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Quote# 13978

I got a few Christians who believe that God created the world through evolution.

1) Where did sin come from?

2) When did Satan fall from Heaven?

3) God created the plants on the third day and the sun on the fourth day. Awful hard on those plants to wait for the sun for billions of years.

4) Evolution teaches us that we are animals. Why is it that High-School Biology teachers teach us that we are animals and then wonder why we act like it?

5) Do you truly believe that death was in the original plan of God?

6) When God looked at His Creation on the sixth DAY and said it was good, was Satan controlling the earth and was Adam standing on a bunch of dead things?

7) On the sixth DAY, God gave Adam dominion over the earth. Was Satan ruling then? If so you have a real problem there over who controlled the earth.

Think about THAT with an open mind.

messanjah, Christian Forums 19 Comments [8/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: CousinTed

Quote# 13983

If Bush had done it right and carpet bombed the entire country into oblivion we would not be having these problems. He only convinces the rabid rats of Islam that we are weak by refusing to simply kill them all

PoppaBear, American Conservative Forum 24 Comments [8/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 13987

you know whats stupid? Just like scientology,wiccanism was made up almost 30 years ago..apparently,"WITCHCRAFT" was just MADE UP! No proof that it was an ACTUAL religion back then..Christianity,however HAS proof! Since the beginning of time there have been documents PROVING christianit,not making it up like "WITCHCRAFT"

cloudstrife4003, Eyes on Final Fantasy 31 Comments [8/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Raistlin

Quote# 13991

The Democratic leftards hate Wal-Mart because they hate America and everything it stands for. The Democratic party is the home of the socialists, who will stop at nothing to destroy a sucess of capitalism like Wal-Mart.

Remember that the next you're in a voting booth and considering voting for a Democrat.

Gene, WorldMagBlog 42 Comments [8/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 13912

Crush? Well, that depends on how you define crush.

Webster defines "crush" in that manner as " an intense and usually passing infatuation "
Webster defines "infatuation" as ": to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration "

That being said, I have a lasting "crush" on my Teacher. I "crush" for Christ.

Don't y'all?

Apologist, TheologyOnline 54 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 13913

Aren't you a Christian yet? What's the hold up.
Oh BTW, you are a loser unless you become a Christian, then we can be bros.
PS: Don't be a homo, they die young and bring others with them.
Oh, also, after you humble yourself before the foot of the Cross and and ask God to forgive you of your open rebellion and rejection if Him, then can you pick a new screen name? God hates sorcerors (and perverts).

Hey, I forgot to ask you....have you ever seen The Pasion (movie)? Just curious.

Truthteller86, TheologyOnline 39 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 13914

I stand by my principles that if a man raises a Godly family he will not be cursed with a gay kid. Scripture teaches that if we raise our children in the fear of the Lord, they will not depart from it. Thank you, Mrs. DMG for your support on this.

I can't believe the flack I'm getting for saying that I wouldn't allow my kid to remain in my home if he came home and told me he was gay. I would no more allow that than if he came home and told me he was on drugs or some other dangeous lifetsyle. As the father, I am responsible for keeping a Godly home. So how could I allow open sin to dwell in my home? While it would be a hard thing, I am still required to do the right thing by my family. If my child were young enough I would put them in a Christian facility until they were sufficiently treated. If they were older, I'd try to find someplace for them to go that would be safe.

In any event, as I said before, this is not something that's going to happen in my family. My daughter is 16 and defintely wants to be married. My son is 12, and he's no mammas boy. I'm raising him to be tough and defend himself. He's been in a few fights, but I'd rather have that way than being a sissy. And he knows what to do if a gay approaches him at school or anywhere else.

Gene, WorldMagBlog 47 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 13915

"Tolerance" is an anti-Western and indeed anti-human concept...its a lie.

Defensor Fidei, Christian Forums 36 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: ssdexecutor

Quote# 13920

I have a plan for terrorist protection and prevention. From now on if a terrorist kills himself by suicide bombing, or is otherwise killed in an attempt to hurt others we embalm their bodies in pig lard and wrapped in bacon.

Also, I was thinkinging, we could have airplane security guards carry squirtguns filled with pigs blood. Of course, it would have to have anti-coagulants in it, but it would rock because if some terrorist went crazy we could squirt them with pigs blood, and they couldn't blow themselves up because they'd be unclean, and would have to go to a mosque and pray or something. Of course, then we'd catch them.

Also, if a terrorist is caught alive, we make them eat nothing but pork chops and work on a pig farm and play Porky the Pig cartoons in their cells all day. Their clothes and upholstery would be made of pigskin leather, and we'd give them pork rind potato chips. Every meal would include bacon bits. The carpeting in their cells would be boar's fur rugs, and their beds would have Miss Piggy sheets, pillowcovers, and bed spreads.

Verily, I am a genius.

KarateCowboy, Christian Forums 65 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: JustinGG

Quote# 13922

(Hope, trust, etc. are not faith. There's a reason these words are different.

In the case of going to a doctor, you have good reason to trust what he tells you; he's been to medical school. Faith is belief without reason.)

So what? He's suddenly reliable and trustworthy JUST because of that?

Oroci_Iori, CARM.org 22 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 13924

I have been asked this question. Yes it is many times worse.

I will go to the OT to show you. David sinned.

1. Lust of the eyes with Beer sheba
2. They were at war and he violated his duty
3. Used his power to order her brought to him.
4. He committed adultery
5. Lying to involve Uriah to cover her pregnancy
6. Had Uriah killed in battle front
7. Un repentent till Nathan did an "intervention"

I have just used a heterosexual for an example to prove a homosexual is sinning 5+ times what sin a standard sin is.

Homosexuality begins with lust of the eyes

1. Lust
2. Acting on the urges
3. Reading the bible about it's sin and lying that the bible does NOT speak against it.
4. Becoming a stumbling block for others
A. Pedophilia
B. Gay parades and agenda
C. Doing the abomination
D. Causing the partner to sin
E. Defiling the body
F. Giving oneself over to reprobate mind as bible says
G. Dishonoring your body the temple of God. (If redeemed and saved)
5. Lying about it to others. Calling another to stumble is horrible.
6. Disobeying God's plan for marriage and children.
7. Coveting a person for sex
8. Fornication
9. Based on mortality rates, it is an act that has death as an outcome.
10. There is no way it can be a testimony for Christianity.
11. Honor thy father and thy mother
12. Idolatry.

Yes the hetersexual act of David found it's little way to multiply. His sins led to a multiplyer of wrongs.

Remember the verse, if they hands or whatever offend thee Pluck it out?

I don't see people running around with their ... plucked out.

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

It is severely nasty to run around and tell people that the bible is wrong when it calls homosexuality sin.

It is sin for me to have a warning and not share it.

It is another sin, if you come out and call this post Hatred, violence or vomit all of which are on this board.

Evil can not be called good. Repent.

coadie, CARM.org 40 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Roman

Quote# 13925

Its my opinion that civilian deaths are irrevelent. Once you have committed to commencing military action you have resigned yourself to the conclusion that violence is the answer, that there will be killing, and that you will attempt to use your violence in such a manner as to inflict it disproportionately on the other side. If you haven't reached that conclusion why go to war?

In the same vein of thought, I think its foolish to judge whether you should engage or disengage a war do to casaulty numbers. Once you have committed to going to war, you have resigned yourself to the fact that you will sustain some casaulties. So why even judge what you will do according to such an arbitrary number as civilian deaths or military casaulties?

In my mind going to war is a serious decision, that once reached, is not the realm where shakiness and double-minded wavering can exist. Once you go to war you must achieve your objectives or submit to failure.

baconbits, Naruto Forums 30 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 13927

Jesus is going to take care of you non-believers.

And it won't be pretty....

True Believer, News Hounds 65 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Phil

Quote# 13929

[Christian who believes atheist's worship Hitler]

For me if Hitler kills me no big deal.
To you it makes sense to lie and live another day, but is that moral.
Wouldn't that be considered hurting Hitler by lying to him.

You are just lucky that Christ is where I get my morals and he taught me to give my life for you is the greatest way to show love. And so Hitler would have killed me and you would have lived. Thanks to my imaginary immoral God.

I'm curious, if we turn the table now Hitler tells you to kill me or die. based on your morals or ethics what do you do?

intolerantJohn14_6, Evil Bible 34 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 13940

The other day while installing some new fiber optics cables for a satellite array I overheard some coworkers talking about quarks. Quarks are supposedly tiny particles that nobody can see and nobody has any use for. So why do we know about them? What good does it possibly do us to know what a quark is? Just another example of useless science, and wasted money on the so called research needed for this great discovery.

I seriously have to wornder about people who spend their free time thinking about things like quarks or quasars. There are more important things to do.

As far as I am concerned if an answer to a question isn't in the bible, then the you have no business asking the question. A few years ago when my wife suddenly had to get an emergency c-section I was scared. But I didnt turn to any book about quarks. Luckily I had my palm pilot with me, which just happened to have the entire King James bible on it! I read a few passages that gave me the strength to pray for her and the baby to get through this ordeal. I sure didn't need any useless trivia books about quarks to find comfort in.

I have very little use for science. In fact it is in impediment to getting close to God.

[Someone points out the obvious fact that c-sections and computers are a benefit of science.]

You are confusing TECHNOLOGY with SCIENCE.

Technology and science are often lumped together, but are totally separate and unrelated things.

Technology makes peoples lives easier. Technology is the product of inventive geniuses who were inspired by God. Inventions and innovations improve life.

Science causes confustion and makes things complicated. Everytime there is a new discovery the old discoveries and old wisdom are discarded! And theories get more and more complex. Science makes people confused and complicates things. Who is the author of confusion? Satan of course. The bible it the opposite of science. Biblical wisdom NEVER CHANGES, and anyone can get it. Scientific wisdom is always changing and contradicting itself, and really nobody gets it.

Please don't insult our intelligence by lumping science and technology together. They are as different at night and day.

spreadingtheword, 123 Christian Forums 174 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Randola

Quote# 13944

[A new twist on an old favorite]

Did you know that Galileo Galilei also known as the "father of modern astronomy", as the "father of modern physics", and as the "father of science" admitted he was wrong regarding a heliocentric universe a year before his death?

childol, Spymac 45 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 13945

[Responding to "time is a concept created by man"]

Uh, lol.. Time is the movement of the atomic structure at a given speed via energy from the ether that comes directly from God the Son

childol, Spymac 50 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 13948

[Why would the sun orbit the Earth when the sun's gravity is so much stronger?]

The amount or strength of the "gravity" of the sun is assumed and guessed at and is not known. IF it had huge “gravity” and we had a stationary Earth locked into place it would still go around the Earth because the Earth would not give in to the sun but in fact the sun would hold its orbit because of it.

childol, Spymac 41 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 13949

- Copernicus’ system had more epicycles than Ptolemy
- Numerous experiments show that the Earth is standing still in space
- Telescopic evidence shows that the Earth is the CENTER of the universe
- TOP Scientists (Mach, Hubble, Hoyle, Hawking) admit geocentrism is in fact valid
- Einstein invented Relativity to ESCAPE the geocentric EVIDENCE
- Stellar Parallax and the Foucault Pendulum don’t prove Heliocentrism
- NASA and JPL use geocentric mechanics for satellites and other probes (why?)
- Kepler murdered the staunch geocentrist Tycho Brahe

childol, Spymac 44 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Tim Wilkins

Quote# 13950


do you people know that there are some people who prefer to have sex with animals? should we accept their "sexuality" too??? BS..... now you are thinking that animal is not a human being, so it's different..... but i have another example...
do you know that there are people who prefer to have sex with little kids? "Mr. Jackson for example :-)..... Should we accept their sexuality too??? now, you can't say that kids are not human beings...

yes, i think that HOMOsexuality, Pedophilia, and Bestiality are in the same category....

THE WORLD IS LOOSING MORALS.... 50 years ago homosexuality became pretty much socially acceptable.... few years from now Bestiality will be accepted, and another 50 years and pedophilia will be accepted.......

BUT IS IT RIGHT? no, of course, so we gotta cut it short where it began... at the Homosexuality.....

Ivan, Myspace 43 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: clemsecon

Quote# 13951

Computers are a form of TECHNOLOGY.

If there is any science involved please tell me

spreadingtheword, 123 Christian Forums 62 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Theironpaperclip

Quote# 13953

[Every generation has thought the following generation is the worst ever. I'm not worried.]

How much worse shall it be before the end is near?

I agree that we should not be "worried," because we are in God's hands, but I do think we should be ready for the end. I, for one, believe the end is very, very near! Soon we shall face the 3rd World War. "Peace" will be established following years of global warfare, but it won't be true, lasting peace. This "peace" will be of the Devil and his Antichrist. The peace will last only a short time; it will be followed by the world-wide extermination of Christians and anyone else who refuses to become a mindless drone controlled by Satan.

Two thousand years ago, God sent His Son.

Soon, Lucifer will be sending his...

B®ent-Generalissimo of ChristianForums, Christian Forums 24 Comments [8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 13867

[extract from user 2281868's leaked AOL search logs]

how destroy demons that live in apt above
is buddism satanism
is hip hop and rap music a form of satanism
are niggers satan or demons or gremlins
livingstone college
animal sex
killing voyeur neighbours who are satanic cult members
do niggers have x-ray vision

AOL user 2281868, Something Awful 32 Comments [8/15/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Huffers

Quote# 13868

one of these days...you will encounter a demon or fallen angel....you will desperatly need our help....but none of will believe you. Do you want that? The demons in your life may be just waiting to attack you until you have reached the point where nobody here even wants too speak to you. Demons are very intelligent, highly manipulative, and extremly cunning. They can destroy the life you have as you know it. My life will never be the same. Think before you speak. You are gonna need us one day....God sent us all here for a reason...your time may not have come yet....but it will.

Hislittleangel, War of the Angels 15 Comments [8/15/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 13869

Jesus Christ is called the KINSMAN REDEEMER. Jesus did not come to save the apes & dolphins, He did not come to save the puppies & kitties, and He certainly did not come to save the Zeta Reticulans or the Alien Grays.The atonement work of Jesus was only to save His kinsman, the sons of Adam. If a being is not a descendent of Adam, this being -- no matter how intelligent-- will not take part in the promise of Jesus Christ. Watcher 's research confirms that there are beings who are genetically similar to the race of Adams, but have been genetically tampered with by rebel angels, or engineered to be superior humans in some illuminated laboratory. These hybrids are not capable of "being saved" by the grace of the Kinsman Redeemer, for they are not His kinsman...

David Flynn, Watcher 25 Comments [8/15/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
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