Quote# 29484

[Someone being homosexual does not harm others.]

ah, same old same old.
homosexuals contravene the process of pro-creation. so they are in effect reducing population figures, and thus killing people.

Internet Junkie, Myadsl (philosophical subforum) 77 Comments [10/1/2007 2:28:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: cyghost

Quote# 29481

Homosexuals should be executed if they continue to live in rebellion to God's law. Everyone deserves a second chance to clean themselves up , but if it continues then Leviticus states that it is an abomination in God's sight and they must be executed..

Renton405, Foru.ms 54 Comments [10/1/2007 12:18:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Trovore
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