Quote# 13671
[AV1611VET actually proposes interviewing ants in order to prove the flood]
Has it occurred to you we're living on the evidence?
Take a plastic swimming pool and fill it 9/8 full of dirt. Now let ants move in and build a big metropolis within the pool. A whole colonized infrastructure.
Now take some lawn sprinklers and uniformly sprinkle the pool until all the ants are dead except 8 of them. (We'll assume, for the sake of this example, that they're only surface-dwelling ants.)
Let the sprinklers run for 40 hours, then shut them off.
Assuming 2/8 erosion, we're now looking at a plastic pool, filled to 7/8 capacity dirt and rocks, and 1/8 capacity water. Polished to a high degree by erosion.
Leave it out for 1 year with a slow-operating siphon hose running.
Allow those ants to start colonizing again, and then segment the whole pool into 7 sections and spread the sections over the yard.
Allow 4000 years to pass with sporadic "floods" here and there; then interview the ants for scientific evidence of a global flood.
What would the outcome of the interview yield?
Christian Forums 64 Comments [8/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6