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Quote# 11156

[Regarding the <a href="http://rapex.co.za/news/0509050220ci.htm">Rapex anti-rape condom</a>, which sticks painfully into a rapist (without causing permanent damage) and can only be removed through surgery, allowing hospital staff to alert the police]

Yes, I understand the rape situation and know how fucked up it is, if a women is a victim of rape most of the time its not long term damage, its mental damage that can be dealt with power of mind. Now as for penis mutalation for a guy who's more than probably fucked up in the head, that's just wrong its taking it a step overboard because sure enough this guy will probably end up in a cold prison cell being a rape victim from 2 larger inmates. Which in turn will teach him the error of his ways. =P

Not Drunk, Just Irish, Myspace 44 Comments [4/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 11157

How can a homosexual (male) designer in the fashion industy tell a Heterosexual Male, what is sexy attire on HIS Hetersexual Counterpart, the Woman???

You think, a Strapless Gown is desirable, in the eyes of the Heterosexual Male, even though a Homosexual most likely designed it . . . and FWIW, a homosexual female most likely, modeled it . . .

IF you are a TRUE CHRISTIAN, I suggest you seek out a Heterosexual Male and ask him for his opinion . . . Don't let an admitted degenerate/ doomed to hell, practicing (in-your-face with their sin) sinner tell you HOW to dress in todays' world . . .

MAYBE, one day in the future, MORE Heterosexuals will get into the Fashion World and TURN things around and WE won't have to choose between two evils, such as, the immodoesty of a strapless dress vs the immodesty of revealing cleavage!!

A homosexual does not KNOW what "turns-on" a Heterosexual Male, when he sees a REAL WOMAN dressed in something . . .

HolyGuardianAngels, Christian Forums 31 Comments [4/25/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Kat

Quote# 11121

Hear me out first, Im at like 99% of being a total believer in advanced alien life forms on other planets.
Theres just one question that always sets me back...

Why dont the aliens contact us, the people that is not shadowy govenments ?

During my research over the years i read somewhere that a race of aliens made contact with the US government. The Aliens told us something like we where not spiritual advanced enough to get there advanced technology. But how are we ment to spiritually advanced when we worship Nike,TV,Hollywood and 50 cent ?. IMHO the only thing that can spiritually awaken us, therefore spiritually advance would be if we the human race as a whole was contacted by a spiritually advanced alien race. Once the human race discovered we apart of a massive consciencessness we would advance. SO where do these aliens get of telling us we are not " spiritual advanced enough to get there advanced technology" and then leave us to be spiritually mislead by our govenments. You would think aliens are just us but million odd years down the line, so they much no how oppressive or governments can be. Leaving us NO chance to reach of full potential spiritually and no our place in the galaxy.

helium3, AboveTopSecret 23 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: CousinTed

Quote# 11123

[Xillion attempts to sell his god given knowledge for $25,000 to be given to charity. He reveals four revelations he had:]

#1. THE PRECISE LOCATION OF HEAVEN: When we die we will become stars... Literally stars! Jesus Christ is our Earth's sun. That is why we are His... Because we come on one of His planets. When we die and become stars we, too, will be blessed by wonderful special planets which orbit us and bring us great happiness. God the Creator is also a star... The first and the greatest. Two thousand years ago Jesus said "I am the Light of the World." Jesus now wants us to understand that this means He is the Sun and that when we die, we will become stars too.

#2. THE CURE FOR CANCER: The cure for cancer is actually the knowledge of the precise CAUSE OF CANCER. We already know the cures for cancer, mainly prevention and early detection. Also chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and alternative medicine. We also are acutely aware of the roles of carcinogens, environment, heredity and diet. But what is the PRECISE AND SOLE CAUSE OF CANCER? CANCER OCCURS WHEN WE EAT OUR OWN FLESH. (Two very simple examples of eating our own flesh are biting our cuticles or biting our lips.) When a piece of our own flesh is digested, microscopic fragments of our own DNA enter the bloodstream. If a piece of this DNA enters a vulnerable cell, the nucleus of the cell identifies the 'food' as 'self' and this causes a 'circuit' to be blown in the nucleus. When (and if) that cell goes to divide, it does so in a haphazard fashion, dividing into four instead of into two and the mutation continues. There is an interesting correlation to Christianity here. Jesus told us to "take His flesh and eat it." Now he wants us to know not to eat our own flesh in any way because it is deadly.

#3. THE SOLUTION FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF WORLD PEACE: This is so simple! According to Jesus, the way to achieve world peace is this: An AMERICAN president has to set a goal for WORLD PEACE BEFORE 2021. (President Kennedy did something similar when he set a goal for the USA to land a man on the moon in the 60's.)

#4. JESUS REVEALED TO FUTURE TO ME: The future will go one of two ways: If world peace is not achieved before 2021 the world will destroy itself. If world peace is achieved before 2021, there will be no more natural disasters.

xilliontherockopera, eBay 41 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jaded_Revenge

Quote# 11125

My computer was broken and I prayed that God would fix it.

It worked! God fixed it, I don't know how, but it worked fine.

What a wonderful God. He truly does care for us in even the little things.

KenNielsen, Christianity.com Forums 46 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jeremy PC

Quote# 11126

Jesus died for are sins. SEx Abortion, porn, profanity, masturbating, gay marriage, suicide, devil worship, witchcraft, degreating women, raping children, adultery, murder.

Like the bible says.. Thou shall love thy neighbor but hate thy enemy.

Jordan King, The Evangelical Atheist 67 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 11129

Has anyone seen "Rosie's Family Cruise"? I saw a brief part of it, and not only is it a crappy documentary, but it also enrages me to know that there are so many good couples and families out there who either can't adopt, or don't want to go through the arduous process associated with it, but meanwhile, these sick, perverse same-sex "couples" are allowed to adopt children?

Ajay, MySpace 24 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Kat

Quote# 11130

its called the effects of sin in our lives. It screwed up our perfect DNA and everything, now we have stupid birth defects

[Why are infants punished for the sins of others?]

look, I'm not God so I dont know why He punishes the way He does or how He lets it happen, but I do know that He says He punishes to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Him. So consider it unfair if you want to but I trust my God to be faithful and just.

i wonder if there are roses in heaven..., Myspace 21 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 11139

[Seemingly trying to falsify plate tectonics]

In a rock formation, layers are said to build when new sediment forms on top of an already existing layer. As a result, the higher up the layer, the younger the sediment.

What you describes reverses the supposed age of layers. Already existing layers are replaced as new layers push up under it.

New layers......form under older ones.

This can't be explained any simpler.

From a logical standpoint, what you describe falsifies geologic rock ages.

Again, a flood is not only simpler, but more logically sound.

shinbits, Christian Forums 24 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: CousinTed

Quote# 11142

Any historian knows there would be no Buddhists at all if there were no "judgemental" Christians who died so you could believe whatever nonsense you like.

It's sort of like saying a hippie is nicer to people than his father, a WW II soldier was. The hippie would be saluting der Furher and violently reeducating Buddhists but for his father's sacrifices.

radorth, Christian Forums 23 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: CousinTed

Quote# 11144

Atheism is not a totalitarianism, yet atheism cannot exist in a free society, since people naturally gravitate towards supernatural.

Edial, Christian Forums 28 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Alejandro

Quote# 11146

["Why on earth is it so important for some guys to have a virgin wife?"]

For purity. It would be great to have a wife that only has your genes inside of her, and not the genes of other guys that she has slept with.

tqpix, Christian Forums 45 Comments [4/24/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 11098

I challenge you guys to test my faith into God. I debate you guys. I used to baseball, if it wasn't for god, I will still be 5'9 throw 58mph. I'm 6'0 throw 92mph.

Jordan King, The Evangelical Atheist 34 Comments [4/23/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Alejandro

Quote# 11100

Quite frankly, I think that some of the people that dress that way are asking for trouble.

Take my aunt for example. Now this happened before I was born, but it's something that's been imprinted on my mind. She was 19 years old and dressed provocatively (sp?). When they caught the man (and persecuted) that raped her, his excuse was that she showed a lot of skin and turned him on to the point where he lost control.

To this day, he upholds what he said all those years ago. I know this because he's a family friend. He came to Christ while he was in prison and my family eventually forgave him. Though it took my aunt a lot longer.


And you know what? He's actually a pretty cool guy.

Thomas, Myspace 103 Comments [4/23/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 11102

[You know that if Sean Hannity thinks you're crazy, you're pretty crazy. In this video, he has a member of the Westboro Baptist Church (Fred Phelps' outfit, the one that is protesting military funerals because they believe it's God's punishment for homosexuality), and she sits there and spouts this bullshit with a creepy smile on her face the entire time.]

<a href="http://www.yourdailymedia.com/media/1145697635/Fox_News_Baptist_Protestor">Fox News Baptist Protestor</a>

Shirley Phelps Roper, Your Daily Media 30 Comments [4/23/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Jeremy

Quote# 11103

[Evangelists Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron commit every fallacy in the book in trying to prove the existence of God. Also features a can't miss analysis of the perfect design of the banana. It's so homoerotic that I think he turned me gay.]

<a href="http://throwawayyourtv.com/2006/04/kirk-cameron-on-atheism.html">Kirk Cameron On Atheism</a>

Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, Throw away your TV 44 Comments [4/23/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jeremy

Quote# 11104

I found this out the day before I had to go to our yearly benefits choice seminar, where I found out same sex partners can be covered on insurance, effective July 1st. I'll tell you, I think herto-sexuals are being discriminated against.

Sophie, Rapture Ready 27 Comments [4/23/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 11105

[you dont know what else to say as your retaliation with that immature threat shows you dont have a adequate answer]

How dare you call God's prophet immature?That seals your fate for sure. God will make sure Satan devours.

AyranaAquilla, Christian Party 35 Comments [4/23/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 11110

Bush never said Iraq had WMD's. He said he "believes" Iraq has WMD's

[Oh <a href="
From here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/03/20030317-7.html
">yes he did</a>. "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." --George Bush, March 17, 2003]


I don't give a shit. I support Bush for standing up and starting the war on terrorism. You can call me a nazi or whatever you feminist freshman's call people like me.

Bush could have said: "I don't like this dirty raghead and i'm going to bomb the hell out of Sadamm's country", I still would have voted for him.

Sniperhawk, Myspace 50 Comments [4/23/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 11113

to do so or to accept evolution is to mean that Genesis in its literal context is wrong. which is not the case, because it it was inccorect, it would say so itself. i've mentioned this before, we know that there were reports of darwin recanting his theory, and of other scientists doing the same. my question to you is, why hasnt God recanted Genesis???

AngryNotice, Christian Forums 35 Comments [4/23/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: CousinTed

Quote# 11118

My point is that health is a spiritual issue but not everybody believes that. I perosnall do not use medicine but not everybody has spirit like mine. I am very close to God and I know that he does not punish those who go to doctors. He simply offers a better way.

I am saying that there will be no doctors in heaven and th bible says we should experience the blessings of heaven here on earth.

† Overcomer †, Myspace 19 Comments [4/23/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 11066

When my youngest was in 2nd grade she came home with 'Oh My God.' I told her that was NOT acceptable and she was sorry. Well......20 minutes later, here it comes out of her mouth again and she said all the kids say that and she was sorry. After one more time I washed her mouth out with soap. I had to do that one more time and NEVER again has she said that phrase. I grit my teeth when I hear ANYONE say that. I HATE THATphrase almost more than others I can think of.

Plus.....I'm 42 and have NEVER said a bad word in front of my mom (rarely RARELY say any anyway), and if I DID say one, I think she'd probably fall on the floor or come slap my mouth!!!!!!! And I'd deserve it!!!!!

Tammy, Rapture Ready 44 Comments [4/22/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 11068

[Excerpt from a larger, batshit insane article]

Much of the sexual sins in America are because of Hollywood. Hollywood is without a doubt one of the most hideous and evil cesspools of sexual perversion in the world. American has become a nation of sex-perverts, even to the point of "Christian" woman wearing pants.

Robert J. Stewart, Divided by Truth 41 Comments [4/22/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 11069


well in my biology class right now we are talking about genes. basically if your tall, you can pass that down, if you have a history of diabetes in your family you might pass that down, but if your born skinny, then you start working out and eating some stuff that makes you big and bulky, your not gonna pass , being strong and muscular, down cause you became that after you were born. Just like homosexuality. You weren't born gay, the devil plants it in your mind after you are mature enough to understand it, therefore you can't pass that down because you were not born with it. [if i messed up anything feel free to reply!]

Eyo-Sto_Ben-Ne!, Myspace 26 Comments [4/22/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 11074

You guys are always saying this. Why don't you give evidence for your own claims ? What has Hovind, Gish or Ham ever said that was faulty ?

RichardT, Christian Forums 37 Comments [4/22/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: CousinTed
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