Quote# 17674

[In a thread about making Muslims wear arm bands or tattoos identifying them as Muslims]

No need to make them wear tattoos or crescents, God already thought this one out and gave them easily recognizable middle-eastern features. Go God!

Avatar, Christian Forum 50 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Shelly

Quote# 17682

It may sound a bit harsh, but it seems like the best way to get rid of HIV and AIDS would be to stop keeping the infected people alive for 20-30 years with these drugs. As that way just allows the infections to spread and spread.
Surely HIV and AIDS would naturally die out with the infected dead as there would be nobody left alive to keep spreading and spreading it.

M11, C4forums 40 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 17683

[Ok, so how would receding flood waters distribute the remains of animals and plants?]

By the force of the flow of water over soft sediment (take the eroding of the Grand Canyon as an example) the animals that might have perished in the various layers would get washed out only this time that would get reburied in the reverse order to what they were originally ie the last buried would be the first to get washed out and then find itself at the bottom of the new pile of debris

A4C, Christian Forums 21 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 17684

Any REASONABLE and RATIONAL human being will agree that I am
indeed, Jesus of Nazareth reincarnated, but sadly there are no
REASONABLE and RATIONAL human beings left in this world. There are
AGENCIES that are dedicated to discrediting this Christ and destroying

May I suggest an experiment to PROVE this inarguable TRUTH beyond a
shadow of a doubt? It is almost four here in the State of Oregon,
County of Josephine, simply track how quickly these PREDATORY JACKALS
and AMBUSHING SIDEWINDERS attach themselves to this communication from
a Christ to distort and misdirect away from my sovereign message.
Hell, isn't it?

Nevertheless, I AM JESUS OF NAZARETH REINCARNATED. There is NO ONE ALIVE TODAY who can successfully refute this INARGUABLE TRUTH because it IS INARGUABLE TRUTH.

Raymond Karczewski, Velocity 81 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 17686

[Rape in the Bible]

Women are naturally weak, they are more open to sin, then men are.

The rapes happened in the bible yes they happened and were recorded , why to teach us a lesson, have you not heard of parables, in the Bible, these happend to teach us women not to bare are flesh or to lust.

(So you worship a Pro-Rape God with sadistic personality disorder?)

God allows it to happen, in the hope that it would teach us and strengthen are faith.

It happens, but most female rape victims often bring it on themselves.

(What a unbelievable statement! Are you for real? Please be a troll.)

a troll? yes i am being real.

God is not sadistic, he allows it for are sake, so we could learn.

(So God is Satan? I'm Confused.)

Cassie, C4forums 116 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 17687

prostitutes should be put to death,that is what my God would want, these filthy women/men spread Aids and other STDs.

(You are a sick person!)

no, God knows i'm a good person and thats all what matters to me.

Cassie, C4forums 41 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 17689

There is the god of the Bible, who is Jehovah. When you see L-O-R-D in caps, that is the name. It’s not Allah, it’s not Brahma, it’s not Shiva, it’s not Vishnu, it’s not Buddha. It is Jehovah God. They don’t have a relationship with him. He is the God of all Gods. These others are mostly demonic powers. Sure they’re demons. There are many demons in the world

Pat Robertson, god is for suckers 39 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 17697

It really is sad to a creationist [to] see so much scientific brain power go to waste going down blind alleys of research that lead nowhere instead of applying it to real reasearch and examine evidence in light of a global flood which obviously happened.

A4C, Christian Forums 28 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 17699

[Posted as a comment on "<a href="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/09/14/national/main2011603.shtml" target="_blank">War widow dedicates Wiccan plaque symbol</a>" story]

...would you want to be buried right next to some guy with devil worship symbols on his grave? what a bunch of sickos. You can keep your Wicca, Satanic Symbols and other evil weird sh*t where it belongs--in the closets and basements of your homes! dont bring that crap to a place for the dead! disgraceful!!

cicoccenta, Yahoo News message boards 37 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 17700

Christians are taking back America!

And we are THROUGH kowtowing to witches, satanists, muslims, atheists, homosexuals and socialist liberals!

America is a Christian nation, not a nation of witches. Satan symbols over my dead body.

By the end of President George W Bush's 2nd term:

1) Iraq will be well on the way to being a peaceful Christian country. Once Iraq has gone Christian, the Gospel of Jesus will spread throughout the Middle East. The region will be at peace and millions of Arab souls will be saved through the grace of Jesus Christ.

2) Bush will have appointed at least three or four USSC Justices and the baby slaughterhouses will finally be closed down forever.

3) Gays will be put back in the closet for good. The sodomy and decency laws will be reinstated and their disgusting disease spreading activities will be outlawed again. Maybe we can’t get rid of them, but we can get them out our children’s view.

4) School vouchers will allow parents to send their kids to decent Christian schools instead of the NEA-infested cesspools that exist now.

5) Worthless liberal social welfare programs will be dismantled and replaced by Christian faith-based government funded programs. People will finally get REAL help through Jesus Christ.

6) Filthy shows like Howard Stern, Will & Grace and Desperate Housewives will be off the air and replaced with decent Christian family programming. Families will once again be able to turn on the radio or television and not be embarrassed to listen or watch together.

7) The abominable scourge of Internet pornography will end with the introduction and ENFORCEMENT of the Online Decency Act. Pornographers who expose the public to this sickening material will be behind bars where they belong.

You can be with us or against us, but you had BETTER believe one thing:

Christians are DONE sitting at the back of the bus.

wanda_for_decent_values, Yahoo News message boards 145 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 17701

[Re: <a href="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/09/14/national/main2011603.shtml" target="_blank">War widow wins fight to put Wiccan symbol</a> on the headstone of her husband killed in Afghanistan]


People should be allowed to practice whatever religion they want, but no one should be allowed to disgrace Christianity by putting another symbol of idolotary on their grave. Screw this guy, he should get a big gold cross up there just for that.

toby_keith_shats_on_liberals, Yahoo News message boards 53 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 17702

[same Wiccan soldier story]

That's Why His Helicopter Crashed

Because of worshiping the devil. He more than likely brought the curse upon all on board that choper for following satan.

badseedlines, Yahoo News message boards 31 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 17703

Its impossible to "murder" a Communist, since the Natural Law tells us it is the right of any normal man to do away with people who are Communists, since Communists wish to expropriate and enslave all of humanity, killing everyone who resists or is of an impure class background. At no times have Communists, once they have gained mastery of a country, not taken to total expropriation of all private property and the indiscriminate murder of a large portion of the populace. Murder is contrary to the Natural Law, but to kill a Communist is to conform society more closely to the Natural Law, since an enemy of civil society is thus eliminated. (No, this arguement won't get you very far in certain "law" courts, but in the eyes of God, there is nothing wrong with killing a Communist.)

Andrew Byler, Free Republic 53 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 17704

["The argument is called Modus Tollens, or denying the consequent. Basically the argument says:

if p then q. not q, therefore not p.

If there is some necessary consequence of p, called q, and we can determine that q is false, then p is therefore false. This is the primary form of logic used in the hypothetico-deductive method of science.

There are many necessary consequences of a global flood, and they have all been shown false. Therefore the flood never happened."]

In Christian Theology though, p doesn't need q to either agree or disagree.

In other words, the hypothetico-deductive method must subordinate itself to the Isaiah 55 method:

Isaiah 55:8-9

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

AV1611VET, Christian Forums 22 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 17705

[News story: Single massive asteroid wiped out dinosaurs]

I hope it happens again...

Start a new world, without muslim filth.

with_malice_toward_all, Yahoo News message boards 47 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 17706

[Asteroid killed dinosaurs story]



parapatriot, Yahoo News message boards 64 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 17708

(note:Fundie try to use talkOrigins to prove creationism. O__O)

<a href="http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/polystrate/whale.html" target="_blank">http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/polystrate/whale.html</a>
if you read this you find that the Flood was real.That weve always been as we have been.it was done quickly because its not decayed and its on its tail.Darwin was saying that stronger traits make a better animal.end of story mutation is not good so dont give me that .He wanted to be a priest and i dont think he wanted to be an antichrist so he wasn't trying to make evolution the people after him who have been sucking helium did itour world is deterating.oh,now i remeber.weve all have had a helium ballon(personally i think evolutionist have been sucking in helium)we alll know that its a very slippery gas theres some deposits in the stuff that makes granite the rock.if its very slippery why is it still in there maybe the earth is a lot younger

pearapplegrapes, Gaia Online 35 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 17713

The end of the crusades witnessed another downfall in humans, during the crusades there was hope the europeans put aside their differences and foguht against a common enemy to protect their religous beliefs in the one nad ONLY God. when this came to an end the church split putting an end to any hopes of another succesful crusade to stop the Muslim invaders.

Eggbert's Waffles, xanga 21 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 17715

Is there even such a thing as a liberal Christian?

HiLaReE320, Rapture Ready 52 Comments [12/3/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 17642

[The main cause of Atheism IS Christians.]

So atheism can only exist in a Christian nation, it can not exist outside of Christian nations?

JohnR7, Christian Forums 27 Comments [12/2/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -2

Quote# 17644

['Illegal abortions lead to 70, 000 unintended deaths of women each year and millions of injuries, many permanent. The death rate from legal abortions is less than 0.001 percent.']

In that case let's make abortion ILLEGAL. The mother's SHOULD have to die with their babies!!!!!!!!!!

ONLY 3 MORE MONTHES!!!!, MySpace 62 Comments [12/2/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 17655

[A thread asking where the water went to after the Flood]

Now let me ask you something, Valkhorn. All that fancy science and 3-d bar graphs, etc., how about YOU tell US where all that water went?

Or, as I suspect, you don't know, either?

To all you armchair scientists that are asking us where all that water went --- here's my answer: I don't know. That's YOUR job to tell US where it went --- get busy.

(And the first one to tell me it was never here in the first place is fired.)

AV1611VET, Christian Forums 72 Comments [12/2/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 17667

[Talking about the possibility of Barack Obama being the the next president and "a part of things to come" (hinting at his being the antichrist)]

I think it's really weird that his first name is pronounced the same as the last name of Israel's PM, and his last name rhymes with Osama.

Mike_VDS, Rapture Ready 43 Comments [12/2/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jonathan Fisher

Quote# 17670

[Re: whether homologous organs can be used as evidence of either evolution or ID, 'Why wouldn't he have designed eyes for his favorite species, as good as eagle's or squid's eyes?']

So you could understand the parallel when He says in a spiritual sense, blind man you are in danger of falling in the pit

Abigail, Theology Web 19 Comments [12/2/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: the_ignored

Quote# 17671

No one knows what's happening until the flood comes (according to Matthew). And the flood is here - it refers to the apocalypse. There is a huge amount of supporting evidence on the site. For example, there is evidence for the wh0re of Babylon due to a 666 mile long penis in Mexico.

alasdair, Christianity Board 165 Comments [12/2/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
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