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Quote# 30615

The #1 worldly thing the Lord Jesus Christ saved me of is Halloween. I used to really be into it. For at least the last twelve years I have hated it. I have a stash of Jack Chick "Halloween" tracts (Boo!, Little Princess, etc.) and I leave a pile of 'em on the stoop of my apartment building. I don't answer the door. I don't go to Halloween parties any more and I refer to 31 Oct as "Satan Day" whenever anyone brings up the subject. I actually hope I offend my neighbors with the tracts, but it hasn't happened yet...

DavidNR, Rapture Ready 47 Comments [10/30/2007 5:02:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: bunbuns

Quote# 30616

Hey summer, are you going to put your atheist gestapo on me so I can't have any more kids?

Too late anyway, I already have 4 kids and none of them is going to grow up being a queer lover. Face it, we're out producing you and pretty soon, we're going to end all this atheist,queer-loving, bible denying, mix-race supporting, baby killing, women-working rebel-rousing.

We'll set things right, even if it means converting a few of you at gunpoint (or on a bonfire).

Wrightbrigade, FSTD Comments 73 Comments [10/30/2007 4:52:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30603

Also at stake are the morals of our children, because if evolution is true, there are no moral absolutes and only the strongest have a right to survive. If evolution is true, abortion, euthanasia, pornography, genocide, homosexuality, adultery, incest, etc., are all permissible.

Kent Hovind, Kent-hovind.com 53 Comments [10/30/2007 3:39:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30608

Ever Notice how Hollywood and the ACLU wants to remove GOD and anything about GOD and Jesus Christ ....and the Bible and all morality from this world. This IS their agenda...because they believe there is no Christian God.

Here is the next question then. IF they DO NOT BELIEVE THAT GOD AND JESUS CHRIST EXISTS.......WHY are they cursing only HIS NAME in every film? I mean they actually have to go out of their way to have it written into the movie Script and direct the actors to say it!!!! They curse both God and Jesus....but never Mohammad.....never any other god or gods ......never ......just God and Jesus......the very God they say DOES NOT EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do they look a little bit foolish to you when they spend all this extra money to make sure those curses at God and Jesus (the God they don't believe exists) are in every film?

For the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers.

Racheal59, Rapture Ready 27 Comments [10/30/2007 3:39:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 30599

Obedience from children should be unquestioned. A parent's directive does not have to be reasonable to the child in order to be obeyed.

Roy Lessin, stoptherod.net 39 Comments [10/30/2007 1:42:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30584

Beer is 100% LIQUID DEVIL! In Revelation 21:8, the word "sorcerers" is translated from the Greek "pharmakeus," which means "a drug, i.e. a spell-giving potion; a druggist (pharmacist) or poisoner." Interestingly, the modern word "pharmacy" comes from the SAME Greek root word as does the word "sorcerer." Thus, there has always been a direct connection between demonic possession and substance abuse. People throughout history who have entered the occult have abused alcohol and drugs to increase their levels of occultic consciousness. The taking of alcohol or drugs is absolutely essential to the practice of witchcraft and Satanism.

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior.com 91 Comments [10/30/2007 1:37:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 30593

The threat of stoning if someone is not a virgin, I mean, if girls had that today they would be much less likely to be promiscuous. How many problems are caused in our society simply because of the immorality we have?

Kent Hovind, Kent-hovind.com 72 Comments [10/30/2007 1:37:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 30591

Just get everyone of our soldiers over there in Iraq right now, dip your bullets in pigs blood. Let it be known, "Guys, we're here to help your country, we really are. We're not the bad guys. We'd like to help. You guys have a problem. We got rid of your evil dictator and we would like to see you rebuild a decent country so you can enjoy life. However, if you're going to shoot at us, we're going to shoot back, and you're not going to get to go to Heaven and forget those 72 virgins because they are not going to be there because we've got pigs blood on all of our bullets". Get your hollow point bullet. Put a little pigs blood inside and fill 'em with wax and just carry them with your from now on. And if anyone shoots at you shoot back. And I guarantee it would stop the violence in Iraq in thirty seconds.

Kent Hovind, kent-hovind.com 41 Comments [10/30/2007 1:37:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 30597

For myself, it took a while to see the importance of using a rod. Now that my children are older, they have told me that they respected and feared the rod more than anything else I ever used for spanking. It should also be noted that there may be times when spanking with a rod can leave marks on a child's bottom, especially if several spanking are needed within a brief period of time. However, these marks are temporary and should not become a source of discouragement to parents. It is better for children to carry a few temporary marks on the outside than to carry within them areas of disobedience and wrong attitudes that can leave permanent marks on their character.

Roy Lessin, stoptherod.net 37 Comments [10/30/2007 1:12:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30590

From an old grandfather, if one of my granddaughters comes through with a tattoo, she’s got a lot of trouble. No, seriously, the Bible does talk about scarring and marring of the body and cutting the body. These are pagan customs, and the Bible condemns it. All these scars, you look in pagan cultures, they cut themselves. They leave great scars in their bodies. And usually it was a scarring to indicate their allegiance to some pagan deity. So that’s what tattoos are all about. Plus the fact, they’re ugly.

Pat Robertson, CBN 42 Comments [10/30/2007 12:43:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30594

The girly boy pansie he she sissy feminine softy man disease prevents pervert homos from seeing God has commanded his children to judge the wicked. The she he whorish lezbos and the girly men homosexuals teach the false doctrines I addressed in a previous post. This underscores my point. I posted the verses below in a previous post under this thread but yet still, the girly boy men and the he she manly lezbos still refuse to accept the whole counsel of God's word. Jesus called the lot of them "dogs" in Revelation 22:15. It is an accurate description because dogs eat their own fecal piles and the fecal piles of other dogs, have intercourse with young puppies, roll around in filth, driven by lust and mate in packs and hump even many other male dogs in large groups, and are driven to wallow in vile trash. It is no accident God chose the animal, the "dog", to describe the lifestyle of homosexuals.

revdaneeidson, CARM 61 Comments [10/29/2007 11:59:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: little_white_wonder

Quote# 30588

"[The Rainbow Brite] cartoon series is laden with occult symbolisms. Rainbow Brite lives in Rainbow Land with her friends, the Color Kids, and Sprites, the happy little workers who manufacture Star Sprinkles... The very basis for this series, the rainbow, also causes concern for many Christians. Although many people collect rainbows, primarily for their colored beauty, few realize their significance. According to the Word of God, rainbows are a symbol of God's everlasting covenant that He never again would destroy the earth by flood. But for New Agers, those who uphold the tenets of the New Age Movement or Humanism, the rainbow holds a different meaning. New Agers use 'rainbows to signify their building of the "Rainbow Bridge" (antahkarana) between man and Lucifer who, they say, is the over soul.'...Humanism is contradictory to God's Word. Thus, any toy or cartoon series that employs symbolisms from the New Age Movement is also in contradiction to Scripture."

Phil Phillips, Pagan Protection Center 33 Comments [10/29/2007 11:53:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30574

[Luke 17:22]

it means that these people who insist on forcing little kids to eat the filth of
homosexual indoctrination have a worse fate than having millstone tied around their necks and thrown in the ocean.

turtle , Rapture Ready 20 Comments [10/29/2007 11:41:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30578

Some people claim that Martin Luther King Jr. was not a Communist, even though he did everything possible to promote the Communist's agenda. That's like saying that Hitler was not a murderer because he didn't actually do the killing. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist! Martin Luther King was affiliated with 60 Communist Fronts. He openly incited violence under the banner of "nonviolence." King led a bizarre sex life which included acts of shocking perversion. On Jan. 31, 1977 Coretta Scott King obtained a federal court order sealing for 50 years 845 pages of FBI records about her husband, "because its release would destroy his reputation!" Still a cowardly, spineless Congress voted to make King's birthday a national holiday. This is should be an outrage to all Christians. The King Holiday act must be repealed!

The life story of Martin Luther King is shocking and disgraceful from beginning to end. He was born with the name Michael King on Jan. 15, 1929. In 1935 his preacher father, "Daddy" King, decided to name himself after the great Protestant reformer Martin Luther. He announced to his congregation that henceforth he was to be called Martin Luther King and his son Martin Luther King, Jr. "Daddy" King never bothered to have this act legalized in court. Thus, his son's real name is Michael King! The holiday should actually be called Michael King Day!

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior.com 42 Comments [10/29/2007 11:40:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 30577

There are an estimated 500 Elvis fan clubs around the world. There are Elvis impersonators by the hundreds, if not thousands. Even decades after the death of Elvis, he is still worshipped as a god by the multitudes. I even found the photo to the left portraying Elvis as a christ. The Elvis fan craze is nothing less than blasphemous idolatry. The Graceland mansion in Tennessee still rakes in millions of dollars each year from visiting Elvis fans from all over the world. It is sickening! Given the title of "King of rock n' roll," Elvis certainly lived up to the sexually degenerate term. Elvis was NO hero amongst bible-believing, Christ-honoring Christians. Elvis' music was a Trojan horse to America's youth, desensitizing them to the evil's of Hellish rock n' roll. In case you don't know, the term "rock n' roll" originated from a godless radio DJ in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was a slang term used to describe sex. Elvis was a sexually degenerate whoremonger who wasted his life in sin. Tragically, Elvis influenced millions to join his revolution of rebellion. Elvis was a heathen!

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior.com 45 Comments [10/29/2007 9:44:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30570

ive seen lots of women breast feeding in public...

decent women who put a blanket over the general area so it was private and not a public specticle.

those women I can respect.

but without the blanket... shes putting on a show for every sicko man.

thats the reality... men are pigs.

she knows it.

she should of covered up.

Mosheh Thezion, Sci Forums 46 Comments [10/29/2007 9:43:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30592

You can demand that your school cut out the pages with false information. Get the textbooks down; show them where the information is false, the horse evolution, the gill slits, and all this kind of stuff. See? Look, just cut the pages out. How many of you would help cut the pages out so it wouldn't cost the school a thing? You would do it for free. Go to your school and help cut the pages out. Would you do that? Come on, put your hand up. Let me see if you are willing to volunteer. Doesn't cost the school a thing. Right? Now, textbooks are expensive. They don't need to buy a whole new textbook. Just cut those pages out. Very simple! Won't cost them a thing. Or you can do like a principal in Georgia did: glue the pages together. He got all of the pages where they teach evolution and glued them together. One summer he did that. He didn't ask any questions, he just did it.

Kent Hovind, Kent-hovind.com 37 Comments [10/29/2007 9:34:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 30572

[explaining why people are gay]

As computer ownership and usage become more widespread amongst young and impressionable kids, grooming by these perverts becomes a lot easier.

Tara J, Yahoo Answers 28 Comments [10/29/2007 9:29:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Zoe

Quote# 30563

I don't see how the genie is gonna be put back in the bottle....

I look for the Battle of Gog and Magog next, though I always felt that the rapture could be a catalyst for this battle. With the U. S. crippled due to the millions missing and the resulting confusion of the rapture, what better time for Gog to strike Israel. With Russia and her allies destroyed by God, Israel rises to prominence. Then the a/c steps in to calm down the ones left behind.

It looks to all be on the horizon.

Watch Persia (Iran) and Putin very closely.

Cameron, Rapture Ready 28 Comments [10/29/2007 9:05:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 30562

I wonder a lot what role children (those raptured or who have died before the age of accountability) will play during the millenium and in eternity future. I have two small children under 3 and as fast as things are moving prophetically, they may never reach the age of accountability and have the chance to personally accept Christ as Savior.

For a while I felt like I wanted the Lord to wait to come back until after my boys accepted Christ because there are rewards (bema seat) and blessings that I didn't want them to miss out on if we get raptured before they got to that point. I've come to a great peace about it recently and know that God has a plan for them whether we are rapture out of here sooner than later. I've also come to the realization that I really don't want my children to lose their innocence in this fast deteriorating world.

metroames, Rapture Ready 25 Comments [10/29/2007 8:40:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 30560

I wonder what an American or a Brit would get to eat in a Muslim prison? Worms? Stale bread with maggots on it? Cry babies! Shut up and eat the ham! You won't die and it won't keep you out of heaven. Not knowing Jesus will. It's not what you eat that makes you unclean but the denial of Him in your heart. It takes tough love to reach hard hearts. Repent of your unbelief and be saved.

SpinBuster, World Net Daily 37 Comments [10/29/2007 5:01:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 30565

[Trick or Treat]

We're ready! We ordered some tote bags that say "Jesus Loves you" and 100 Bibles. We put the Bibles, a Salvation bookmark, some tracts with puzzles, and candy in the tote bags. Last year it was very awkward trying to stick a Bible in each kid's pumpkin (they don't fit!) and I'd end up just handing it to them. ...

Say what you will about Halloween, it's an excellent witnessing opportunity, and I love to see the kids' faces light up when you hand them the candy and Bible! They think the candy is the best thing they're getting, and I know I'm giving them something a lot better and more important.

tygerkittn, Rapture Ready 60 Comments [10/29/2007 5:00:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 30558

One of the biggest problems with pro-abortionists is that they are in denial about the fact that life begins at conception. To try and counter this misconception, ask pro-choicers the following question:

Should parents have the right to abort a foetus based purely on its sex?

Most, especially strong feminists, will indignently say "of course not; that's outrageous!"

But, hey, pro-choice is pro-choice- you either support it or you don't- so if a mother decides to abort purely on the basis of gender, then what business is that of anyone else?

Another question to ask is:

Should parents have the right to discard their foetus a day before it is due to be born?

Again, the answer is usually an outrageous "Of course not!!".

And my answer is similar: abortion is not murder ONLY if you believe that life begins at birth (that is, not at conception). So whether a foetus is one second old or 9 months minus a day old isn't relevant if you believe in pro-choice.

The Chinese have it right: the birthday of a person is measured by when they were conceived, not by when they were born.

servant222, Foru.ms 53 Comments [10/29/2007 8:18:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 30557

Actually I do not believe in mental illness, it is caused by demon activity. The demonically tormented person might hear some voices from evil spirits, in most cases they introduce themselves as one of the loved one's or family members that has already passed away. Evil spirits may appear to the person as ghosts or even ugly creatures causing a lot of fear and anxiety. Evil spirits usually touch, beat, choke, accuse and assault during the day or rape the victim during their sleep causing nightmares. Usually tormented person is embarrassed to share his/her problem with others because people may think of him/her as one "with a screw loose or living in cloud cookoo land." This is beyond the understanding and help of the medical profession or psychologists. They may say it is caused by chemical imbalance. Medicine has no solution for this type of illness except offering medication which leads one to drowsiness and being semi-conscious. A Possessed Person needs the occult curses to be broken and the trouble making demons cast out in the mighty name of Jesus, through the ministry of deliverance.

Monstrosity and deaf mutes are dominantly due to the curse(s) which are passed down the generations

Bonnie, Bonnie's Lounge 39 Comments [10/28/2007 11:46:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30549

Note how the forging bgot is pretending that jews are an "innocent
group". Nothing could be further from the truth. Jews have been
responsible for the spread of commumnism, pornography & abortion,
amongst other things.

Susan, alt.gossip.royalty 31 Comments [10/28/2007 11:45:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
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