Quote# 17286
[Have u ever found something in the bible that u didn't like?]
When you find something in the Bible that you don't like, most likely it's the Holy Spirit convicting YOU on something which is going on in YOUR life.
Homosexuals don't like Leviticus 18 and 20, Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 5 or 6, or Jude -- and yet, homosexuals know intuitively that their choice of lifestyle is WRONG, that it is SINFUL, and the Holy Spirit is trying to convict them to get them to repent of their homosexuality and move back to normal, God-given heterosexuality.
Women, particularly feminist women, don't like 1 Corinthians 14 or 1 Timothy 2 which forbids women from speaking in churches, teaching in churches, or having any authority over men -- and yet, women know intuitively that God created Adam FIRST, THEN Eve from Adam; that God came to earth as a male (not a female), and the natural order is God - husband - wife - children. This exists all throughout nature and also in all human societies. Dogs and cats know this. Horses and cows know this. All of animalkind accepts this -- except humans, who think they have the right to go against God's Natural Order where women are "equal" to men. Christ grants a degree of equality to women, but women have their own sphere of influence just as men have their own sphere.
Yes indeed - when we don't like a part of the Bible, it's usually because the Holy Spirit is working on something in us which GOD doesn't like!
Christian Forums 44 Comments [11/21/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: UberLutheran