Quote# 18202

Let us behave like those long-suffering Christian monks who in the days of Dark Ages barbarian invasions in Western Europe had the patience to rebuild infrastructure and culture again and again and who thus gave us the civilization we now enjoy.

Petr, Original Dissent 22 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 18203

I renounce the Prince of Occult Sex and all the sex spirits which entered through the occult involvement, eyes, participation, transfer or by inheritance and command all of his demons to come out of the sex organs, the lips, tongue, the taste buds, throat, and mind in the name of Jesus Christ my Savior.

Bonnie, Bonnie's Lounge 37 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 18204

The Black Mass is said in honor of the devil at the witches' sabbath. It is practiced by many satanic groups. The ritual reverses Roman Catholic mass, desecrating the objects used in worship.
Usually a nude woman (often a virgin) is stretched out upon the altar where the high priest dressed in a long red cloak wearing the devil's mask will end the ritual by having intercourse with her. The other high ranking males also dressed in their special attire will also seduce her. The dominant purpose of the exercise being the hopeful conception of the anti-Christ. This is done in total mockery of the birth of Jesus Christ of the virgin Mary. The rest of the crowd will participate in a mass orgy. These events take place on a full moon, often in a remote graveyard or an old church yard/building (which has been laid claim on, never to be inhabited by Christians again), hill tops, forests, anywhere where it is considered soundless. Satanists also have hidden underground dens or use an old barge, where they have built soundproof walls and ceilings. They recite the Lord's Prayer in reverse.

Sometimes the participants drink blood by tearing off the heads of living doves, pigeons and canaries, with their teeth. Also larger animals like sheep, goats, bulls, deer and humans, have their throats cut with a razor-sharp sacrificial knife. The blood is poured into vessels for consumption or sometimes for the santero (salutation with drinks), or to initiate during the ceremony, along with eating of human flesh in mock communion rituals.

Once initiated into this dark world, fear of loss of life is often instilled in its members and they are sworn into secrecy. Individuals are often fearful of leaving it even if they want to, in case their death is arranged. It is a closely watched and monitored secret society.

Bonnie, Bonnie's Lounge 47 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 18205

The most successful religion in converting people these days is the simplistic, primal, xenophobic religion of Islam. Their essential creed, boiled down is "we are good, they are bad, death to everyone else". That's simple and sells well to people that are insecure and uneducated. Thus, Islam is doing rather well in the prosetylization game.

JBG, Free Conservatives 38 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 18209

Take notice, theistic evolutionists: fanatical God-hating Darwinists do not really trust anyone who dares to seriously believe in some kind of God. They are considered security risks no matter what.

Petr, The Phora 18 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 18210

[in response to the claim that jesus was a liberal]

"You are a heroin using homosexual pedophile liberal jew."

Anonymous, Jesusisaliberal 51 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 18211

it's you that doesn't know what's going on. Right now the world has been turned upside down by the murdering Muslims. The Muslims have embarked on a rampage across the planet only paralleled by Nazi Germany. The Muslims have become a major problem throughout Europe and have spread their murderous and violent way of life from Africa to Indonesia. Who do you think is responsible for the carnage in Darfur - yep Islam! The Muslims are sweeping thru Darfur and killing everything. Who just wrestled the country of Somalia away from the warlords - yep Islam! France is afraid to blink the wrong way out of fear of a violent uprising by the Muslim community. Just last week we had 6 Imams challenge the security of an airline. Tell me when you want me to stop.
I will assure you one thing. The spread of Islam has got to be stopped and the only way to stop it is through mass extermination. When the Muslims have something to fear is only when they will conform to social standards.

Wouldhe, Backpage Forums 17 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 18212

[Agnostic-extremist threatens muslims with death]

Fuck off you Muslim loving piece of shit. The Muslims are my enemy. I will view them as my enemy and I will confront them on every corner and I will kill as many as I can get the opportunity to do so. Your explanations here have the logic of a 2 year old - just like a Muslim!

Wouldhe, Backpage Forums 31 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 18213

God is love, and I pray you rot in hell for such filth and hatefulness. George W. Bush will put an end to sites such as yours. There can not be freedom without knowing right from wrong. People fought and died for the US FLAG and all it's AMERICAN values.

Chris Chen, Divine Interventions Guestbook (Warning! NSFW!) 47 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 18214

Anyone with a mortgage or bank-loan is a willing participant in this Satanic scam.

[I cant get a loan now? as a grad student i guess i'm majorly screwed.....]

No...you're already being majorly screwed by the Satanic system to whom you will likely be enslaved through debt for the rest of your life.

The time you will spend working to pay off those debts is precious time you could be spending promoting God's works, appreciating His creation, being with your family, fighting Satanism and so forth. By working you to the point of exhaustion through debt, the system ensures your compliance and prevents your rebellion.

Even if you personally are fortunate enough to end up without any debts, your federal and state authorities have debts which they will pay by taxing your labor. So one way or another, you will probably end up working for them and for their master Satan. Most people do.

Most education is corrupt and un-Christian anyway, with many universities teaching a range of satanic trivia while perverting students into an "anything-goes" eclecticism. Such parasitic and pointless universities should be abolished immediately and destroyed, or turned into poor-houses, in my opinion. Students should start again with a Bible, a piece of paper and a pencil.

disruptor, 123 Christian Forums 45 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 18215

if u guys know it all......prove it all......explain the "unexplained".........tell me how people dying of cancer, aids, and other noncurable diseases are healed through prayer...........through the laying on of hands......tell me how those who are bound to drugs and bound by depression are instantly set free when the call upon JESUS CHRIST..........explain how those with "psychotic disorders" are set free at the mention of that name!!!!!............yet this is all part of my imagination or something isn't it........or maybe...........you all don't have the answers........either way it still want to say that I AM SORRY...

Christ Warrior, Evil Bible 41 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 18216

[On Richard Dawkins and his book]

Was watching you read your book on TV.... Money, fame, good health, and what we think is a good life all have the delusional aspects of making us all think that we are a GOD. You are a proud old man- soon you'll realize that you were wrong- with a failing body and mind.... I tell you what, if I was evolving, wouldn't I know it-
and know how to! If I did, I wouldn't grow old (like you) and I wouldn't ever die (like you soon will)! Take away your money and fame and you'll realize you were in error even more dramatically! You O' preacher of just another religion.

Anonymous, RichardDawkins.net The Ugly 24 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 18218

[You also must be quite ignorant of Hinduism if you aren't aware of any hateful traditions within it. You do realize that it's still expected for women to burn themselves alive on the funeral pyres of their husbands, right?]

That's hateful? Explain how that is hateful please.

fallingangels, LiveJournal 27 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 18224

"According to evolutionists, it's a fact that aliens ruled the planet before the dinosaurs because that can't be disproven.

We have deformed skulls to prove that these aliens once had ape-like foreheads, and some walked on 2 legs and others walked on 4 legs. And since there have been confirmed sightings of alien spacecraft, that proves that they have come back to check on how things are going on planet earth.

We don't know who the first alien was, but from the few skulls and bones we have, we can tell that there were millions of them. Then when they had explored planet earth, they found it boring and decided to leave but not before some of them had died here which is why we still have their skulls and bones. From them, we can tell what they wore, what color eyes they had, and that they were covered in hair. These are what evolutionists call facts, so we've proven that aliens once ruled the planet earth."

Carico, CARM 99 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Aagcobb

Quote# 18225

Christians believe that killing will condemn them to an eternity of hellfire. Atheists believe the only consequence to actions in life is if you get caught or at the very worst, guilt. People who have an absolute hatred of a mass group as a whole scare me. It's worse than racism.

Cat_Byte, Slashdot 37 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 18229

Nicolosi co-founded NARTH in 1992 and has served as the organization’s leader since its inception. From the beginning, the group combined a combatively homophobic agenda with bizarre pseudoscientific theories. For example, <a href="http://www.fstdt.com/comments.asp?id=2662" target="_blank">Dr. Nicolosi</a> has said factors in the causation of homosexuality include “fear of tall bridges” a “phobia of the phone” and once claimed that gay men are more likely to be “pee shy.”

He has encouraged his clients to become more masculine by drinking Gatorade and calling friends “dude.” The doctor also applauded a patient in one of his books as making progress toward heterosexuality after he didn’t give a man his phone number at a bathhouse after they already had sex. Even more ludicrous is Nicolosi’s notion that, “non-homosexual men who experience defeat and failure may also experience homosexual fantasies or dreams.”

NARTH does not keep track of its failure rate. When asked by a Newsweek reporter why he kept no statistics, Nicolosi claimed, “I don’t have time.” More troubling is that Nicolosi does have the time to analyze children as young as three, telling the Advocate magazine that, “It’s my job to increase the possibility of a heterosexual future for these effeminate boys.”

NARTH member Dr. Jeffrey Satinover once reported that Prozac might be a cure for homosexuality. Another major NARTH contributor is Holocaust revisionist Scott Lively, co-author of The Pink Swastika, a book that partially blamed gay people for the Holocaust. “The Pink Swastika will show that there was far more brutality, torture, and murder committed against innocent people by Nazi deviants and homosexuals than there ever was against homosexuals,” wrote co-author Kevin E. Abrams in the preface describing the book.

The organization’s methods are so eccentric and bizarre that the American Psychological Association specifically condemned NARTH by name at the APA’s annual convention in August.

NARTH, Truth WIns OUT 37 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 18233

And as the little minds on MySpace that jumped me over Carter's legacy, trying to defend this pathetic man who brought so much evil upon the earth, I did beat Carter to the ground, kicking him along the ground like a man kicks the butt of a dog that's in his way. And I did stomp on Carter's head/name with my boot, saying, "You have cost thousands and thousands of lives of innocent Iraqi and American soldiers by dethroning the Shah of Iran. And about your little half-baked answer, " as I did stompity-stomp on him more, "that neither you nor the Shah knew what was happening among the masses, and that the revolution came out of nowhere -- that's just one big, fat lie. And even if it was true, the Shah of Iran had a powerful enough military backed by US air support that they could have put down the Islamo-fascist revolution."

And thus I, "The Reality Changer, " did stompity-stomp, boom, pop, bam, kick, stompity-stomp stomping upon Carter's head/name. Any more defenders out there, step right up because I'm thoroughly enjoying this, and would love just to beat this man all day long.

tim, Hardcore Christians Living Hardcore (Myspace) 37 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Brendan

Quote# 18234

[This is in response to a story about a newly discovered ancient mammal that apparently possessed skin flaps that enabled it to glide like a flying squirrel.]

More LIberal Crap

If mammals could fly--they would BE birds. The instant a mamal took flight, it was a bird, there was no mmal that flew before a bird.

This is just more typical Yahoo-Kerry-Clinton-Gore-Buchannan (yes, Buchannan who cahmpions the American "worker") style liberal crap.

letsstartrightnow, Yahoo! Message Boards 43 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 18236

The Bible gives us over 50 descriptions about the people at the time of the end. These fit the people of today perfectly, but did not fit the people of fifty years ago. Here are some:
A. Some would depart from the faith and go into devil worship-1 Tim 4:1. This is perfect.
B. People would mock about the last days and not believe-2 Pe 3:3; Jude 18.
C. People would become lovers of themselves-2 Tim 3:1,2. Remember the TV commercials—"I do it for me"?
D. People would be disobeying their parents-2 Tim 3:1,2.
E. People would be grateful for nothing-2 Tim 3:1,2.
F. Homosexuality would increase-Lk 17:28,30; ref Gen 19:5; Ro 1:24,26,27.
G. People would be without self-control in sex-2 Tim 3:1,2,6; Rev 9:21, Lk 17:28,30; Jude 7. Is this not the great sex generation?
H. People would love pleasures more than God-2 Tim 3:1,2,4. This is true. Shall we go on a picnic, watch football, or sleep. Church?—we can go another time. Our American motto "In God we trust" has become a joke. Remember, these were all predicted centuries ago as part of the signs that we are at the time of the end.
I. People would be taking drugs-Rev 9:21. The Greek word for sorceries, in Rev 9:21, means pharmaceuticals or drugs. God’s Word is 100% right on every one. That’s 6 out of 6. How could you have any doubts at this point?

Cubfood.com, Abundant Bible 42 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: shell

Quote# 18237

[Regarding a poster who asked if her friend was still pure after being raped]

The only thing your friend did wrong (unless she is very flirty and dresses the part-I'm assuming that is not the case)was to accept help from a male stranger. I'm sure she regrets thatand will definitely not do that again.

Mrs. Debbie, Teens-4-Christ 52 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Joe

Quote# 18239

[In response to a global warming article headlined "Oceans may rise over 4 1/2 feet by 2100":]

All conjecture.

The flood was over after 40 days and He promised to never destroy the Earth by flood again. Stop sweating it!

miketelco2002, Yahoo!News message board 38 Comments [12/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 18146

[L]eading scientists have found evidence discrediting evolution. Tiny organisms have been discovered in our bodies that were not previously known about. They now have microscopes powerful enough that can see little biological organisms that have tiny gears and little rudders! Their like mini machines in our bodies, and there existence disproves entirely the theory of evolution. It just hasn’t gotten out to the schools yet…Just think, kids in schools are being taught a theory that has already been disproved!

Lucy, The Rebelution 64 Comments [12/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 18149

Proving a theory to be impossible wont get you a nobel prize. If evolution is real then we would be able to show that it has and is happening.

Cut to the chase, there has never and will never be any evidence that creatures evolve over time into new different species. That is a undisputable fact.

As an evolutionist this may be hard to accept, but the truth is often difficult to accept at first.

Truth1010, science forums 35 Comments [12/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 18152

Our goal is to reclaim the internet for the Glory of God.

Bro Randy, Internet Dangers 62 Comments [12/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 18153

the universe being infinite and eternal would have to have an infinite nuber of events happen and an infinite number of matter to produce these events. lets use an analogy.
lets say i have an infinite number of marbles in my possession. using this knowledge:

Case 1. i decide to give you the whole pile of marbles. that leaves me with zero marbles and you with infinity marbles.

Case 2. i give you every even numbered marble, leaving me with infinity marbles and you with infinity marbles.

Case 3. i give you every marble labled 4 or higher. that gives you infinity and you with three marbles.

these three things sum up to three math equations:

1. infinity minus infinity equals zero
2. infinity minus infinity equals infinity
3. infinity minus infinity equals three

these things contradict themselves therefore the universe cannot be infinite.

The Man With A Plan, Myspace 56 Comments [12/13/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Adrian Burt
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