Quote# 19950
Just as an apple tree is an incredibly fine-tuned system for the production of apples because a single apple seed constitutes the genotype of that phenotype, so is our universe an incredibly fine-tuned system for the production of human beings because a single human being constitutes the genotype of the phenotype cosmos.
This living cosmology provides numerous critical insights. Among others it predicts:
•By virtue of its eternity human intelligence constitutes the cosmological constant.
•Human intelligence has quantum properties because it exists in both particle and field states. Human intelligence in its potential or seed state is a particle, but in its state of expression takes on field characteristics, and thus provides the morphogenetic field or quantum vacuum of the universe for the development of the creatures it has in mind.
•The recognition that our genome constitutes the microcosm or algorithm of the universe will lead to its utilization for all kinds of purposes, and will render fossil fuels obsolete. Instead of extracting energy from the remains of former life, we are going to tap directly into the seed source of the universe, and utilize that vacuum energy for the animation of our space vehicles.
•We'll be able to read the minds of others, just as Elijah was able to read the mind of the king of Syria, and tell the king of Israel the words Syria’s king spoke in the privacy of his bedchamber (see 2 Kings 6:8-23). This form of ESPionage will make the traditional methods of intelligence gathering obsolete.
•The human yield of this planet is ripe for the harvest. This is indicated by the fact that we have reached the stage of space travel. Those who qualify will be selected for survival, but not by Darwin’s imaginary “natural” selection. Our Creator in person is going to decide who is, or is not, qualified to live for ever. So face-to-face contact with our Creator is at hand.
These are some of the predictions we can make based on the theory of creation. They are falsifiable, and demonstrate the theory of creation’s predictive power.
Kazmer Ujvarosy,
American Chronicle 58 Comments [1/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2