Quote# 30187

[RE: sex dolls]

Yeah, it seems like women haven't really needed men for a while and soon men won't need women. I have been predicting this to happen for years and it will eventually be the death of us all because there is going to be mostly shiftless, uneducated, loserish males who spend all their time playing games and having sex with virtual partners and the women will do all the work and do it willingly because they have been completely brainwashed by the education system and the media. I believe that we are well into the formation of Satan's kingdom which will be hell on earth. People will get to choose between God's method of doing things or Satan's and the people who take the mark of the beast will be the ones who choose Satan's world which is forming before our very eyes.

Jsmythe, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [10/19/2007 5:33:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30184

[Not only women can be stupid...]


#1 You are a stupid man if you look at a woman, other than your wife, in order to derive any kind of pleasure.

#2 You are a stupid man if you use profanity.

#3 You are an idiotic man if you view pornography.

#4 You are a moronic man if you do not “wear the pants in your family.”

#5 You are an insane man if you seek sexual gratification from another male.

Dr. Michael J. Bisconti, LF Nexus 43 Comments [10/19/2007 3:31:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30171

Athiest, U prove there is God!!!!!?
Bcuz u exist and u oppose God, then sorry but U just PROVED there is God.

Light and dark. Hot and cold?

Answer me that, Athiest?

Bcuz if there were no God their wouldnt be any Athiests.

Bajingo, Yahoo! Answers 81 Comments [10/19/2007 10:33:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30176

We have 2 daughters A, who is 17 & H who is 14, both of whom have been raised in a Christian home & both accepted Jesus at the age of 5. Our 14 year old says that she now considers herself an agnostic. My husband & I are sick about this. We don't quite know what to do. Our oldest daughter says she thinks that her sister is afraid of being made fun of @ school (this is her 1st year in high school) & is only saying she's agnostic so no one knows she's a practicing Christian (she still goes to youth group & listens to Christian music groups like Disciple, Dizmas, Fireflight, Red, Project 86, etc.).

Have any of you dealt with this with your own children, how did you handle it & what was the outcome? I am at a loss... if I try to force feed her, she may completely rebel & turn from God entirely. I know that our ultimate weapon as Christians is prayer & that God promises us in Acts 16:31 that he will save our entire household, but other than prayer, what, if anything should I do???


Shanobeigh, christianity.com  47 Comments [10/19/2007 10:27:43 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 30182

I don't like the word evolve but rather adapt.
Yes I think adaptation takes place instantly. Dolphins would of gone from land to sea in say five years after the flood.
The evidence that creatures change from one state to another is excellent. Only the mechanism and time is a problem.
I believe that marsupials are just the same creatures as elsewhere on the planet. So important, if minor, change can take place quickly. As long as a creature stays within its kind. Whatever that is.
The verse in the bible is correctly interpretated as giants of the deep and not whales.

Robert Byers, IIDB 29 Comments [10/19/2007 5:49:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 30180

The moon does give light. Just because the sun gives a lot MORE light than the moon, it doesn't mean the moon doesn't give any. Same with the stars. There are nights when the moon and the stars shine so bright I can see shadows in the street on my way home.

Stringer, Myspace Blog 64 Comments [10/19/2007 5:46:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jesse

Quote# 30183

The question eventually must be raised: Is it a criminal offense to take the name of the Lord in vain? When people curse their parents, it unquestionably is a capital crime (Ex. 21:17). The son or daughter is under the lawful jurisdiction of the family. The integrity of the family must be maintained by the threat of death. Clearly, cursing God (blasphemy) is a comparable crime, and is therefore a capital crime (Lev. 24:16).

Gary North, ExChristian.net 43 Comments [10/19/2007 5:45:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30167

Dr. Michael Behe is a thorough scholar. Here, he trashes the myth of evolution beyond repair by showing that the simplistic solution evolutionists offer for the physical phenomena of complexity makes grand promises but fails to deliver. Darwinian evolution grew up in an era when science was rather primative in its understanding of biology and chemistry. What is remarkable is that many today continue to employ darwinian evolution to explain chemical-biological aspects of nature. To do so is to underestimate the complexity of nature. When the evolutionist realizes this, he falls back on his blind faith that "time" will somehow manage the process of evolution. Darwinian evolution employed as explanation for complexity in nature is tantamount to using simple arithematic to solve problems only the calculus can solve. It's like using Galileo's telescope to survey the red giants in astronomy. Impossible. Darwinian evolution is a cryptic rationalism because it attempts to use occam's razor to cut away aspects of nature in order to subject nature to your pet theory. To do so is unethical since it is dishonest. But, of course, evolutionists don't believe in morality, so any ethic of integrity escapes them.

GangstaLawya, Amazon.com 44 Comments [10/19/2007 1:39:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 30179

That is where the war is being fought, in Iraq, that is where we are fighting Al Qaeda. Sorry we have to use your country, Iraqis, but you let Saddam come to power, ha-ha, and we are going to instill democracy in your country."

Ann Coulter, martinfrost.ws 36 Comments [10/19/2007 1:31:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30177

How disgusting, how vile, and how evil this part of Harry Potter truly is! In Potter's White Magic Witchcraft, we now see human sacrifice occurring, even though we get email constantly from White Magic practitioners -- like Wiccans -- who protest mightily that they do NOT practice human sacrifice. Here, we see that this type of human sacrifice is exceedingly important to the operation of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry specifically and of Witchcraft generally.

Furthermore, this type of human sacrifice is actually needed in some types of spells and magic. A former Black Magick Satanist has emailed to inform me: "The flying potions main ingredient is the fat from a sacrificed unbaptised male child below a certain age. This potion, once completed, will allow the witch or warlock that consumes it the ability to fly. This is, I am sure, where witches flying on brooms came from."

The next time you see a witch flying a broomstick, you will know that a human being paid for this ability with their life!

David Bay, The Cutting Edge 104 Comments [10/18/2007 10:57:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 30172

To realize how Amazing that Book is; compare what the scientists taught when that Amazing Book was written. They believed lightning bolts were missiles from the gods. The Vedas (Hindu sacred book) taught, to get rain, tie a frog with his mouth open to a tree and repeat some magic words - and presto - rain! The Egyptians believed stars were the souls of dead people who were now gods. The Greeks believed a god named Atlas held the earth on his shoulders. Some taught the earth sat on the backs of several large (very large!) elephants. And the elephants were resting on the back of a large (very, very large!) turtle! And the turtle? He was resting on a large (very, very, very large!) snake! And the snake? Well, you get the picture.

But, that Amazing Book, contains nothing so foolish!

Terry Watkins, That Amazing Book 53 Comments [10/18/2007 10:52:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30165

[Wow... I took a look at that site [FSTDT.com, ed.]... people like that make me MAD!]

Don't let it get you mad. It shows that there are devout christians on the net who are making a difference. The devil is mad. If the devil is mad, then we've have made a difference. So far there has been 29 submissions from Bibleforums. So we know the Lord is doing a work at Bibleforums.

the J Man, BibleForums 45 Comments [10/18/2007 10:51:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 30166

Because of Jesus' death on the cross, I doubt humanity will ever invent a time travel device where you can alter the past. God would want Jesus' death to be the end of sin, and not allow anyone( man or spirit), to go back in time and stop it from happening.

JamesSager3, Foru.ms 41 Comments [10/18/2007 10:51:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jeremy PC

Quote# 30174

One of the major problems in America is caused because we have a welfare system. The Bible's welfare system is really cool; if you don't work you don't eat. That solves a whole lot of problems, okay.

Kent Hovind, Analysis of Kent Hovind 68 Comments [10/18/2007 10:45:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 30155

[about his Judgement Day fantasy]
No, I will actually be standing on the right hand of God, and watching you. I doubt you will be able to even speak, let alone flip him off. But wow, what a chance for God to poor out his wrath if you do.

BigChrisfilm, FSTDT.com 36 Comments [10/18/2007 10:20:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 30158

Everyone person deserves to go to hell, but God is a loving, merciful God, and not everyone is going to go there. You are going to have to understand that YES, everything you do IS a sin. You are not only not a good person, you are an EVIL person. The issue isn't that you sin, it's that YOU'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING BUT SIN. And it is NOT wrong for a Holy Righteous judge to send law breakers to prison. Only the ones breaking the law think such things as those.

BCF (who else?), FSTDT.com 44 Comments [10/18/2007 8:20:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 30148

I think the idea that coal and oil formed gradually is without any support whatsoever ... Totally implausible to me. I think it is much more likely that it was all formed in a single catastrophe ... The Global Flood.

afdave, IIDB 42 Comments [10/18/2007 7:36:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Wolfhound

Quote# 30151

I do hope Bush is able to talk to the Dalai Lama about accepting Christ into his heart. I would hate to see such a kind man burn for eternity in the fires of hell. God bless him!

dmeezy, SFGate.com 43 Comments [10/18/2007 2:00:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 30132

Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians seems to be just an innocent, fun-loving group of puppies, but look again, this time more closely. The 101 Dalmatians story line contains a very cruel Black Witch, Cruella DeVil, whose name literally means Cruel Devil. She attempts classic witchcraft in her attempt to bring these puppies under her control. At this point, we need to point out that no one has done more since World War II to promote Witchcraft and Magic in our children's minds than Walt Disney. Cute characters, one after another, have been shown doing occultic, magical things to and for one another. Story line after story line have featured White and Black Magicians, concocting potions and creating spells, levitating objects, people and animals through the air. And it is made to appear so fun and innocent.

David Bay, The Cutting Edge 75 Comments [10/18/2007 1:39:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 30128

And how is a grandparent that is 3 million years old different than a grandparent that is 90 years old, that is if evolution were true?

mickey, CARM 37 Comments [10/18/2007 1:37:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Sam

Quote# 30133

How would they like it if we trolled atheist boards, stole their posts and posted them on a board, and then voted on how likely each person is to go to hell?

Whispering Grace, Bible Forums.org 186 Comments [10/18/2007 1:18:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 30129

I took my 10 year old and my 12 year old to see this movie, and I regret it. My 12 year old daughter has been struggling with her faith and with doubt lately, and I don't think this movie helped any. “Happy Feet” is just another example of how “Hollywood” is pushing it’s agendas on our children. The environmental theme was way too strong (don't get me wrong, I believe in being good stewards of the creation), and I definitely didn't appreciate the way they made fundamental Christians appear. The “celebrate your diversity” theme was also very strong. I was almost expecting Mumbles to come out of the “closet” at the end. God has given us all special gifts and talents, but not to misuse at the expense of our Biblical values.

Sylvia Soules, Christian Answers.net 40 Comments [10/18/2007 1:11:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 30134

someone said that he don't believe in GOD!!! and someone too said that i cant see Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iam just saying that who dont believe in GOD should even though you dont see Him!
and iam not saying too that you should. praise God just believe, BELIEVING IS ENOUGH! SORRY IF I OFFENDED YOU IN MY WORDS BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT GOD IS TRUE

viczon, Gaia Online 59 Comments [10/18/2007 1:10:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 30131

Low cholesterol and its link to infertility. Keep in mind the big picture. Satan hates God. And Satan and God have been at war for 6,000 years. God's plan is fill the world with kids. [...] Satan, of course, wants the opposite. He wants to reduce the world's population to zero as soon as possible. And so Satan is going to work towards reduction of the population and lowering cholesterol is good way of doing that.

Kent Hovind, kent-hovind.com 70 Comments [10/17/2007 10:24:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 30125

"[Thread title: Athiests are wrong.]

Christianity is correct. I am oppresing athiests. They have no souls and are going to hell. They need to repent and be christians. Once again, I am oppressing athiests. I am correct and so is christianity, and none of you can prove that athieism is correct. God created the earth. God exists and he loves everyone."

Assassin_963, youthink.com 65 Comments [10/17/2007 8:44:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: malendras