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Quote# 30510

California is not the worst place on Earth they may just be a little more open about it.

But if God was singeling them out and no else and is not ending the world maybe He just loves them more and is disciplining them.

DRS, hannity forum 28 Comments [10/28/2007 5:51:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 30509

most of the loudest and strongest anti-christianity groups are in calif.
hands down, relative to the bible, calif is the most decadent state we have.
calif burning...

coincidence or example?

tarhead mugwump, hannity forum 32 Comments [10/28/2007 4:43:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30515

Before I was saved and I'm ashamed to say, for a time shortly after I was saved, I could have sung you any country song on the radio word for word. I've always been attracted to musical things...There came a time in my life after being saved that I was convicted and realized country music DID NOT glorify God. Your beliefs and values come from the things you associate with. Music especilly can have a profound effect on a person. The devil was a musically inclined angel the Bible tells us. Any coincidence that he's the "prince and power of the air?" What goes over the air? RADIO AND TV!!! I'm not saying the radio is bad...I go to a church that owns and opperates a wonderful radio station that I keep playing all day...I'm all for godly music. But I am NOT for music that dishonors the Lord...and songs about cheating wives and drinking DO NOT glorify the Lord. This is why I trashed the country music...and then set the trash can on fire...and no I'm not joking...

IFBaptistGirl, Teens-4-Christ 49 Comments [10/28/2007 4:40:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30511

if rational beliefs are based on scientific method which uses empirical data and at the same time pi is known to be an "irrational" number can it still be said that basing your beliefs on science is rational?

just a thought that occured to me - not a shot at any one group. thanks.

dr h lecter, Yahoo! Answers 36 Comments [10/28/2007 4:27:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: David

Quote# 30512

As a Christian, I challenge all atheists to stop borrowing all their tools from the God of the Bible and make your case without using logic, universals, induction, morality, or your minds. When you can do that, I'll take your claims seriously. Until then, every protest you make only proves what you are trying to deny. I am Doug Powell and I am proud to fail The Blasphemy Challenge.

Doug Powell, youtube 43 Comments [10/28/2007 4:18:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: jellobiafra79

Quote# 30501

"But since all mutations are harmful rather than beneficial, we would more likely produce a couple of deformed humans instead of all of becoming the supermen that evolution supporters say we’ll become."

(All mutations are not harmful Einstein. Learn a little before you spout off retarded shiat. Have you ever heard of an antibiotic resistant virus?)

"That isn’t exactly what I would call a beneficial mutation. A simple adaptation to one’s environment is not evolution in any sense. Would you call snow rabbits getting a winter coat (and then losing it) evolution? How about a chameleon changing its color to blend in to the environment? You see the problem with your reasoning."

Alien Syndrome, FARK 24 Comments [10/28/2007 1:28:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30504

[The OP is about lying. Is it okay to lie, if you are lying about homosexuals?]

God forgives liars. God hates homosexuals. If it prevents people from becoming homosexual, or criminalizes the act, then yes. Whatever it takes to get these people to see God.

Gipper, Foru.ms 29 Comments [10/28/2007 1:21:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Trovore

Quote# 30498

Have any of you ever had a young son or daughter or mabye grandkid defend homosexuality.
and at the same time sort of look down on you like your unenlightened.

The reason I ask is because i have a friend who's daughter has a friend with 2 mommies.
And a conversation about that one time.an adult Christian was saying it's wrong because the bible says it's wrong.
And the 11 year old girl basically rebuked the adult and Defended Homosexuality in a very haughty way that just Floored me.
I mean this little kid actually believing that she has the high moral ground by standing for homosexuality is madness to me.

turtle, Rapture Ready 60 Comments [10/28/2007 12:58:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 30496

I started writing this book in June, 2006 because I did not want Hillary Clinton to be my slavemaster. At the time, the conspiracy as I saw it was that the Clintons poisoned the blood with HIV but the press didn't seem to care. After months of research I came to realize the Clintons were but a small part of a Secret Jewish War Against Humanity that rages all around us, and Clinton's poisoning of the blood was only a part of the man-made AIDS pandemic. As my research advanced, the book evolved into Christianity's reply to Karl Marx's Communist Minifesto, created by a few mass murderers at an Armageddon Orgy 150 years ago in Germany. My hopes for this book are that the media will finally start covering the issues that many of us who get news from the web have known about for years. I also want people to STOP reading what Matt Drudge (a Jew) has to say, and START learning about the breadth of the Secret Jewish War Against Humanity with a daily visit to www.judicial-inc.biz. Good luck and God Bless You!

[long incoherent "enemies list"--worth the read--and instructions for donating to his "cause" follow]

Robert J. Antonellis, Robert J. Antonellis 53 Comments [10/28/2007 12:46:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Laurel

Quote# 30499

Jawbones and eyebrow ridges never stop growing..it is likely that "neandrathals" where just humans pre-flood. Humans lived longer then for various reasons and they would have appeard more neandrathal like given their age. It's all about having a Biblical world view when examining science so that it makes sense...someone with a Biblical world view would have already guessed that the brain structure and size would have been similar if not identical to today...

jds6958, Rapture Ready 38 Comments [10/27/2007 8:49:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Christopher Lee

Quote# 30497

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Sixteen state lawmakers have joined Rep. Rex Duncan, R-Sand Springs, in refusing a gift copy of the Quran.

The holy book of the Muslim religion was offered as a centennial gift by the Governor's Ethnic American Advisory Council, made up of American Muslims from Middle East countries.

Duncan refused, saying, "Most Oklahomans do not endorse the idea of killing innocent women and children in the name of ideology."

Rep. Rex Duncan, Tulsa World 47 Comments [10/27/2007 7:25:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: TB Tabby

Quote# 30485

I'm not a parent but this would be something I could get really mad over.
The Homosexual gastopo is one thing.
But what of the thousands of law enforcement and social workers who may or may not be homosexual's.
They are the ones forcing these new Law's in certain places like Cali and where ever.

It's the same situation at Gay parades.
Homosexuals are the protected ones.
Protected to be as vile as they want to be and Christians are arrested for holding sighns with scripture on them.

But when its all said and done and the police have enforced the law.
and the Christians are in Jail and the Homosexuals are laughing and jeering with glee.
Little Innocent Children are left confused and bewildered.

turtle , Rapture Ready 41 Comments [10/27/2007 7:10:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30488

Why is California burning so badly that the entire sky is glowing red? Could it be because the Lord is less than happy with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent actions? From a strictly scriptural point of view, I would say, "Possibly!" [...]Do these verses establish biblical precedent for us to at least suspect that Governor Schwarzenegger's recent forwarding of the homosexual agenda in California has brought God's judgment upon its lands? Yes. Without a doubt.

Could it be that what we are presently seeing on the national news is California spewing out many of its inhabitants as a result of same? Quite possibly but only God knows for sure if that's the case.

Michael G. Mickey, Rapture Alert 31 Comments [10/27/2007 7:09:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 30491

Philadelphia may be called "the city of brotherly love" for more than one reason - that reason being that brother-on-brother love is so honored that those who don't approve of it may be punished, even if they are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent in every other manner.

That's right, former Boy Scouts. Philadelphia is so desperate to be homosexual-friendly it is punishing the Boy Scouts of America![snip}

When cities start beating up on Boy Scouts, the end of the Age of Grace surely must be drawing near.

Michael G. Mickey, Rapture Alert 29 Comments [10/27/2007 7:01:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30480

I feel the HOLY SPIRIT will glorify us with an indescribable, electrifying vibrating power ....but all in a twinkling of an eye..I feel the power of this worldwide electrifying change will knock out the power around the world...then the HOLY SPIRIT and JESUS will gently, but powerfully sweep us up in the air where the clouds are ....our glorified bodies most likely wont be subject to the law of gravity...JESUS will be our love magnet and we will be drawn up into HIS loving arms

CHRISTinCheryl, Rapture Ready 41 Comments [10/27/2007 3:50:11 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 30486

You're exactly right. Pray that he comes like "yesterday", because when they start telling me that I have to promote homosexuality to my children, they'll be putting me in jail.

This is unbelievable, and the foster system will go downhill quickly, if they continue to go this route. How many foster parents are Christian? I'd bet the majority are.

HisAlways, Rapture Ready 21 Comments [10/27/2007 3:49:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30490

These fires broke out right after Arnolds foolish actions along with that gay festival and the horrible advertisement mocking the last supper etc...This and not to mention that California/Hollywood with the YUCK it brings to our whole nation.

Our God is a just God.

saved and filled , Rapture Alert 23 Comments [10/27/2007 3:49:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30492

Have you ever wondered how the boy scouts won their case for not having homosexuals in their groups? It was because they had huge amounts of evidence that proved that whenever a homosexual was allowed in a group someones innocence was violated. Some groups allowed it for the sake of tolerance and they got burned. But it gave the Boy Scouts the evidence they needed to prove that you cannot let someone of questionable morals around impressionable young people. There was not one case where a homosexual in a group kept his hands off!!! I pray the Boy Scouts never cave in and continue to stand firm.

DianeKY, Rapture Alert 30 Comments [10/27/2007 3:49:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30489

[Blog Title : California Is Burning]
Could it be due to the fact our Sec. of State is now in the middle east requiring Israel to give more land and also the dividing of Jerusalem?
As we make demands on Israel to move Jews from their homes so God may require a number of Americans to do the same, such as happened two years ago in New Orleans at the same time due to pressure from America Israel was physically removing jews from the Gaza strip.

Larry, Rapture Alert 18 Comments [10/27/2007 3:48:54 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 30450

Germs are something humans can manipulate ever hear of germ warfare??

Demons are beings far superior to any Human in knowlege.So Obviously would be able to create weapons superior to humans weapons and use for their purposes.

So germ/viral possession or infection can actually be the same as
demonic possession. There are different degrees of this as there are to anything .

Carey, for.ums 26 Comments [10/27/2007 3:36:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 30483

Claim that Hilary Clinton Presidency is Motive for Huge New Abortion Centers
Life Dynamics says ailing abortion industry relying on 'universal health care' to jack up profits

By Meg Jalsevac
DENTON, Texas, October 26, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - According to Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics, the abortion industry in America, particularly abortion giant Planned Parenthood (PP), is experiencing both a financial and a service demand crisis. In an entry entitled "On the Trail to Rodham and Gomorrah" on his Life Dynamics blog, Crutcher asserts that abortion providers are looking to the likes of Hillary Clinton to bolster the floundering abortion industry.

Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics, LifeSite 23 Comments [10/27/2007 3:33:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: never been there

Quote# 30470

I pay no heed to fables. My Creator has written me a letter of love. I read that and heed Him. He in turn gives me love, joy, peace, patience, knowldege, wisdom and He blesses me with success and prosperity and health. When I have trials, I can rely on Him to teach me, protect me, arm me, fight for me, and rescue me.

I can't ask for more!

Floatingaxe, ForU.ms 29 Comments [10/27/2007 3:32:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 30459

[Aliens are really the "sons of God" or fallen angels spoken of in Genesis 6 according to this guy]

It is odd the apparent connection between so-called UFO “alien abductions” and sex. Turn to Scripture. What is going on? Why such a connection? In Old Testament times, they disguised themselves as false gods. If they wanted to trick modern (oh yeah, and really sophisticated, ahem!) humans, how could they disguise themselves?

pabramson, CSE blogs 19 Comments [10/27/2007 3:30:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30487

I trust the FDA about as much as I would trust the Anti-Christ himself! Over 30 years ago, they KNEW for fact, that petro based additives in our foods was causing adverse reactions in children, they swept it under the rug and today we have an entire generation of children who just can't be parented--think ADHD, hmmm sounds like what the bible says about children being rotten to their parents in end times. A recent study out of England in the Lancet has proven that these are causes of ADHD, and in all of the US media, it has been concluded that we can't take them out of our food, because it would bankrupt the nation!
We know for fact, that mercury is dangerous and yet it was still in all of our vaccinations until 2000, when docs were allowed to use up their supply. It is still in the flu shots today.
The FDA is all about money, only this time, they are again playing into the hands of the End of Days.
Come Lord Jesus, Come!

Maryellen, Rapture Alert 28 Comments [10/27/2007 3:27:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30477

[on blacks who vote for Democrats]
By being Democratic, they're siding with the KKK.

msoftburney, GameSpot 32 Comments [10/27/2007 3:23:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: ninjacat11
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