Quote# 29918
Requirements of Atheism:
1) If you are an atheist, you should not acknowledge the year. 2007 years since what? The birth of Jesus of course. You should consider the year something like 2,478,256,972, to acknowledge when the rock (or other unknown, unspecified inanimate matter) gave birth to the paramecium (or other unknown, unspecified single-celled organism) in the magic soup that nobody can prove existed.
2) If you are an atheist, you should not celebrate New Year’s Eve. Again, it is an acknowledgment of the length of time that has passed since the birth of Jesus.
3) If you are an atheist, you should not use the word “love.” Since God is love, you should not use this term to describe how you feel about people or pets, since you do not believe it exists. Use a term like “have positive chemical reactions when near,” or other atheism-compliant descriptive terms.
www.evolutionisforidiots.com 61 Comments [10/11/2007 5:14:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Spoon