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Quote# 31476

Science can't prove how the Universe was created. Christianity can. It is much more believeable (at least to me) that there was a creator of the world rather than the world just appearing. And no, its not a pitiful strawman, its an argument that you would like to push aside since you do not know the answer.

Beanhole, Dreamviews Forums 43 Comments [11/23/2007 1:03:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 31473

Wikipedia has a lengthy entry on "Jesus H. Christ," a term that is an idiotic mockery of the Christian faith. Wikipedia calls the term "often humorous," "joking" and "comedic", and relishes in repeating disrespectful uses of the term, without admitting that the phrase is an anti-Christian mockery. Meanwhile, Wikipedia does not describe mockery of any other religion as "humorous".

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 38 Comments [11/22/2007 11:39:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 31468

How much longer will Darwinism be able to survive? If the Darwinian dogmas require politicians to be propagated in classrooms, it tells us Darwin is dead and so are his hypotheses. Darwinians must be in dispair now their ideas are completely overturned by the new biology. That Darwin's ideas are not in agreement with observations has been known since the release of "The origin of Species" and is currently being demonstrated on the molecular level. More and more scientists are tacitly turning away from Darwin's inventions. Scientists have wasted 150 years by following this 19th century naturalist.

Peter Borger, Nature 40 Comments [11/22/2007 11:39:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 31479

Mama and Papa fag and the little adopted fags at dinner:

"C'mon, Jonny......eat up all your feces or you won't get any semen for desert"

You people see nothing wrong with this scenario????

You're ALL sick!

newman , Fstdt! Comments 121 Comments [11/22/2007 11:38:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 31471

[On OT-laws that force rape victims to marry their tormentor:]

Consider the times: raped women were considered "Damaged goods" back then, and still are now in many countries. Even in developed nations, raped women are stigmatized; it was even more so back then.

Raped women would never get married if God didn't make thier attackers marry them. Furthermore, God punishes those men not only by ordering that they pay fines to the family of the girl, but those men are never allowed to divorce those women; this is regardless of how obnoxious, disobedient, fat or lazy she gets, and regardless of whether or not she refuses to have sex with him. And those men will never abuse her, because he's already been publically disgraced and labeled as a rapist, and already had to answer to her family; those men will not do anything to risk further humiliating themselves.

shinbits, ForU.ms 51 Comments [11/22/2007 11:12:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jane the Bane

Quote# 31470

hmm well if you noticed this was made by CBS!! an illuminati organization *hence the eye for their logo (appears in the right bottom corner)

DevonR, thewaythetruth.com 24 Comments [11/22/2007 11:01:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 31463

This weekend, when my husband and I went out to lunch, I did not grab a fortune cookie. After reading some comments here, I felt in my heart a conviction to leave them alone. Many thanks :-)

Kella3336, ChristiaNet 32 Comments [11/22/2007 10:40:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 31460


The other day, coming home I thought I saw a dog in the field so I slowed my car down to a creep. It was a doe...a beautiful baby doe. She lifted her head from eating and looked directly into my eyes for a full minute. THAT was God! IMO that was God showing off saying, "Take the time out to really notice what I have done." I must have sat there for a good 3 minutes before the doe took off, just weeping because of the beauty of what He's created and because He chose me to show this to.


sophie, Rapture Ready 59 Comments [11/22/2007 9:22:09 PM]
Fundie Index: -3

Quote# 31464

We are not our own for we are bought with a price. those things which are harmful to our bodies are forbidden us. most rock music has an anapestic beat. The easiest example is probably that song "We Will Rock You" that is played at hockey games. It has a pattern of weak, weak, strong beat. This beat is in contrast to the beat of the heart: strong, weak, weak. To get an idea of the result, beat out a heartbeat on a table and listen to that song. You will find it difficult to hold the beat. Even so the anapestic beat influences the body's natural rhythm and weakens your body

Jeremy, ChristiaNet 39 Comments [11/22/2007 9:12:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 31454

i am confused about the part when you say you are a Chatholic but you believe in evolution as well... ( not arguing just a question) if God created the universe then wouldnt adam and eve be monkeys?

Erin E. Vidovich, Amazon.com discussions 28 Comments [11/22/2007 4:28:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 31465

A friend of mine burps all the time. Another friend says that it is a demon coming out. Is this possible or is this utter non-sense?

Mackey, ChristiaNet 46 Comments [11/22/2007 3:18:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 31455

Dave states that evolution is pointless, without goal or purpose. This is what drives athiests to existentialism, bitterness, and early demise.

RJL, Amazon.com discussions 38 Comments [11/22/2007 3:13:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 31452

I would say America contains a number of solid believers, but at this point we are not truly a Christian nation as a whole. Statistics show that only 20% of Americans are in church on Sunday (or Saturday if you prefer). Few are discipled Christians who put God first. America is a big mission field that is in need of more missionaries to proclaim the good news.

E. Milligan, Amazon.com discussions 28 Comments [11/22/2007 3:12:16 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 31456

Most viewed pages on Conservapedia

1. Main Page? [1,915,214]
2. Homosexuality? [1,585,600]
3. Homosexuality and Hepatitis? [517,492]
4. Homosexuality and Promiscuity? [421,262]
5. Gay Bowel Syndrome? [395,496]
6. Homosexuality and Parasites? [388,657]
7. Homosexual Couples and Domestic Violence? [373,320]
8. Homosexuality and Gonorrhea? [331,726]
9. Homosexuality and Mental Health? [292,803]
10. Homosexual Agenda? [270,889]

Conservapedia statistics, Conservapedia 71 Comments [11/22/2007 2:10:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Nami

Quote# 31449

Regardless of whether the founding fathers calimes to be Christians or were deists, there is no denying that his nation was founded and achieved its singular position in history based on Judea o-Christian principles, and our decline is directly linked to our moving away from our dropping of "their superstitions" and embracing "knowledge and education instead of bigotry and intolerance", as you put it.

prophet joe, Amazon.com discussions 31 Comments [11/22/2007 2:06:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 31458

[RE: the "rock on" hand gesture]

It is a satanic gesture. It is as you describe it and the other fingers are folded inside. The meaning of this is the two fingers are the horns of a goat= satan and he has the other 3, representing the Father the Son and the Spirit, subdued.


I always feel a bit sick when I see someone making that sign. Someone may look nice or friendly but if you see that person making that sign you know where that person stands.

KarenB, Rapture Ready 45 Comments [11/22/2007 12:25:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 31444

Evolution: Doctrine of death
As we’ve discussed previously, evolution is a foundation for the humanist/atheist religions.
The Christian worldview presents a doctrine of life, with death an unwelcome intrusion due to sin. Death will be with us from Adam’s sin until the Day of Judgement.

The atheist/humanist/heathen/materialist worldview, based on evolution theories, present a doctrine of eternal death. Death always has been, is, and always will be. Death is part of the mechanism of creation via evolution. Death of the unborn is considered a positive thing for society. The tragedy for the atheist worldview is that it is a doctrine of death but with no explanation for death. This doctrine has been confirmed as doctrine of death by the blood of 150,000,000 people who have died due to atheist governments in the failed atheist 20th century. Death, death, death.

Doctrine of life offers life for eternity.
Doctrine of death offers hell for eternity.
You choose your destiny. No appeals. Blaming others won’t wash. Blaming scientific ideas won’t wash. The only thing that washes the sins away is the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

scarlets79, CARM 32 Comments [11/22/2007 2:57:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Scienceman123

Quote# 31447

Nov. 20, 2010
Letter From the Future
To the Resistance:

I'm writing this letter from prison, where I've been since the beginning of 2010. Since Hillary was elected in '08, Christian persecution in America has gotten even worse than we predicted.
[this is only the tip of the iceberg... ]

Janet Foldger, WorldNetDaily 82 Comments [11/22/2007 2:20:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 31448

[Why do atheists frequent religion forums?]

My theory regarding this is, that they are hoping someone will engage them in discussion and make a good enough argument that would dissuade them from their atheism, because deep down, they know what they are espousing is not truth.

S. Farrar, amazon.com discussions 33 Comments [11/22/2007 12:55:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 31446

I don't know of any highschooler ever get a chance to practice Theory of Evolution in the material sense, i.e. make a living out of it, by providing goods or services, but maybe in the moral sense "I'm bigger so I'll bully smaller kids and steal their money".

Just about any other school subject is more useful.

Let students have choices. Those who choose impractical subjects such as TE would have a handicap in life and by natural selection ....

T.Nguyen, Amazon.com discussions 37 Comments [11/22/2007 12:53:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 31442

Reply to Chockmah, #188

RE: I don't condemn anyone to hell

I sincerely want people of other religions to go to Hell. Why? Because I hate their guts? No. Because their going to Hell will validate my own religion. If Hell right this moment isn't populated with the likes of Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, and Roman Catholics; then I am in very big trouble I kid you not. So it's essential they go there; Yes: I desperately want them there.

ex_catholicman, Beliefnet 55 Comments [11/22/2007 12:36:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Skyfire

Quote# 31433

You retards are missing the point as usual.

States with higher rates of armed citizenry DO have less crime. (Where would you rather walk at 2AM, DC or Arizona?)

Secondly I am advocating more than mere self-defense. I'm advocating that home owners be able to treat home invaders the way John Wayne Gacy (the killer clown) treated his victims. That WILL stop home invasions. Fear works.

newman, Fstdt! Comments 68 Comments [11/22/2007 12:33:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 31436

[Comment left on an article in Nature, the UK's premier science journal...]

Let's look at simple facts: is it really scientific to teach a theory that relies on Random Big Bangs, Chance chemical soup & Trillions of genetic mistakes turning hydrogen into you & i?! 'In the beginning God created the heavens & the earth': a 'round earth', 'hanging on nothing', in 'stretched out' space, where the 'sun circuits the heavens', & everything only reproduces 'After its Kind' - now that's observable science, written down under inspiration some 700 to 2000 yrs ago. What you should be doing is teaching how to think, not what to think.

Philip Snow, Nature.com 25 Comments [11/22/2007 12:16:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 31439

And then there was a bunch of nonsense that assumes Gallieo was the first to invent the telescope......

Neptune was known for thousands of years by many cultures

Jake M, iiDB 27 Comments [11/22/2007 12:15:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 31441

You can't have morality without God. Being an Atheist just so you can sin and do as you please is an eternal evil..

Unknown, I Am An Atheist 33 Comments [11/22/2007 12:03:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
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