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Quote# 17175

[Amazon.com Book Description of The Little Black Book for Girlz: A Book on Healthy Sexuality.

Check it out: not just a book about sex, but a look at girl culture by teenagers. No stuffy school textbook. No nosy adults. Just a diverse group of teen girls from a community youth project who had questions about sexuality. To find answers, they collected stories, poetry and artwork from other youth. They also interviewed frontline health experts to get solid facts about the personalities and pressures that young women have to deal with.]

(Fundie Description of The Book)


Read at your own risk - nothing risque or graphic, just piece from the author about why her book should be published and how she was discriminated against in the publishing world concerning it (boo hoo). It seems to be her intent that even infants should be introduced to sexual pleasure .... how sick can this world get?

mikitta, Rapture Ready 22 Comments [11/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 17178

Feminists, i.e. those who think men are worthles, women should run everything, and men try to hold women down.

Yes, either feminism caused this trend of men being feminized (in order to understand the suffering a woman goes through), or whatever caused feminism has caused men to step back, or to feminize.

I won't try to say it was the chicken or the egg, but I do know, at least in the US, rebellion unpunished against authority allowed people to express themselves more freely, and both allowed abused/suppressed women to speak out, and allowed men to take advantage of women "free love". I.e., I speak of the 1920s to 1960s. The time when dating became the norm, when God was kicked out of (public) school, the time when family became a broken and restitched entity (divorce, remarriage), and the list goes on. All of this is what allowed the creation of rock n roll, cohabitation, drastic increase in unwanted pregnancies (and thus abortions) and now, the homosexual and feminist movements.

Conservative, PurityForums.com 35 Comments [11/17/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 17078

And I want to tell you something, and I'm going to say it to you loud and clear. The radical homosexual agenda will not stop until religion is outlawed in this country. Make no mistake about it. They're all not nice decorators. You better get it through your head before it's too late. They threaten your very survival. They went after the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is now caving into the homosexual mafia. They will not stop until they force their agenda down your throats. Gay marriage is just the tip of the iceberg. They want full and total subjugation of this society to their agenda. Now, if you want that and if you don't think it's a threat -- believe me, that is what's going to occur in this country.

Michael Savage, Media Matters 45 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Gadren

Quote# 17079

[A video about how we're invoking the wrath of God by using "baby parts" in stem cell research in order to cure diseases caused by "fornicating with birds"]

Elder Yisrayl Hawkins, YouTube 25 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Gadren

Quote# 17080

Prophets are people who hear God speaking to them about things happening today or things which will happen in the future, and bring this word to the people. They are mouthpieces for God.

I believe that one such prophet is a man named Chuck Youngbrandt. I've been reading his letters for years now, used scripture and logic to test the veracity of his claims, prayed to God about his genuineness, and I've become convinced that he's not a fraud. He's the real deal.

As with the prophets of old, Chuck's message is not well accepted among God's people. Why? Because he is bringing a message of judgment, and few American churches want to hear anything negative about our future. God's "people" want to hear messages of blessing and prosperity. They want to hear good things about their future and the future of our nation. So, when God wants to tell them about bad things that are soon to come upon us, their reaction is to berate the messenger and turn a deaf ear. It's sad, but I believe it's true. God's church in America has gone astray, seeking only what their itching ears want to hear. His Spirit is far from their hearts.

Patriot, News First Listens Message Board 28 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 17081

[Yet another of Joe's answers to the big questions of why there's no such thing as the Ice Age]

joe, YouTube 16 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 17082

The secret BIG sin that women, females and girls do too . . .

Unlike, sins that involve the touching of others . . .

it seems that masturbation is the ultimate sexual release;

alas, it is not . . .

It destroy those whom masturbate just as any other sin would . . .

You can imagine how great of sin it is; even if done in the "NAME" . . .

of Physical Health , i.e. when a Doctor requires one

to preform the act ~ in A test tube ~ petri dish or other glass apparatus . . .

I don't know the name of what it is called: when the doctor sticks his or her finger

up the male anus (supposedly) checking for the gland that is supposed to cancerous . . .

They say it is "innocent" . . .

you've heard it: It "seems" so innocent . . .

However; it is not . . .

Every swimmer must KNOW the secret, because, cold showers really can assist one in overcoming sexual "urges" . . .

* MEN can go swimming in real cold water for a mere fee at the YMCA,

not to be confused with the YWCA, where women get NO service . . .

HolyGuardianAngels, Christian Forums, Questions by Non-Christians 49 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 17089

our society is fucked.
making people think they're gay.
i bet if everyone grew up without tv or computers or anything like that then they might still fuck around with both sexes but they would still make babies like we are naturally supposed to.


["Yeah, animals are gay because of t.v. and computers."]

animals are not gay
they dont have a sexual preference.

spontaneity, baby., Myspace 34 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 17090

Some people actually think that separation of church and state is actually in the constitution! I was shocked to find that out so I thought everyone should know that its not and in fact it was quoted in a letter only so that the state would not decide what religion should be its official one and also so the state could not interfere with the churches teachings. [Sound like any amendments you've heard of recently?]

An Ambassador, Myspace 25 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 17091

[So being pro-life means allowing gay people to be victimized and discriminated against?]

Assumes facts not in evidence. Gays just won the Senate and the House. They own San Francisco. They own Disney World. They own Hollywood. They run the New York Times.

Some discrimation.

David_Paul, Catholic Answers Forums 39 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 17092

(Why can't we just have a respectful discussion (on abortion) without all of the opposition bashing? It seems as if we're trying harder to bash the opposition more than trying to prove our points. I mean it won't get anywhere doing that.)

It's kinda hard to debate peacefully when the other side openly commits murder

Shayne (R-NJ, Myspace 19 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 17093

(I know right. Those damn abortion clinic bombers. ugh)

The abortion doctors have bad karma.......More babies are aborted then the loss of life by the abortion clinic bombers

Shayne (R-NJ), Myspace 29 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 17097

A woman told police she was overcome by "demons" when she smothered her 9-year-old son and then tried to kill herself by jumping in front of a subway.
Olivia Jean Noel was arrested Tuesday on murder and other charges in the death of Knil Jean Noel after telling police: "I did something terrible to my son."
She told detectives that "demons overtook her" when her son woke up Monday upset that a playmate hadn't come to his family's birthday dinner for him the night before, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

She told detectives she called the boy over to her bed and smothered him with a pillow, Kelly said.

The boy's father was at work at the time, police said. They said Jean Noel warned him during a telephone conversation: "You're going to have to forgive me."

Afterward, Noel said, she was overcome with remorse and threw herself in front of a train. She survived with a broken leg and severed fingers, police said.

Olivia Jean Noel, CNN 24 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 17107

[in a thread about the separation of church and state]

Truthfully it matter's none. because I believe I read a passage in the bible saying to not follow mens laws, but to only follow god's.

Kandi: Queen of the Penguins, Myspace 34 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 17108

I may not have the type of voice you like, but I can sing. You can't take that away from me, 'cause singing is a gift from God, and when people say I can't sing, it's kind of like insulting God.

Fergie, perezhilton.com 63 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 17109

[An anti-Feminism rant, including made-up statistics]

Rev. Rickey, YouTube 8 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 17111

[On why masturbation is a sin...]

The Bible clearly teaches homosexuality is a sin. The reason homosexuality is a sin is because God created sex between a man and a woman. Since man was not intended to give sexual pleasure to a another man, it is sin. But it is sin for a man to give sexual pleasure to another man, why would it be acceptable for a man to give sexual pleasure to himself?

Please excuse my graphical illustration here, but I think it is needed to make a point. Why would it be wrong for a man to take his hand and give me sexual pleasure with his hand, and yet it be OK for me to use my own hand to give myself sexual pleasure??? In both cases, the hand that is giving me sexual pleasure would be a man's hand!

PaulAckermann, Christian Forums 39 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 17114

Maybe that's why God separated people at the tower of Babel..... The Egyptians may have been cloning things. Remember all the heiroglyphs with the dogs heads on human bodies?

babylonrising, Rapture Ready 46 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jonathan Fisher

Quote# 17116

The bible confirms that don't be afraid to beat the devil out of your child for you will not kill him

Lesley, CARM 47 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 17117


y' started off wrong . . .

It' s WHOM is GOD . . .

HE is a LIVING " BEING " . . .

GOD can not be a Female cuz

no rightly thinking person would ever

worship her . . .

She could not even fix menstruation,

commonly known

as The Curse

HolyGuardianAngels, Christian Forums 45 Comments [11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 17054

Dawkins = Agent of Satan

He is due to speak at the Scottish Festival of Atheism next month and my church is planning a bus trip to confront this man who is quite frankly a disgrace to Great Britain. I'm surprised that the USA even let him into the country to perform his ridiculous attack on the New Life Church and he should be banned from returning. He belongs in the fires of hell, not the land of the free or the nation that is the States staunchest ally.

CharlieWilliams, Rapture Ready 22 Comments [11/15/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: PassingThrough

Quote# 17055

seems to me that Dawkins is paving the way for the Anti-Christ. with this new book, many people will be deceived. books seem to be the new tool that the enemy is using lately.

Rise Up, RaptureReady 33 Comments [11/15/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: PassingThrough

Quote# 17057

[A <a href="http://www.messengersoffaith.net/Jesus.html" target="_blank">jesus doll</a> the one2believe company donated to the U.S. Marines to distribute through toys for tots; but the Marines declined the dolls stating they distributed toys all over and had no way of knowing if the dolls would end in Jewish or Muslim homes.]

By making themselves judge, jury and executioner over the religious leanings of the toys, hasn't Toys for Tots violated the First Amendment by discriminating against religious toys in general, and perhaps Christian toys in particular?

Like I said before, my hunch is that a Buddha or Ganesh doll would not generate half the opposition. It's up to the parents to decide what toys reach their kids--not the government. In any sane world, every non-senile judge would recognize Toys for Tots' policy as unconstitutional.

indra_fanatic, Christian Forums 54 Comments [11/15/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 17065

Is feminism really a movement created by women to gain "equality" in a patriarchal society or is it really a gender based social manisfestation of Freud's concept of penis envy?

Here are the issues that can be gained as far as equality with men is concerned as I see it in today's social order:

1- Job Equality; Men can get a shitty job in some dead end factory or Home Depot, work like a slave for low pay and no place for advancement, struggling for 40 years; retire and attempt to live off of social security (if it will still be available), and end up dead 6 mos. after retirement from congestive heart failure.

Women are welcome to join their brethern in this noble pursuit. Be my guest.

2- Sex; Men can shake the dew from their lillies, sowing their oats wildly and without concern over pregnancy, child birth, or child rearing.

Women can join their brethern in this noble pursuit. Abortion as birth control has opened the flood gates and their legs. They can now fornicate freely and often, and with wild abandon, and live the simple minded meaningless lives of their sexually obsessed male counterparts.

3- Opportunity; Well, this one is difficult. As I see it, any one with an idea, ability, and some fortitude can make something happen for themselves in this country if they are persistant, commited, and if the perservere, regardless of gender.

4- Abusive relationships; Another tuff gong. I believe that anyone who stays in an abusive relationship is retarded. Separation from the antagonist can be difficult, but the consequence of staying can be deadly. There are many social constructs designed to help women through and out of these types of relationships. If any of you out there are currently struggling with something of this order, feel free to contact me and I will connect you with resources that will aid you in leaving, getting yourself re-established away from the abusive environment, and any medical care or aid you might require. FREE.

5- Social Status; You already vote, work outside of the homes, and abort any babies you don't want. Your stars have risen and you have manipulated a place for yourselves along side of your male counterparts. You are political in nature, have taken over the education system of our country, and have feminized many of the boys and men so that they now conform to your line of thinking (or should I say your life perspective).

Now, here comes the dicy part. Now, after all this, you want men to like you. But you act like one of the guys and you want to be treated as such. Ah: yuk.

How about we just get along, like a bunch of guys will do when they're competing on some kind of playing field. We'll play together, compete, and retreat after the game is over.

EL KABONG, Myspace 30 Comments [11/15/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Mike

Quote# 17068

[Talking about gravity]

Well,the answer to this one is easy,,,,
God started the spinning as he stretched out the universe amongst time and space,,and its been spinning ever since.

How do I know this?

Because I just do,if you want proof,go ask God yourself.

azzy, christianforums.com 32 Comments [11/15/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
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