Quote# 18006

I was Jesus back then. I didn't know that so few people frequented this website. I'm 36 years of age, when Jesus died at the age of 33 I believe. If you know of some messageboards where more wiccans gather, please tell me so I can get my message across to them also. The Gods are my guides, they told me I was Jesus back then and they've told me I'm the new messiah. What more can I say?

(Note from submitter: Nuts come in all flavors! The concept of a "Wiccan Messiah" is a contradiction in terms - Wicca doesn't require a "deliverance" for its followers...)

Shane Goodwin, Wicca-Chat.com 35 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 18007

I believe that when a country turns it's back on God....Outright kicks Him out of the public arena in the name of 'sensitivity'and 'tolerance', murders unborn babies by the thousands daily, and whose churches are falling to apostasy and giving way to homosexual leadership and humanism at an alarmig rate; ....is subject to the judgment of God.

We are the ones who forfeit blessing for curse at a national level.
Too me, it's just a matter of what was once under blessing is now under a curse; God will simply stop blessing us and allow us to see what its like without his favor.
I believe that means seeing more things like katrina and 9/11.

destiny, 123 Christian Forums 18 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 18008

I speak with the voice of the Lord because I'm the Archangel. I appreciate that it might be difficult to believe, but please look at the contents of the site (proof for Christianity, resolution of large parts of the Bible etc).

Leave Florida. Repent from sins later (you are better off being alive because you can help more people. So don't worry about "running away from the Lord" or anything like that - the Lord isn't a big Tsunami, he is a starving African child).

Someone should advertise to Floridans - I can't afford it (otherwise I'd do it), but someone in America must be able to.

alasdair, 123 Christian Forums 30 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 18009

[0.2% of the US prison population is atheist. Thats around 150 people.]

I'm afraid you are not understanding the reality of what atheism essentially is. Atheism is non-belief, you can primarily tell what someone believes by what they practice. There is a large percentage of people who call themselves Christians, Muslims and Jews and yet they are equivalent to being atheist by what they practice. The prison population is full of Atheist by way of hypocrisy. Hypocrites and Atheist are spiritual equivalents.

Bodhitharta, RichardDawkins.net Forum 45 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 18011

just have faith that God brutalized Christ on the cross as a substitute for what he is ready to do to you.

Ceridwen, Christian Forums 41 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Mandrake

Quote# 18017

Just recently my son Bobby came out to me. I had been worried for awhile. His teachers said most of his grades were slipping and he seemed depressed and withdrawn.

Bobby said he'd been hiding it for awhile because he was afraid I would reject him. I sat him down and told him that I loved him and that God loved him, but that his salvation was in danger if he did not resist his unnatural tempations. I told him how being gay would mean he would live a shorter life, and that if he couldnt change his orientation he could be celibate like most the ex-gays are. He started crying saying something along the lines of "I knew you wouldnt understand! You're just like everyone else!" before running to his room and slamming the door.

What did I do wrong? I dont want to lose my son, but I fear I already have. I talked it over with his therapist, who had the ludicrous idea that homosexuality was unchangable and that trying to repress could lead to lots of psychological damage (I've dropped him and will try to be finding another therapist with more moral beliefs). I wouldnt be surprised if he's the one who's feeding my son all the homosexual propaganda about how its 'ok' to be gay. That, or how homosexuality has engulfed the media, making it seem 'cool' and 'hip' and how they were just another oppressed minority. You didnt have to worry about seeing two men making out on tv at my age! I dont want to sound like a fanatic, but Im worried what other effects will come out of this increasingly secular, immoral society obsessed with filth.

Am I too late? Or is it possible to save my son

[Note: the boy eventually took his own life.]

Betty, Unidiversal 676 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 64

Quote# 18018

[Councils of the Illuminati]

I speak today Christ be glorified- of the 2 great councils at the centre of the crossed triangles- I speak of geographical doors- The 2 lions facing each other- I speak to them today

The one that is against the one
The Subtle and the Reveal the left and the right- the good and the Bad

For the powers were defeated in the west- they know this
For Sataniel does not even rebel- for we have become his rebellion

SB Habakuk, Religious Forums 40 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 18019

[I'm not certain that she sees the implication of what she's saying...]

I have personally known mentally disabled and brain-damaged adults. The mentally disabled are usually quite open to Jesus because they think like a child...

Mrs. Debbie, teens-4-christ 62 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: spinetingler

Quote# 18020

[A very young child does not understand the difference between a lie and the truth when they are told something, because the child has not yet experienced enough to be able to do so. A very young child will trust almost anyone. If someone older (read, in possesion of more knowledge regarding the reality of the world) told a very young child to do something wrong, and I KNEW that an adult had done this, I would gently explain that some people are not to be trusted, and probably slap the adult.

You apparently would hit the child and ignore the situation.

NOW do you get the point?]

Yep. Parents who do not tell their children about Christ are pretty evil.

rhutchin, Internet Infidels 31 Comments [12/10/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 17940

[On atheists]

You are the hard on a used car salesman gets when you walk onto his lot. He knows he can sell you anything. You believe in nothing. SCORE!

You are a mental whore. You hide behind the hand-me-down logic you adopted in a college elective, the shit you had to regurgitate to get that C+ and then throw in a little new age a la Shirley McLaine. Run to the light, bro. Recite some O-chem. Now, blow me.

Wyatt Junker, Free Conservatices 57 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 17942

Editor, The Chronicle

It's time to stomp out atheists in America. The majority of Americans would love to see atheists kicked out of America. If you don't believe in God, then get out of this country.

The United States is based on having freedom of religion, speech, etc., which means you can believe in God any way you want (Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, etc.), but you must believe.

I don't recall freedom of religion meaning no religion. Our currency even says, ''In God We Trust." So, to all the atheists in America: Get off of our country.

People like Gail Pepin (The Chronicle, Oct. 11) have caused the ruin of this great nation by taking prayer out of our schools and being able to practice what can only be called evil. I don't care if she has never committed a crime, she is the reason crime is rampant.

To The Chronicle, please do not give atheists a voice. You do more harm than good.

Gloria ''Wendy" Ray, Aiken, S.C., The Augusta Chronicle 69 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 17944


Linda Kay Paff, Amazon.com 90 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: JustinGG

Quote# 17946

First of all Jesus came to give His life for us all. We are all sinners in the eyes of God until we repent of our sins. The Old Testament tells of things that are past and how the people of that time lived. Jesus came to do away with us having to sacifice animals for our sins. He was our sacifice. If you read the Old Testament, you will find that even tho those laws was for that time, that some of those laws were brought forth in the time of Jesus. Laws such as the Ten commandments and others. Read your Bible. Read the Old Testament and than read the new. Read what the old law stated and read what the New Testament says about sex, love, marriage, and so forth. I have been around gays and they were nice. What I am saying is that I value their soul more than what kind of life they live. All they have to do is repent and start living a straight life. People say that they are disgusted with me. I am disgusted with people that get out on the street and hold signs saying, "I am gay and have the same right to marry as straight couples do." That is advertising your sex preference. They do not have a right to Marry! God created ADAM AND EVE, not ADAM AND STEVE. Read Romans Chapter 1 and then run references on it. It states that it is an abomination in the eyes of God. You know what really bothers me more than anything is that Satan has people so blind to the truth that they won't listen. God said in the last days that people would be so blinded by Satan that the truth would not be in them.The Bible also states that Satan is the father of all lies. If you read Romans 1, you will find where it says that God will turn these people over to a reprobate mind. I don't hate anyone. I simply believe that this world would be a better place if everyone lived by the Word of God. Just think how simple our lives would be. No more sin, no more killing, no more pain, and no more debates like this one.Yes, I have a strong faith. It keeps me going every day because I know in whom I believe and what I believe. I don't believe in abortion either. First, it is murder and God says that murder is wrong. Can you really imagine in your heart what that little unborn child is feeling while it is being killed. To answer all the questions you asked, Why do you choose to not answer your own questions. All the answers are in the BIBLE. Thank you and may God Bless you.

Heavengoing, AETV Discussions 25 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Dysperdis

Quote# 17947

"When's the last time an Atheist president said Christians shouldn't be considered patriots or even citizens?" - I dunno about an Atheist, but a so-called Christian president has said such about fellow Christians (read some of the documents associated with the Patriot act... and fundamentalist Christians like myself are listed among potential terrorists).
* "When's the last time an Atheist told you who you can and can't marry?" - When Statutory Rape laws were made.
"When's the last time an Atheist made it illegal for Christians to run for office or testify in court in several states?" - None yet, but trust me, there will come a time when this happens.
"When's the last time an Atheist banned Christians from a public funded group like the Boy Scouts?" - The Boy Scouts are a Christian-based group! A more appropriate question would be 'When was the last time an Atheist banned Christians from a public funded group like Planned Parenthood"... quite often.
"When's the last time an Atheist made you unable to shop at certain stores or go to the bank on certain days because of their beliefs?" - Lesee... Veteran's Day, New Year's Day, 4th of July... none of them are Christian holidays... hence they are secular holidays... meaning days Atheists have no qualms celebrating.

seraphim_pwns_u, Yahoo Answers 40 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 17948

[You should excuse the expression, but how does one get 'initiated' into homosexuality?]

Sadly! We know it is only some of the many ways they try to initiate by molestation of our children and young adults.

Another way they try to initiate our children into homosexuality is by using a very subtle form of molestation and one that is also very offensive in that it perverts the minds of innocent young children, is to write vulgar books about homosexual relationships and read them to children in kindergarten and 7 year old children in the 2nd grade! They dare to introduce these teaching into the school systems curriculum to our very very young children , as if it to be a "normal" type of relationship. Another way is to write books about teens having explicit homosexual acts and show them to kids in high school and give children sex education classes which shows them how to have so called safe sex with the same sex. Those are just a few of the many ways in which the homosexual pedophiles (called pederasts) use as part of Their Agenda to initiate and brainwash the minds of our babies and young adults without our consent!

Relic, 123 Christian Forums 34 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 17951

It makes so much more sense than apes breeding humans and humans evolving into an entirely new species. But since atheists live in a fantasy world, they can't see how irrational that is and they are the last people to talk about what's rational and what is't. Their beliefs aren't even in the rhealm of reality.

Carico, CARM 35 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 17952

Are the laws of logic universal or conventional? The atheist can not say that the law of logic are universal for he has no way of knowing that. The best he can say is that said laws seem to hold, for now. So the atheist's entire system of "rational" thought rests on laws and conditions that may or may not be ultimately true.

lion, CARM 31 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 17953

liberals are NOT Democrats, they are communists....

blackwatch, Free Conservatives 33 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 17955

We all know that the theory of evolution was the product of the imagination of Charles Darwin. Darwin imagined that humans descended from apes. He hadn't even found a skull or a bone about which he could make up new stories when he formulated this theory. That is a fact. Yet Evolutionists always claim that God is a figment of the imaginations of Christians.

But Jesus showed us that God exists and the only defense that atheists have against that is denying it. So evolution is an imaginary belief and Christianity comes from outside the imagination from the words and actions of Jesus.

And this is how Satan deceives us into believing that the imagination is the truth and outside evidence is a lie. Apes don't breed humans in reality. But the lie that they do leads to other lies like making up Jewish history and other circumstances in Jerusalem other than what was documented.

This lie also leads evolutionists to claim that evolving isn't improvement but digression, (thus contradicting the original theory), that animals turn into other animals, that humans are animals when we rule over all animals and can outsmart or kill any animal, that bestiality is sex between humans and that humans can breed descendants who will turn into anything from aliens to tube worms!

These lies have now gone from the world of fantasy to irrationality. And yet evolutionists will still continue to make irrational statemements like those above, invent new lies about history and pre-history in order to deny God. That just proves the degree of irrationality that one has to descend to deny God. It isn't even in the rhealm of reality.

Carico, CARM 33 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 17958

"If there were Egyptians on Mars then it would be the demons who influenced Egypt into their idolatry and magic arts. These demons may have lived or hung out on Mars until God destroyed the planets environment. We don't know for sure all that happened; we just know what the Bible records.

In reality there probably was no civilization on Mars. Those Rovers have found nothing but undrinkable water and lots of rocks--nothing that would say that there is or was life on Mars.


The reason why evolutionists are so determined to support the ancient Egyption religion over the truth of God is because the account of Ra is where evolutionists get cosmic evolution from--but evolution is not divine revelation, so Ra is strictly mythology (demonology at best)."

FEZZILLA, Christian Forums 40 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 17961

Other faiths do not have other Gods. Only the Hebrew God is seen as the Creator of the Universe.

JohnR7, Christian Forums 44 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: JustinGG

Quote# 17964

Ice is less dense than water for a given volume because it expands as it solidifies. It is of course the only substance that does, and the only substance that needs to do so. What would happen to fish and other life in ponds and lakes if ice sunk as it solidified, thus causing them to freeze from the bottom up?

It's another example of an infinitely wise Creator/Designer planning for everything.

Doctor Doom, Free Conservatives 33 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 17966

[On Islam]

Such a "Peaceful,loving" Religion. Like anyone would want to follow a god that allows individuals to torture others without any remorse.

nancyjean, Rapture Ready 38 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 17967

No Atheist is truly happy. Some will pretend but deep down they are simply miserable disbelief has effectively ended their sense of wonder and joy. The men are often impotent and the women frigid

Bodhitharta, Richard Dawkins Website 68 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 17969

["Sex Demon"]

My lust has reached new levels due to two girls I’ve met on the Internet. The first girl is a girl with whom I have been a friend for a while, and although we are often apart, my desire to have her has not diminished. The second girl is a girl that I admire from afar, albeit the distance between us is uncomfortably close for her. These two girls have molded my hormones from that of a horny teenager into that of a sexual demon. I have submitted to my lust to fuck (which is the only word appropriate for what I truly desire) them.

She was the girl that provoked my desire to reach a new state of savageness. It was frightening to acknowledge the weakness that this girl created in me, but my lust defeated my conservativeness, and embraced her fully. Her words only amplified my lust. Even when the fear returns and accuses her of witchery, she is pardoned and exalted to an ascent above her previous status. My lust for her has become the fuel for me to become useful to her. Only with her approval will I ever have a meaningful purpose. She has absolute domination over me, should she ever desire to use it.

It’s not that I wish to harass the poor girl, but my feelings for her are uncontrollable! Her beauty turns me into a satyr hungry to engulf my senses in every part of her body. The lust might be inappropriate considering the distance between us, but it is definitely unique when compared with the collective lust for other women. It’s a raw emotion that rebels against any attempt to civilize, for it desires to be released onto her in its entirety. It’s shallow, but it also wouldn’t exist if the desire settled on the flesh. It wants to become intimate with her soul as well.

MessiahWWKD, Mydeardiary.com 59 Comments [12/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5