Quote# 19291

I was involved deeply in witchcraft and the occult before turning to Christ, and have cast spells on people. Did they work? The people did get sick, but they weren't Christians and didn't know Christ. They were open. An empty vessel waiting to be filled. If someone is sending demons against these ladies, and they are true believers, they have nothing to fear..as long as they stand on the power of Christ and rebuff it. I truly believe that the devil can only get to us if we allow him to. We don't have to stand idly by and let it happen. Rebuke/resist the devil and he will flee from you. Pray, give thanks to the Lord...this is how we fight back. Make no mistake....we are at war here, and they need to fight back.

frogangel, Rapture Ready 28 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 19293

That sicko bitch Pelosi is a fine example of everything that's wrong with Amerika. A symptom of the disease of feminism.

Bordeaux, Original Dissent 29 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 19295

[Women like to eat babies.]

This is the only logical conclusion I can draw from the fact that within the space of just weeks, two women have attempted to murder their babies with ovens - one with a microwave (she succeeded, sadly) and this one with a conventional oven.

After all, what would make them think the oven is such a great idea if on some level they didn't think of babies as supple flesh ready to be eaten with a light roasting? Disgusting filthy creatures, these child-killing females.

But of course the questions we'll be seeing asked in the press and in the courts will be more along the lines of, "Where is the man, I need to punish a MAN for this" and "What drove her to do this? We MUST find something/someone to blame, an imaginary being will do just fine."

Its a pity that women get off scot-free for killing defenseless infants.

Pete Patriarch,  Pete Patriarch's Musings 30 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 19296

Ooooh, a feminazi kangaroo court is going to try me for remote control trolling and castrate, draw and quarter me!! Ooh, I'm so scared!!

But wait, I thought I hated men too??! What now? Oh, now come the predictable fembot bingo game - I'm a loser who sits in his mother's basement (never the father's basement, probably because I'm a product of a feminazi domineering mother who divorced as soon as she felt she could get the maximum reward), I have a small penis, et cetera.

And its scary to like children if you're a man, because you obviously are going to molest and abuse them.

Go away you goddamn troll. Oh, and I put a comment on her site, let's see if the bitch posts it.

EDIT: No, not only has she not posted it, she has also IP-banned me from the site as evidenced in the comments. I didn't expect too much of feminists like her in this regard and she delivered, in spades.

Anyway, here's another comment: "Why do they think it's so funny to joke about violence against women (hey, it's not like it's common compared to female violence against men!) and at the same time shame women for reporting it?"

Hey, its not like DV against men is underreported and underacknowledged! Its not like mandatory arrest laws ensure that the man gets a rap sheet no matter if he's bleeding, missing vital organs or body parts! As long as there's a female and a male in the situation, its clear who will get hauled to prison. Its not like feminazis like her would be the first to say "loser, no balls, pansy" if the man actually went to the police to report his SO's physical, mental and verbal abuse (hitting and nagging). And here's the strawman of shaming women who report rape. Needless to say, just like anything that comes out of a feminist's mouth, this is pretty much the truth turned 180° - i.e. the complete opposite of the truth, which is that females shame men who report rape.

" That's the thing that gets me about the, "Can't you take a joke?" thing. Um, rape is funny, huh? Bend over, let's see."
I won't bend over, rape is making me bend over. See, this is why false rape accusations are so common - consent is taken to mean rape by females.

"They (sound like) they're really hoping to be able to rape someone, only they don't wanna call it that"
Like I said, I'll rape whoever I want, whenever I want, however I want! So how many women do we rape this Friday night, Patriarchy? Let's make it a game! Instead of cooperating, we'll compete, because that's what males do, am I right?

Pete Patriarch, Pete Patriarch's Blog 46 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 19299

[Speaking in reference to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.]

The Bible says that in the end times everything will burn up, but that perspective isn't in the DVD.

Frosty Hardison, Seattle Pi 28 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 19301

So, learning from my great teachers, no, I don't especially care about women being raped, because you don't deserve male sympathy if you are raped, since you don't care if men are raped. Your gender is the wonderful, caring, compassionate gender which believes in sucking out brains of living, feeling, third trimester babies.

Anonymous age 64, Pete Patriach's Musings 45 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Archangel_Lucifer

Quote# 19303

When women reign in all the harpies and attention whores using an ever expanding definition of RAAAAAAYPE!

We don't give a shit about Domestic Violence anymore either, get it? Since the definition of Abuse is no longer physically beating someone, but rather has become arguing, shouting, arguing over money OR EVEN CRITICIZING CLOTHING... then why the fuck should we care - hell, I say abuse the hell out of women!

Feminists made the definitions of abuse and rape watered down to mean almost anything they wanted, and women said nothing to stop them. Therefore, rape and abuse away, I say!

Feminists are pathetic. Pathetic little supremacists. Not even realizing how stupid the things they demand are... like fucking sheep, one feminist wails and all the women in the land wail until they get their way.

Rob Fedders, Pete Patriarch's Musings 63 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 19304

[Completely ignoring "thermal" aspect of thermodynamics when asked what it was.]

Once again, I use it synonymously for "decay". I couldn't care less about what it means in the thermal sense.

AV1611VET, christian forums 25 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: ranma1/2

Quote# 19305

The importance of procreation cannot be overemphasized. Many women do not realize the value of the service they do in bearing children as gifts to God in unity with the activity of the Holy Spirit. No act of a woman that is apart from motherhood or in support of motherhood, at least indirectly, is of value to God.

Father David C. Trosch, http://www.trosch.org 41 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Burning Stake

Quote# 19307

O.J.'s kids are doing fine with him, and that is pretty extreme. I don't know why so many manginas assume the desire to kill your ex-wife who is conspiring to destroy you means you will harm your kids.

Anonymous, Pete Patriarch's blog 32 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 19316

Old Isaac [Asimov] was SO scientific he feared flying in airplanes. Always took a bus.

Isaac's son was arrested when thousands of kiddie porn pictures were found on his computer in for repairs.

Lovely the ethics and integrity of these atheists....

PaucoremHominem, Internet Infidels 31 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 19325

[previous poster said: There is no theory of intelligent design]

It's the only competition materialism has left. It's the last ditch. It's about stopping materialism or, at least, slowing it down a bit. The march of the Materialist Party with stock market prices for guidance.

Obviously money talks. Bob Dylan says it swears. Andy Warhol said it's the only art left.

Science is jealous because it has delivered wonderful stuff and it can't get its hands on power. It still has to lobby instead of being lobbied. Anti-ID, and anti-Creationism is still working overtime, is a recruiting tool for the Materialist Party and its Commissars.

It can't campaign like a proper party because all its spokespersons are goofballs. Calamity Jane said that the scientists she knew were nerds and we don't want nerds in No 10 or The Oval Office. (No tasteless jokes please.)

Think of the jokes about Pidcock and Dawkins.

I think Materialism is beginning to flounder under the law of diminishing returns. Doesn't all progress?

spendius, able2know.com 27 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 19327

As I thumbed my way through the pages of "The God Delusion", a question dropped into my head. Does Richard Dawkins really exist?

Being a scientific and rational person, I decided that I wasn't going to just accept any old theory on this question. If Richard Dawkins exists, then I would need to be shown the proper evidence for it. Others can have their own superstitious beliefs, based on who-knows-what, but I would only be convinced by empirical science. If there is a Dawkins, why hasn't he shown himself to me?

David Anderson, David Anderson's Homepage 64 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 19329

Since all of the books that atheists believe were written by fallible human beings, then they're the last people to criticize Christians for believing the bible.

The fact that atheists have to scrutinize the bible to find what they claim are errors, nor can they prove that the events didn't happen the way the bible claims they did, speaks volumes for the authenticity of the bible! But the science books that are updated every decade prove that scientists have no clue what the truth is. So the one thing that can be counted on by scientists, is that their textbooks will be corrected as long as the world continues. But the bible remains as true today as it was when it was written. So since atheists are putting their faith in people who admit they don't have the truth, then they are in no position to criticize those who believe the bible.

Carico, CARM 48 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 19330

[First the Rainbow, now the fish symbol to be used by gays]

I don't know about anyone else, but I for one am getting tired of this crap. I know we're supposed to show nothing but love, but if I see one of those, I'll rip it off the car. If I see a pin like that on clothing, I'll rip it off. And if we have to fight over it then so be it. I'll pray for them after the beating. I'm sick and tired of seeing my faith stomped on. It doesn't happen to Muslims. You know why? Because they don't put up with it. They take to the streets, and will throw a rock thru your window. And some things that are a little worse I'm sure. I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to offend anyone, but I wouldn't let anyone talk about my earthly father the way people talk about my heavenly father and my savior. I think it about time Christians as a whole got out of politics, took to the streets, and threw a few rocks thru some windows. Just a few thoughts

budgolf, Rapture Ready 60 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 19332

The United States is playing David to the Middle East’s Goliath

Michele Fletcher Richardson, Light of Reason 39 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 19333

(After promising to "pray for your salvation" and being called on getting 2 DUI's in 2 months time and being jailed for 3 weeks for driving with a suspended license.)

Christians aren't perfect

Were just forgiven,

love you


freespirit7772004, Craig's List 39 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: indep

Quote# 19334

God has clearly condemned homosexuality as a sexual perversion - its spelled out plainly in the scriptures...
There is nothing genetic or natural about it... It is a volitional choice made by the individual... All this talk of genetics is nothing but Satanic disinformation... Nothing about homosexuality is accpetable... If you accept homosexuality as a legitimate alternate lifestyle, then so also must you accept pedaphilia, necrophilia, and bestiality as legitimate alternatives...

Lazarus, Free Conservatives 42 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 19341

Beleive it or not Sam Kinison was killed in a car accident while only going 15 mph imagine that, wonder how that happened, do not mock God!!

Goatman, Rapture Ready 37 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Christopher Lee

Quote# 19347

If you want to see demon possession then all you have to to do is get involved in a ministry that visits the prisons, the Homeless missions, the Mental hospitals and the pure communities of our country. Especially if you are preaching a message on salvation or trying to share Christ in their territory!

Remnant, Rapture Ready 25 Comments [1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 19248

I'm tired of hearing all of this debate of homosexuality. Why is it even debateable? These people are abominations in the eyes of the Lord; they could change their ways but choose not to. There's no arguement, that's just how it is. We should burn the gays at the stake, it worked in the Inquisition...I don't see any witches around anymore (real witches, not those hippy wiccan imitation witches).

SweetAngeline, Christian Forums 92 Comments [1/11/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 19251

I'm not paranoid of science, I do not like where it went since the introduction of evolution. So I refuse to use it on every issue concerning creation.

ikester7579, Evolution Fairytale Forum 40 Comments [1/11/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 19261

[In a thread about sexual orientation discrimination by small businesses in the United Kingdom.]

They should do this in the United States. I don't want to have to eat in a room with a bunch of gays.

[How bout Jews and blacks, would you eat with them, or would you run if they sided with the gays?

Just wondering.]

I don't mind other races because they don't have secret conversion agendas like the gays do.

SweetAngeline, Christian Forums 51 Comments [1/11/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 19263

[R]ape laws are intended to harshly punish those who harm good women, not to find as many reasons to throw men in prison as you can think of...'rape' of a prostitute is not especially a serious act. There should be some sort of offense, such as there is for a parking meter violation, but to toss another man in prison for years for that offense is totally and stark-raving insane, too. If her body and her sexuality means nothing to her except a few bucks, it shouldn't mean much of anything to anyone else, either.

Anonymous age 64, Patriarch Pete's Blog 49 Comments [1/11/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 19264

For five thousand years, women have understood when they married a man, they give blanket consent to sex. Sleeping; bad mood; whatever. At times they don't want sex, but if their husband takes it while they sleep, they never thought it was rape - until you fiends told them it was. They might complain, but they never once thought it was a felony because they understood when they married he had the legal right to sex.

Anonymous age 64, Pete Patriarch's blog 69 Comments [1/11/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
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