Quote# 19193

WND Exclusive Commentary Con job at The Weather Channel
Posted: January 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

This week Americans observed a national day of mourning (I'm speaking not of President Ford's funeral, but rather the day that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi seized power in Congress).

Far-left political ideologies are being promulgated through ever-increasing mediums, and recently I noticed that a once-vaunted American television network, The Weather Channel, had succumbed to the cancerous spread of liberalism.


The Weather Channel is launching a new website and broadband channel dedicated solely to global warming called "One Degree" and has a weekly program called "The Climate Code," devoted almost entirely to liberal advocacy on climate matters.


If forecasters can't reliably tell us what will happen in two to three months from now, why would anyone trust that they know what will happen with the weather in 50 or 100 years from now and let them tell us how to live our lives accordingly?

This is all about Big Brother do-gooders trying to control how you live your life, and stripping away the freedoms and liberties of people to live their lives as they see fit, engage in commerce and raise their families.

Melanie Morgan, WorldNetDaily 39 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 19196

"how can a human inherit traits from ants, elephants, giraffes or monkeys when we cannot produce offspring with them? How do those animal genes get inside humans? How do those animal genes create humans genes?

Do evolutionists know why humans don't produce children with wings? If not, then I'll explain it. Because humans don't have the genes for wings or our children would have wings! The only way humans could have the gene for wings is if they were capable of producing offspring with creatures who do have wings. That's the only way. Claiming that human genes can simply turn into bird genes because of the weather or pressure changes, or whatever has not been documented in reality anywhere. And it also throws out the fact that genes are inherited, not simply manufactured.

If traits aren't inherited but simply change, then why don't humans produce children with wings, or beaks? And why have humans always been called humans instead of a different species?"

Carico, CARM 51 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Aagcobb

Quote# 19198

So why aren't these dragons, these large lizards around today? Well the big ones, the ones popularized by ancient lore, could easily have been hunted into extinction within a few hundred years (especially when you consider the large number of tales about dragonslayers)...so that only the less menacing--the less threatening ones remained--basically small lizards. The modern dragon or modern "dinosaur" idea (dinosaur is only a term that has been coined in the past 200 years...they were called "dragons" before that) isn't entirely impossible. It's not scientific evidence....but its historical evidence, which is almost as good IMO.

Takigan, OC Remix 25 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Puistokemisti

Quote# 19200

"Sorry but scientists have just shown that mice DNA is more similar to humans than human DNA. So would evolutionists then declare that humans came from mice? Probably. That's because most people can't think for themselves and are confused about reality. That's why they believe anything scientists say."

Carico, CARM 153 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Aagcobb

Quote# 19204

To enshrine homosexuality with race and gender as a valid civil rights issue is a perverse conflation that insults blacks and women after all their suffering.

Steven McDaniel, newsforums.bbc.co.uk 27 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 19206

["Fundie Time Re-definition Project"?]
God does not lie. The ages interpreted in atomic dating and via other atomic processes can be coordinated with the biblical time frame when it is understood that atomic processes have not been constant through time. Data regarding this may be found in, among other places, Atomic Constants, Light and Time, published in 1987. Both the creation and the Bible then come together when the correction is made, to show that the biblical time line is correct. In the geological record, three major catastrophes interrupt four major geological divisions. In the Bible, three major catastrophes are recorded, separating four distinct times. The coordination of these dates is in the chart below. The correction factor has been applied as taken from the standard redshift curve.

The geologic record on earth begins with the earliest dated rocks, or at approximately 4.5 billion atomic years ago. The time of beginning, however, has been judged by astronomers to be approximately 14 billion atomic years ago when considering the entire universe.

This 14 billion year age then corresponds with 0 time, or the beginning of Creation Week in the Bible, or about 5810 B.C.

[What, you need a picture too? Ok, here it is: http://setterfield.org/combinedtimeline.htm ]

Barry Setterfield, setterfield.org 28 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Robert Smith

Quote# 19208

This Government has consistently lied about family values and the need to protect families and children. Giving gays "rights" completely undermines the whole concept of normal heterosexual relationships IN MY OPINION. What I see as a real threat to freedom is the endorsing of unnatural sexual relationships IN MY OPINION. Do you see what's happenning here? All societies which have fostered depravity, unnatural relationships, weird sex acts, free love etc.etc. have DISAPPEARED!

Chris Dare, BBC Have Your Say 58 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 19209

Today, the secularist says, "If quantum physics wasn't right, then technology wouldn't be here for you to email the question of it."

The truth is, progress gets made despite man's arrogant notions of his own perfection in thought.

"Strong" and "Weak" forces in atoms have never existed. They were phatoms of the false concept of Niels Bohr's atomic model. But rather than state the error, Science has a practice of hiding its errors by renaming and sidestepping with "advanced theories" which are really just coverups for old errors.

The second LAW of thermodynamics has never been true and certainly not a LAW.

Quantum physics is merely the dance required to keep interest in a problem already solved long ago, but wants for more attention and funding.

Summapaxist, Apologetics.org 31 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 19212

[What better proof can be offered than this that most people have no idea what left-wing and right-wing even mean? The center has been pushed so far to the right that people believe that most MSM channels are not only leftist, but that Fox only leans 'slightly' to the right. A guy who used to be a Fox anchor is now the paid spokeshole for Bush - doesn't that tell you something?]

Are you kidding me? You have to be, right? You pretty much have it the exact opposite of reality. The mainstream media is so far off to the left, that even a perfectly centered news station would appear to be an extreme right source. Yes, Fox has a slight lean to the right, but is greatly exagerated by the extreme leftist veiws of all the other stations.

Brian, Myspace 29 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 19214

What do you think of this religion called evolution. its dogmas, gods(e.g Darwin, Dawkins,Mother nature, natural selection),

They say religious people are fundamentalist, dogmatic...yet they are worse at it.

i think evolution is the newest religion to be formed in the last 100 years....they just dont know it.

this new religion should be mapped.....its adherents, gods, temples, high priest etc

Francis, Myspace 59 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Roman

Quote# 19215

It might be a subtle difference, but the Homosexual Pride rainbow contains only six colors... not the 7 that are in the rainbow. I find it more than coincidental, that 7 is the number of perfection, and 6 is the number of sin/sinful man.

Let them have their 6-colored rainbow!

sracer, Rapture Ready 38 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Nickstr5

Quote# 19217

[A quiz written by fundies, for fundies]

<a href="http://christiananswers.net/dinosaurs/dinoquiz.html" target="_blank">How much do you know about dinosaurs?</a>

Christian Answers, ChristianAnswers 48 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: CousinTed

Quote# 19218

I Also Have Had A Dream Of Looking At A Porn Site In The Computer And A Bear Out Of The Computer Mauled Me. Interpretation: Pornograpy Will Maul You

michaelmonfre, Christian Fourms 92 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 19219

The messages are a barely intelligible garble involving cloning, abuse, rape, the Mafia, Castro, Hitler, the Constitution, hurricane Katrina, Watergate and President Bush. [...]

Benavides said she first began receiving messages from God through a statue at her church. Now, she said, she gets the special messages when she reads the Bible. Sometimes she broadcasts the messages from a loudspeaker mounted on the roof of her car.

Estrella Benavides, San Francisco Chronicle 24 Comments [1/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Huffers

Quote# 19112

[If you believe the kid killed himself intentionally I can agree with you, but often times kids mimic what they see on TV just for fun. Kids think they are invulnerable, just like Superman. They do not appreciate dangerous things and activities like we do.]

If this kid had been raised right, he would know he's no immortal.

If this kid had been raised right, he would have been supervised.

If this kid had been raised right, he wouldn't have seen a snuff flick on TV.

There is no getting around it, that kid was unsupervised and left to die by people who didn't care a rat's rear end about him.

Now they say they're trying to raise money to send the kid back to Guatemala. I don't even believe that, they didn't need to raise any cash to get the kid to America from any stupid Guatemala so why are they raising money for sending the body back?

They're illegals. They'd do anything for money. They're lying through their teeth and they're just going to pocket the money while they toss the kid's body in a wood chipper. These are not honest people, they're not even living in the USA legally and they're trying to capitalize on the death of their little anchor baby.

It ain't bad enough that they wouldn't even care for the kid while he was alive, now they want everybody else to care for the kid when he's dead so they don't even have to pay for the burial themselves. They can't possibly have a decent bone in their bodies asking other people to care for the kid they neglected to death. They suck. They really need to go to prison.

gdoane, Sean Hannity Discussion 17 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 19116

...I've been struggling with one particular sin over the years, since my teenage years.
...Its a typical sin for young men and men in general. It got worse after I had my first ever girlfriend and relationship and after we broke up. In my heart I know its wrong, I ask for strength. Then when temptation hits, it hits so strong. It tugs and tugs and pulls and pulls.

Jeremy, Rapture Ready 45 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: never been there

Quote# 19119

My writing does not usurp the authority my husband has over me because he urges me to write and as my spiritual head, he protects me from demonic attack so that I am able to write.

Lisa, libertytothecaptives 34 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Traitor1

Quote# 19122

[in an article about the evils of halloween]

Praying against ritual human sacrifice is critical on Satan's Day.

Diane Dew, libertytothecaptives 34 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Traitor1

Quote# 19123

[Would you consider the military?]

I wouldn't b/c it's a man's job...I'm a girl. If my brother went and joined the militia, I wouldn't care.

Tiffany09, Teens-4-Christ 38 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 19130

Um, you all know that Darwin said on his death bed that atheism was just a theory of his, right?
Oh, and God Rules!

Dryad33, Gaia online 49 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: jeff

Quote# 19131

[On global warming.]

CitySearcher: I think the reason it's getting hotter is because "Hell hath enlarged itself!"

Jesus is coming: thats what i believe CS ...the more people go to hell more fire means the hotter it gets so it warms the earth

CitySearcher and Jesus is coming, Rapture Ready 35 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 19135

I would venture to say that you will find more demon possesed people in prisons than any other place. I don't have stats on that but based on the criminal element and the evilness of man. There are many outside in the normal schemes of things also.

Remnant, Rapture Ready 17 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 19136

a lady once came to my mother's church claiming she was a Queen Witch, and she came there hoping to get out of it (Satanism), because she was gonna have to sacrifice her two children on the altar to him.

They ran all us younger ones out of the church and the older ones gathered around her, laid hands on her and prayed for her. She was a very unattractive, heavy set woman, kinda dark complected like a Mexican, frizzy black hair and every one of her teeth was a rotted, black nubby. While praying for her she fell back on the floor with a thud. They were right on top of her still praying in Jesus' name. They, my mother and grandmother included, said she started foaming at the mouth and biting her lips and blood ran down, and then Satan spoke through this woman and started laughing and said in a man's voice, "I'll see you ALLLL burn in hell, ha ha ha ha ha". They said they prayed many demons out of her that night.

She continued coming to church quite often, but evidently was still having trouble battling satan. The pastor worked with her on many, many, many occasions. Come to find out, most of her family were into Satanism!!
I was talking to her once at the church and she told me this, "I am a lonely woman and I have needs, and Satan appears to me as the best looking man I've ever laid eyes on and makes love to me" She also said during the conversation that Satan can appear as anything he wants......a cat or dog or whatever.
This frightened me (I was only about 19 or 20 at the time), so I never spoke about it to her again. She, and some of her family, continued in church off and on for years. They were all soooo strange acting. Anyway, she passed away about 10 years or so ago and my mother went to her funeral. My mother hadn't seen her in a while and she said "if you didn't know that you were going to HER funeral, you would not have recognized her. She was skin and bones (thin) and green".
I can only hope she won the battle

ifnot4him, Rapture Ready 41 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 19140

[Reviewing Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species".]

This is a foundational work which started the whole Evolution landslide. Anyone who truly wishes to debate, refute, or otherwise understand the theory should read it carefully. Just as one should read carefuly, and critically those foundational works on Creation Science (A real science) and Intelligent Design (A true Scientific Theory).

R. Hanger "A Real Scientist, not an atheist Yes Man.", Amazon.com 28 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jeremy PC

Quote# 19141

A missionary I knew watched a bullet headed for him do a RIGHT ANGLE before it got to him.

MartyrInTraining, FulfilledProphecy.com 245 Comments [1/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6