Quote# 29815

[Explaining the rationale behind Jehovah's Witnesses rejecting blood transfusions]

As for the blood transfusions, in the Bible it speaks of blood 400 times in the Hebrew Scriptures alone. Genesis 9:3, 4 says: “Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. Only flesh with its soul—its blood—you must not eat.” Of course, this has nothing to do with transfusions, but it is but one example of how God did not want his people of old having anyhting to do with blood.

_gonzalez, MPA Network 27 Comments [10/9/2007 7:03:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Icestorm

Quote# 29821

I believe he is a Muslim at heart. He was raised by a Muslin father, we are told a child's mind is formed in it's ideas in the first two years of life. We all know how Muslim's indoctrinate their kids about JEWS and GENTILES, why would his upbringing been any different?

Removal of the USA lapel pin. Obama does not support the war, now why? He is a Muslim plain and simple. His elegance is to his (false religion) not to the USA. Obama removed the pin to show other Muslim's were his elegance is, people are afraid to call him on this, cause they don't want to offend Muslim's.

Well I not...Mr Obama you were raised as a Muslim and indoctrinated by a Muslim. This makes you a Muslim, all the terrorist attacks have been by Muslim's. Between the age of 20-35, now is this a profile? You better believe it is, do we need to profile?, again better believe we do.

A BELIEVER, Rapture Ready 62 Comments [10/9/2007 6:45:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 29833

I know quite a bit about evolution through studies, and it is remarkable to me that it is even a debate. The DNA and chromosome structure of a human being is so complex to think that a monkey evolved into a human is absurd. We have trillions of DNA cells vs. what a monkey carries. We have a spirit and a conscience which clearly animals do not have. That is God-given to humans so that we can connect with God.

Lucy Loo, amazon.com discussions 59 Comments [10/9/2007 6:45:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29814

Seriously, are you telling me that, in your life, you find not sacred or spiritual? Take a fucking look at the sky, sunset, and other people, and tell me they are descendants of apes, maybe even dolphins?

Mike, MPA Network 39 Comments [10/9/2007 6:42:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Icestorm

Quote# 29799

[In response to the "How could Adam and Eve know what they're doing wrong without the ability to discern right from wrong. I used a robot for an example]

Man is not a robot, He is made in God's image with free-will. The man God made as a sovereign being knew to obey and trust in God so he had no excuse. You misread the Bible. We are all biologically born into sin, it is unavoidable for sin moves down through the act of procreation. That which is born of the flesh is flesh: flesh is sin of the body and self of the soul: this is reality: deal with reality! No man has never not sinned except the man who was also God. This is spiritual reality. You want fantasy, but God deals in reality and the righteous way of doing things. Either God does not create at all or as it turns out we are all born into sin (except Adam and Eve) due the sin of one man. The latter is better for you would not be able to have this conversation.

A Friend (Troy), FSTDT Comments 318 Comments [10/9/2007 6:39:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 29812

I mean, just imagine if every single fuckin' thing you did or thought had to be proven with the scientific method:

"Welcome to McDonald's. How may I help you?"
"I'm hungry. Can I have a Big Mac?"
"Well first you need to prove that you are hungry."
"Then you need to show me that your current metabolic state requires the amount of fat and calories that are contained in a Big Mac."
"Yes, here is some calculation paper. Come back when you have completed a justification for your nutritional needs."
"What the fuck are you talking about. I just want fuckin' Big Mac!"
"I'm sorry sir, your wants are irrelevant. Science requires data to justify your hypothesis that your are hungry. You have to prove that you need the Big Mac."
"You're fuckin' nuts! I'm going to Wendy's."

MAD, MPA Network 64 Comments [10/9/2007 6:38:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Icestorm

Quote# 29818


Disobedience of children is the order of the day in every family, but that does not prevent God from doing His work. Can you say that any child who does not allow the mother to rest can also rest?

Any child who does not obey his parents is already judged and he must not fail to die the prescribed death. There are many cases nowadays of children taking up matchets against their parents, for allegation that their parents want to kill them. The Bible says: "AND WITH ALL DECEIT OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS IN THEM THAT PERISH BECAUSE THEY RECEIVED NOT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH THAT THEY MAY BE SAVED AND FOR THIS CAUSE GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSIONS THAT THEY SHOULD BELIEVE A LIE." Your mother has not done anything to you; your problem is yourself. You claim to be educated, a rich man, for that reason you suffer and die. Confusion is noticed everywhere, in the universities, in colleges of education, secondary schools, even in elementary schools because of the disrespect of children to adults. How then can they have life?

N/A, The Word Center Website 40 Comments [10/9/2007 6:33:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 29803

[Communism has nothing to do with atheism.]

Psh, go look in the dictionary.

Communist = Atheist.

GuitarRipper, GameFAQs 52 Comments [10/9/2007 6:30:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 29817

[ughhh...you ever stop to think that the stuff in the bible was made up?i mean,im no athiest,but i still dont beleive everything i read]
Then how would you know Atheism was true... it was made by Darwin who wrote it!

battlefront23, GameSpot 45 Comments [10/9/2007 6:27:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 29805

I'm 20yrs old and have never been in a relationship and I'm a virgin saving myself for marriage, and I've had people laugh and make fun of me for being one. i do want to get married if thats what God has planned for me, but there's not much time left so i don't see it happening. Christ will have to be my Bridegroom. i am so eager to go Home so i can never sin again, i hate sinning so much, but with how evil the world has gotten it just gets harder everyday and i just have to continue the fight.

Christiangrl777, Rapture Ready 37 Comments [10/9/2007 6:26:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 29813

[On the subject of whether or not Criss Angel is an ordinary human being, or if he has supernatural powers]

I vote supernatural. There's simply no way to levitate from building to building without some sort of powers.

I just find it impossible to even see how he does the things that he does. Seriously he vanished a 4 and a half ton elephant right in front of people and the people had made a human wall around it.

Also, there's been many thoughts of how he did the water trick, plexiglass blocks etc, but how the hell do you cut yourself in half and then have people walk through it?

[Later in the thread, clarifying his view on Criss Angel]

lol no if anything i think he's closer to a demon than to an angel. but seriously if anyone watches like just one of his shows the things he does are just baffling, the only reason you wouldn't believe he is super-natural is b/c you don't believe in such a thing.

_gonzalez, MPA Network 33 Comments [10/9/2007 6:07:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Icestorm

Quote# 29804

God made Woman from mans riblets. Since the making of woman, the talking snakes have had free range. Care not about education in blashemy, welfare handouts, liberality and science. They are all the playground of Satan

Godsglory, Topix 46 Comments [10/9/2007 12:21:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29808

Well, having an atheist president would create some embarrassing situations. For example the White House Christmas tree lighting ceremony. I couldn't see an atheist president turning the lights on. And how about the celebration of the basically Christian US holiday of Thanksgiving.

Also the remembrance of the 911 victims was done in a big ceremony at the National Cathedral where the president spoke. That would be awkward.

DOC, JREF Forums 49 Comments [10/9/2007 12:19:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Øyvind

Quote# 29798

When I read the Bible, I can feel feelings of comfort, knowledge, and peace. These feelings come from the Holy Spirit, who confirms that the Bible is true.

drshorty, Yahoo! Answers 38 Comments [10/8/2007 9:48:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29800

[on the Folsom Street Fair]

Anyone who participates in these kinds of activities is just as bad as the pedophile who takes our children. They will have a black mark on their soul for infinity. I wonder why groups of people have not gone in and torn down there tents?

Democrat4Rudy, FreeConservatives 23 Comments [10/8/2007 7:59:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 29797

Actually, evolution is a scientific theory. Creation is a fact. The Bible is infallible and it says that God created everything.

Suzi, Yahoo! Answers 37 Comments [10/8/2007 7:00:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 29795

I understand humanity is an evolving species made from the seeds of several civilizations (star seeds). Yes, our DNA has been manipulated several times. Not from a God out there, as we all are a part of Source. I in fact have scribed a book on all of this through the process of interdimensional communication. It is not religion! However, we are spiritual beings because we are made up of spirit, energy into matter. We are now finding that our perceptions are being shaken to bring in the higher teachings and knowledge of this universe(s). Once we know the truth of our beingness, we will be set free from limitation. I am finding that there is so much more to us and our creations than we now perceive. My book is called Mystery of the Universes, available through Amazon. There are 80 writings within this book and they cover history, genetics, biology, cosmology, and spirituality. These writings are quite esoteric and I am almost finished putting together a companion workbook that helps one understand these higher teachings.

I do feel that religion has had control over some of these teachings to keep mankind in control. It is now time to loosen these controls. There has been a lot of manipulation going on through the religions as well as through the governments. Keep in mind that even reading the ancient writings, we need to know what the perceptions were of those writing the documents. We all perceive our lives differently and that is what makes life so interesting.

Beverly Thompson, amazon.com discussions 21 Comments [10/8/2007 6:38:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 29802

[The ignorance in this topic is quite astounding to say the least.

2. Catholics are christians. Don't even try to deny it, you'll look like a fool.]

LMAO, I don't think i read something this ignorant and ironic in a very long time. Who are you to know that Catholics and Cristians are the same thing? You don't even believe in either!
Catholics- original Roman catholic, differ from the other in a few ways
Christians- orthodox, mostly eastern Europe

You don't know **** about religion, and you come in here and write this bull****? REALLY?

wario612, GameFAQs 23 Comments [10/8/2007 6:26:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 29794

[If I've been "intelligently" designed, then why are my digestive and respiratory intakes linked? If a designer had avoided this, many fewer choking deaths would have occured over the years. ]

Why don't YOU design a plan to separate the digestive and respiratory paths, and then have a plastic surgeon work the plan on yourself. Then, when you have healed up, please tell us all about it.

Accident Reconstruction Man, amazon.com discussions 46 Comments [10/8/2007 12:14:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 29792

Excuse me, I do get your point. That's why the idea of Big Bang exists, so it doesn't have to deal with the fossil record or any other record of slow evolution. You seem to miss my point sir. And the multiple exclamation points are not necessary.

The big bang consists of things evolving in big leaps as opposed to smaller ones instead. So the fossil record isn't needed in the big bang theory, and therefore isn't dealt with. It doesn't need to be. I don't appreciate your rudeness at all.

Where is the actual data and proof and evidence that says the very first moment of our universe is billions of years old? Who actually said "I have proof that this universe is billions of years old"? WHat scientific data makes this valid?

Marilyn Oakley, amazon.com discussions 33 Comments [10/8/2007 12:13:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 29787

I've learned that liberal, evolution worshiping, global warming, Al Gore anal sucking jerks have a lot of words to say, but little of it is substantive. I try to be brief with my unsubstantive words.

Accident Reconstruction Man, amazon.com discussions 26 Comments [10/8/2007 12:07:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 29791

[I don't know any scientist who prays to Charles Darwin.]

That is exactly the point. YOU do not know any, but they are out there.

Accident Reconstruction Man, amazon.com discussions 39 Comments [10/8/2007 11:00:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29793

The zeal by which you pricks attack scientists involved with ID shows without a doubt that your religion is EVOLUTION. It is obviously more than a science (if it is at all a science) to you. It is a way of life, held dear to your heart, sort of like Muslims but without the personal explosive devices.

Accident Reconstruction Man, amazon.com discussions 23 Comments [10/8/2007 11:00:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 29773

Fact: the majority of liberals support the butchery and murder of human babies.

MarioFanaticXV, GameFAQs 63 Comments [10/8/2007 9:57:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Charmo

Quote# 29784

Of course I group TE into the category of non-essential, fuzzy type of class. I have no issue with TE as mutation but as macroevolution that it's often illustrated in books with morphing of cell to fish to mammal to man. To me at this point it's not proven until scientist can create a first living cell from chemicals and energy, and it's materially not useful, yet spiritually harmful. Scientific methods can be taught without TE. If some says creation shouldn't be taught in school then I'll suggest they don't tell fairy tales to their children, let them read Harry Potter, celebrate Christmas or Easter, or Halloween etc...anything that is not real or proven.

T. Nguyen, amazon.com discussion 23 Comments [10/8/2007 9:57:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 5