 11:11:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 31375

The only book that should be burnt or banned is the muSSlim-nazi koran.

newman, JTF Forum 38 Comments [11/20/2007 11:10:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 31376

[This is wrong on so many levels]

A 36-year-old man who married his teenage daughter, apparently after convincing his wife that he was carrying out divine instructions, kept the event under wraps for more than six months. Until, his 15-year-old daughter began showing signs of pregnancy.

Full article at:

Ali, Times of India 31 Comments [11/20/2007 9:48:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 31374

Burglery and theft would stop overnight if the government passed a bill that if somebody was on someone else's property illegaly the property owner could do whatever he wanted to them with complete legal and civil impunity. After the first few burglers had been hacked up with machettes or beheaded it would become a thing of the past.

newman , JTF Forum 68 Comments [11/20/2007 9:45:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 31380

Abe Lincoln was born in a dirt floor cabin with no plumbing -- and with no fancy, decorated nursery in which to sleep. Moses was set adrift on the Nile River by his mother. Christ was born to a teen-aged unwed mother in a stable with farm animals. If Planned Parenthood was around to counsel their mothers, these three guys would have been aborted.

Northwoods, News Hounds 45 Comments [11/20/2007 6:01:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Phil

Quote# 31373

I was an avid reader as a child, as my son is now. I do not allow him to read Goosebumps because it explores themes of witchcraft, mytholgy, etc.

*Sherrie* whew,that girl, MySpace 41 Comments [11/20/2007 6:01:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 31377

What's with all the damn faggot marches? Sydney, Jerusalem........?

Homosexuality is a fetish, a proclivity, a kink....nothing more. Why does it get its own parade? Why not have parades for all proclivities?

How about: a cross dressing parade; an incest parade; a bestiallity parade; a peodophile parade; adultery parade; amputation fetishist parade; S&M parade; german people who defacate on each other parade!!!!!

G-d help us. As for marching in Jerusalem, it's simply to give the finger to religious people. May the haredim hurt a few of those sodomites this year.

newman, JTF Forum 64 Comments [11/20/2007 5:47:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 31384

Humans have as much genes in common with chickens and iguanas as chimps it doesnt mean a thing to say we have genes in common and claim that as proof of your claims. God created all animals and man so it makes sense we have building blocks in common and making an excuse for the lack of transitional fossils doesnt mean they ever existed. There are no transitional fossils because there were no transitions between kinds

HeIsMySavior , FSTDT Forums 30 Comments [11/20/2007 5:40:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 31383

Atheistic dinosaurs

Worldviews affect conclusions very much when it comes to paleontology. One example is scansiopteryx. This feathered dinosaur had very long third fingers. Atheists see this as just another oddity in a world that they deny points overwhelmingly to creation.


^Just in case you're ignorant.

However, Christians see something entiraly different. They see one of the wondrous marvels of God's creation. It goes even deeper than that. Long fingers are very similar to spears, which angels have. Angels also have feathery wings. Based on theology, it is safe to suggest paleontologists angelic animals of company in China.

GentleChristianMommy, foru.ms 37 Comments [11/20/2007 4:01:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 31381

(Re: Homosexual Agenda) Definetely,especially when they drag society into the gutters with their filthy lifestyles and demonic sexual activities combined with their ruining of traditional family values.

You don't need an IQ of 135 to know that homosexuality is straight from satan himself ,where do you draw the line with gays and their rights?

Why is it that young kids are 'forced' to accept homosexuality is normal when its not, people accepting this gay is o.k society is part of the Sodom and Gamorah helpit and will ultimatly pay the price for it.

freedomwarrior, The Resistance 42 Comments [11/20/2007 1:27:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 31378

I'm in three minds about abortion:

1/ illegal for jews

2/ optional for christians

3/ MANDATORY for moslems

newman , JTF Forum 47 Comments [11/20/2007 1:27:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 31382

Thread: My professor is a LIAR!! (I think...)

I'm taking both a World Religions course and a Religions in America course this semester at ASU. Just last week we were going through Christianity in one of them and the professor pulled some garbage out of his hat that floored me...

The New Testament...Matthew written by Matthew, right? Mark, written by Mark? Luke written by Luke? John, written by John? Peter written by Peter, etc?

He says "No. They were written much later after these men would have been dead!"

He said that the gospels were written starting around 70AD and were written by others who simply gave them the names (Like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) as a sign of respect...not in deception since this was a custom at the time!

Me...I'm not buyin' it. He didn't mention where he got his sources from but indicated that this was "the agreement among historians today."

So...our children are being taught that the ONLY author of the New Testament who is who he says he is is Paul.

Jesus was probably illiterate...
And so were Peter and the rest...

's all I can do not to remind my professor that Jesus was in the temple wowing the rabbis when he was 12 years old...and that you DID NOT go into the Temple to preach/teach unless you were reading straight from the scrolls.

My children are only 5 and 1 but this is just another reason why I'll never send them to college (assuming God leaves us in this hell long enough) unless they've proven to me that they've got the extreme Christian grounding needed to survive the anti-God, leftist, liberal, tripe propaganda that will be thrown at them.

Angyl, Rapture Ready 58 Comments [11/20/2007 1:26:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 31366

[on Thanksgiving as a secular holiday]

In Christianity Today's Leadership Journal, Eric Reed decried a "thankless society" that has forgotten the holiday's putative religious significance. R. Albert Mohler Jr. of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary called the secular vision of Thanksgiving "empty and false" on the Washington Post religion blog, On Faith. And conservative Web site WorldNetDaily offers up Thanksgiving-themed magnetic bumper stickers that counsel, "Remember to thank HIM"—perhaps an admonition to those who would merely thank their lucky stars.

Eric Reed, Slate.com 33 Comments [11/19/2007 9:07:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 31369

When adding evolution to God's creation, there are some things that need to be considered.

1) If evolution goes so well with God, why did Darwin have to recant his faith in order to write his theory? Can we do something the originator of evolution could not?

2) If evolution goes so well with God, then it should be used to bring people closer to God. And there should not be people losing their faith due to believing it.

3) Evolution should be used as a salvation tool, if it works so well with God. The preaching of it alone should draw people to the front of the church to get saved. But is this what we see?

4) Evolutionists argue that evolution is not a religion. But yet will accept someone who mixes both as one of their own. And will defend them in debates as well. Can a non-religous subject be combined with a religous one and work without turning the non-religous one into religion?

5) Evolution and God working together should not promote God hate sites like FSTDT.com

ikester7579, Evolution Fairytale 36 Comments [11/19/2007 8:38:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 31367

(On the murders in Nassau of a college dean and fashion designer, both thought to be gay)
LOOK like some serious Judgement in the LAND MURDERING ALL THE SISSIES....

Bahamas Press, BahamasIssues 21 Comments [11/19/2007 8:29:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: AnarchyIsOrder

Quote# 31368

Austin Area Interreligious Ministries, the city's largest interfaith organization, announced Thursday that its annual Thanksgiving celebration Sunday had to be moved because Hyde Park Baptist Church objected to non-Christians worshipping on its property.

The group learned Wednesday that the rental space at the church-owned Quarries property in North Austin was no longer available because Hyde Park leaders had discovered that non-Christians, Muslims in particular, would be practicing their faith there. The event, now in its 23rd year, invites Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Bahais and others to worship together.

Austin Area Interreligious Ministries, -- 31 Comments [11/19/2007 8:26:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 31370

It is by faith... I fail to see how people belive theroys such as the big bang which break the laws of phisiscs.

randomperson12341 , foru.ms 46 Comments [11/19/2007 7:52:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: necroforest

Quote# 31371

[In response to the question of whether Huckleberry Finn was a better Christian than the apostle Paul]

Interesting post. Exodus 21:32 has YHWH telling us "If the ox gores a male or female slave, the owner shall give his or her master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned. "

This is important as God himself is setting a monetary value on human life, or at least that of a slave (this chapter is kind of like the fine print after the Ten Commandsments). Therefore, Paul's duty was to either return the slave to the owner or pay him 30 shekels of silver. I'd say Huck Finn was less of a Christian, because he did not give recompense to Nigger Jim's owner.

Art Franklin, Amazon.com Christianity forum 27 Comments [11/19/2007 7:51:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Nick L.

Quote# 31365

Well, some people claim you have "ape" DNA in you, it's not true. DNA corresponds to high level principles such as YHVH and the I Ching much more than it does to the contrived and man made theory of evolution.

Jake M, IIDB 36 Comments [11/19/2007 7:25:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 31360

[Another lesson from a college-level teacher of logic... RE: If the world must have had a creator, what created God?]

Every effect must have a cause and every creation has to have a creator, God is neither an effect, nor a creation, so does not have to have a cause or a creator. That's how it is explained in Logic at least.

The other reason this is so is that only something that actually has a beginning has to have something "cause" it, or "start" it. Since God is outside of time, He cannot have a beginning, by sheer definition because the term "beginning" is a slave to time. There is no "before" God, because He exists outside of time. Since there is no "before" God, He is self-existent, hence "I AM."

Kliska, Rapture Ready 37 Comments [11/19/2007 6:57:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 31364

All those who refuse to FORSAKE BABYLON are proud and stubborn and many will die in their sins, suffering the seven last plagues, as is just (Rev. 18:4-5).

Why are some in love with Roman wolves in sheep's clothing, whom both the Bible and history testify against as whitewashed paganism, counterfeit Christianity? May we all learn to love the Lord God of the Bible, the King of all Creation, and learn to hate that which He hates: the ABOMINATION OF THE RCC.

May we not resist this Light to return to traditional darkness (John 3:19-21), or we'll fall for the pope's tricks when he bewitches the masses with his sorcery and fights against true Christians - again! (2 Thess. 2:9-12). Don't let yourself be given over to a reprobate mind. Let Christ renew your mind and wash it by the water of the Word that can cleanse you of all the unclean doctrines and pagan practices of the unholy RCC, so help us God (2 Cor. 6:17).

For life-saving information on how to identify the true Church of God today mentioned in the holy Scriptures, revealed as following the example of Jesus and the early Church with their biblical practices (1 John 2:6), feel free to check out The Church Jesus Built and let the truth set you free!

David Ben-Ariel, Ezine Articles 25 Comments [11/19/2007 6:57:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
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