Quote# 14896

It seems there is some kind of basis then, to the idea of an pact between Atheism and Islam, how long before the Atheists form a phalanx in front of their Islamic allies and prepare for battle against the West?

DigenisAkritas, Christian Forums 33 Comments [9/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 14897

Demonically inspired Yates wanted to get rid of her body (children). She like SC wicked S. Smith murdered/aborted her children, in a manner similar to the birth process, via water.
The wicked one has lied to America, telling it that it is ok to dispose of your unwanted children via abortion, born or unborn, if they are an inconvienence to you, just murder them, get rid of them, it is your right to do with them what you choose.

Dr. Schmidt, http://www.voy.com/129615/ 24 Comments [9/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 14898

If you mean that men have ever been animals you are 100 percent wrong. No evidence under the sun can prove that I was ever my pet cat. ET can happen within a species but not between species.

wayne230, Sean Hannity Discussion Forum 81 Comments [9/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 14902

I am curious about 1 thing. I know that GOD is against Fornicators, but there is a friend of mine I have known her for 34 years. She always wants to have kid and I always want to have mine too. But we don't want to do sinful thing so I was wondering about if I could have a sperm bank and store them and have 1 of my friend go and buy sperm from sperm bank and place it in her. Will that still be fornicator in GOD's eye?? Even though we don't sleep together uh??

jdharrawood, Rapture Ready 37 Comments [9/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 14907

The "Loving Jesus revelation" calls on Family members to do three things:

1. They are to visualise their sexual activity as happening with Jesus.

2. They are called on to masturbate to Jesus.

3. They are told to say "love words," or talk dirty, to Jesus as they are having sex.
Karen Zerby has published a list of sexually explicit expressions that her followers could use during sex with Jesus.
In order to avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus (male homosexuality is an excommunicable offense within the cult), men are instructed to visualise themselves as women "in the spirit" during these activities.

xFamily, www.xfamily.org 72 Comments [9/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Tdevil

Quote# 14836

For the people who worked in the twin towers and even the people of NYC, in a very short period of time things had changed quite a bit.

The world seems to be that way. One storm can bring about more change than 100 years of normal weather.

How do evos reconcil that changes come about so fast yet their theory calls for slow, gradual change.

JohnR7, Christian Forums 39 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Mandrake

Quote# 14837

A fundie encyclopedia of "Occultic Symbols".

Note the Power Ranger's Lightning Bolt; Chaos symbol from Warhammer and the Blair Witch emblem.

KJOS Ministries, KJOS Ministries 44 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: writer

Quote# 14839

"Thank god for 9/11"

Phelps (who else?), WBC 50 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 14840

Our president is on his knees before God many times, and I feel that he is lead in his actions by Christ.

anyone who bashes our presedant has no buissness being considererd AMERICANS... we should stand behind a man of God as Christians, not to mention the fact the he is our leader and we need to submit to authority.

Christina (chris), Myspace Bulletin 61 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Danielle

Quote# 14849

(Or we could not force people to undertake those risks when they don't want to reproduce.)

Yes, it's better to live in a lawless world where anarchy reigns. Why force them to not kill? Why force someone into not blowing your brains out for their convenience, say, a theif? What a shitty world, where you're not free to do these things!

Get serious.

Lógos Sokratikós, Internet Infidels 25 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 14850

I had a personal experience with a Witch. She visited me in my home and I was concerned re this as knew her reputation.
She chatted to me for a while as we sipped coffee.
Suddenly I could no longer see her. A cloud appeared where she sat,it was grey and opaque.
It was really embarrasing talking to someone I could no longer see but I was not afraid. Incidentally I could see everything else in the room and out the window.
After a while (10 long minutes or so)the cloud dissapeared and i could see her again.
After prayer God revealed to me that he had 'hidden'this woman so I would not see the evil she wished to frighten me with.
These things are real and evil does have power.
I know this was subjective but it was a real shocker at the time.
Its easy to dismiss people like me as 'nutters'and those who do satan's work love this attitude as it allows them to attack with impunity.
I have met many fellow Christians and they are dignified by the truth in their life,testimony and faith. To call a born-again Christian a liar is both hurtful and an oxymoron.

serrae (U5423419), BBC Religion 45 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 14854

[To a homosexual poster who called Mike S. Adams a bigot.]

Why not let some murderers come live with you?
You aren't a bigot are you?

DavidM, Townhall.com comments 27 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 14855

If evolution is so true...why have we not witnessed a change in species? Have you mysteriously witnessed a monkey become a man? Even close to a man? Or have all the monkeys stayed monkeys, and all the people stayed people? I'm waiting for a great white shark to get lungs, grow legs and start walking around on land. Have we witnessed that? I'm throwing out all the complexity out of it, because if you keep it, its just not possible. But assuming its actually easy to mutate and evolve, why doesn't it happen and new species are created? And not just all the good, working, functional species. Where are all the deformed ones that died off. "Survival of the fittest". I haven't been seeing unfit either. I haven't seen a monkey with eyes on its back. Or some new organ in the completely wrong place, not functioning properly.

djzim23, Sean Hannity Discussion Forum 46 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 14857

There are a lot of things I have concluded to be wrong, without studying them in-depth. Evolution is one of them. The fact that I don't know that much about it does not bother me in the least.

AV1611VET, Christian Forums 169 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 14858

The concept of "free will" will truly be realized only when we are in Heaven. "Free will" is more than just "the ability to make choices." True "free will" is the ability to always make the right choice. Such an ability was lost when man fell from grace.

Reformationist, Christian Forums 26 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 14860

I will say that evolution and other naturalistic theories are perpetuated in an effort to remove God out of the picture. It saddens me when Christians show support for this kind of godless science.

Muhd, EvC Forum 19 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 14862

[As part of a larger argument that women who are more than 20 weeks pregnant should be forced to give birth prematurely or have C-sections if the father wants a kid.]

A woman can easily deliver a foetus at 20 weeks, the head is collapsed to make it easier.

grunge, Myspace 46 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 14863

[... I note that the verse says that God will answer "whatever you wish" and not try and make up excuses why "whatever you wish" doesn't really mean "whatever you wish".]

Fortunately, God does not become an idiot, even when you give Him a classic demonstration of what an idiot is.

ethang5, Apologetics.org 19 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 14864

[Regarding FSTDT.com]

Just proves many people are narrow minded and don't really give a shit about society as long as it doesn't affect their miserable little lives. They are going to have a huge wake up call come next year.

paki beater, Tight Rope Forums 57 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 14865

[An annoyed moonglow replys to Darklord]

Little upset are we? By the way I am not a guy...and I am disabled..I really can't do a whole lot esle...I would rather hang out on a Christian message board then sit and watch TV all day long...talk about boring. At least on there I am learning about our Lord. I noticed alot of you assumed quiet a bit about me...maybe you should find out first what I believe, before accussing me of these things you have listed.

At any rate, most of you proved my point.

Oh yea, and I do spell poorly, I have dyslexia...when I graduated from high school I was functionally illiterate..back then they didn't know much about learning disablities like they do now. So after I graduated from high school I had to teach myself how to read and still struggle with my spelling, though its much better then it used to be.

At any rate yea, you guys do tick me off...you do not show a balanced view of our views of things...like you never show post with positive discussion we have on here. You never post showing how we support and encourage others, or about our love for Jesus...you seem to have no real understanding of what we are about at all.

That is too bad too. And yes I realize the same can be said for our views on you....but in reading your comments to our posts, all we see is mocking and put downs and not showing alot of intelligence here in most of the comments. So what do you expect our views of you to be like from this site? It certainly doesn't show the 'best' of you all by any means.

You never post prayer request for instance from off any of these boards. You don't post about the little boy that died from cancer that we had a long prayer thread about on our board. We posted to his grandma who is a member on our board praying for her grandson, supporting her and her daughter as he went through very painful treatments. The struggles they went through for a year and a half on there. And our outpouring of love and support when he passed away from it.

Of course you wouldn't put things like that on here showing how much we do care and support each other because we would look too human, too real, too sensible, too caring.

You come off as very cold and uncaring people...but given the same situation I am sure you would be as caring and supportive and as loving as we are...right? So why this show of 'we are so great and smart' and those 'fundies' are so crazy and stupid and hateful? All it does is make you look crazy, stupid and hateful...is that the image you really want to convene on here? You are succeding greatly at it so far. I would assume anyone with a thinking mind would realize how terribly slanted this website is and have enough sense to learn for themselves what we are really about...I would at least hope so anyway..

moonflow, Fstdt Comments 29 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -5

Quote# 14867

[A video refuting astronomical evidence that the universe is older than 6,000 yrs.]

Tychicus1769, You Tube 21 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Randola

Quote# 14868

Strange that we can't legislate morality yet we have millions in prisons at the ccost of billions for breaking the legislated laws. -Largely because they were never taught the laws made by the legislators who say we can't legislate moral laws. All moral laws except for private morality are legislated anyway because they have to do with harm to others and or their property.
"Bind love and mercy around your neck and write them on the tablets of your heart." -Solomin
"Don't do unto others that which you would not have done unto you." -Moses
Jeez! We wouldn't want to teach that awfull stuff. If this is not an example of throwing the baby out with the bath water then I don't know what is.

Frankly, there is not one great passage of "scripture" that is not illustrative of practical living.

[Really, AL? What about those passages forbidding people to wear mixed fabrics? Or telling you to stone your son to death if he disrespects you? Or forcing a rapist to marry his victim?!? Not exactly what I'd call "practical"!]

Far more dangerous, and damning are the teachings -allowed in school- (legislated by social geniuses like you) that suggest that human life has no value or intrinsic meaning, and that moral absolutes like "thou shall not kill" are just silly stories made up by dogmatic fools who really don't understand the new and improved God of cold reason.

AL, EvolutionBlog 17 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 14869

I still believe that we need to turn them into "real" victims and annihilate one of their countries. We would then explain to them that the next time they acted out their rage, we would do it to another one and then another one. Eventually they might get the message. I still believe that we need to take it to them and snuff them out like the roaches that they are.

uncommon1, Free Conservatives 31 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 14870

All christians get in America is harrassement and personal humiliation.

Some of it is caused by our own actions and probably deserved.

If we can't endure even this much for His sake, how will we stand in the day of real persecution? Now is the time to answer that question...not when it is too late.

yod, Bibleforums 28 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 14871

It is becoming increasingly apparent that what we have come to call Higher Education is little more than what the North Vietnamese called Re-Education in their brutal, totalitarian camps. Dissent is not tolerated on campuses. Speech codes are the Orwellian counterpoints to thought crimes. No part of American life is as Nazified as the college campus.

Few places are as useless as college campuses. Except for courses dealing with hard science or technology, the vast majority of what passes for study in colleges is fluff whose value is nonexistent and whose sheepskin is simply the purchase of a minor title of nobility. The Constitution expressly prohibits titles of nobility. The Founding Fathers had a reason for that. Merit, not the buying of an earldom or confirming of a knighthood as reward for slavishness to convention, was the only distinction which government would draw between citizens.

Today, government requires college degrees – however meaningless these degrees may be – for a wide variety of professional and occupational opportunities. Why? Literacy, competence and knowledge can all be tested objectively in a wide variety of ways. That risible blob of tasteless gelatin which we call Higher Education is doubtless the most dubious way to determine actual intellectual ability or mastery of a body of information. Where is the ACLU when the constitutional rights of those without college degrees are being trampled? (The ACLU, of course, does not care about constitutional rights at all.)

The modern university is a spawning ground for ill-informed nihilists who leave their Re-Education camp knowing less than when they entered, but believing that they know more. The frustration felt in the streets of many cities around the world is the hunger for true knowledge and thought felt by mind-starved college graduates who have been solemnly informed that they now know something. All these wretches have been fed, of course, are the failed theories of Marx or some other Nineteenth Century windbag whose musings allow goateed professors to act like little Hitlers.

We should reject the whole idea of universities. Once, in the Middle Ages, universities were genuine sources of intellectual ferment. Instead of spouting propaganda, people talked, listened and thought. The rot began to set in over a century ago. Instead of truth, militantly secular college managers began to maliciously edit reference materials, to end inquiry with pre-determined academic articles of faith, and to create a powerful priesthood less a Creator.

The hucksters of Higher Education have succeeded so well that they have persuaded parents to send their children to college so that they will make more money, without grasping the true awfulness of that. Germans who joined the Hitler Youth or the National Socialist Student Association (NSDStD), the most popular campus association in Germany in 1930, would earn more income. The acquisition of wealth for its own sake is hardly a moral goal.

Even if modern colleges really educate students – which they do not – that would hardly qualify these institutions as noble if the education itself was malignant. One of the false gods we have been led to worship is education. Werner Heisenberg, the greatest theoretical physicist of the last century, was Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute at the University of Berlin under the Nazis. Konrad Lorenz, the greatest behavioral psychologist of the last century, was an enthusiastic Nazi professor at Immanuel Kant University. Martin Heidegger, the most renowned philosopher of the last century, was a equally proud Nazi and he was made Rector of the University of Freiburg.

No one questions the genius of Heisenberg, Lorenz or Heidegger. No one should doubt the brilliance of the college system that produced them. But no one should question their slavish surrender to Nazism and, in the cases of Lorenz and Heidegger, their infatuation with pure evil. The best that can be said about professors at American universities today is that they are so limp mentally that their malice is largely harmless, but let us not deceive ourselves that replacing the midgets of American academia with serious thinkers would make anything better.

Justice, equality and integrity are proper aims of government. Wealth and learning are what each person should seek for himself and should use wisely. It is not the business of government to grant petite titles of nobility, which signify nothing noble at all, to millions of young Americans each year. If it has value, let its consumers support it. If it is vile America-bashing, let it fail. All education is self-education. Let colleges stand or fall on their own.

Bruce Walker, Conservative Truth 46 Comments [9/12/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Mister J
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