Quote# 16584
Ok evolutions have said alot of things in this forum, but they really have not refuted any evidenced used against there theory. What i have basically heard from the evolutionist is "creationist are morons and scienctist have dated the world older than what the Bible says.
Well......maybe. The problem is Scientist over the past 50 to 60 years have used a number of dating methods. Well, if the first dating-method worked then why would they have to keep coming up with new dating-methods. The problem is none of them work. I would like to speak about them all but I don't have enough time, so i will just speak about the most common, Carbon-Dating.
The carbon dating method uses the amount C14 in the atmosphere. C14 is radioactive C12(regular carbon). By the way there is very small ammount of C14 in the atmosphere, like .00014, I think.
Well what happens is the sun's rays hit the atmosphere and turn some of the C12 in to C14. Following that, C14 will slowly change back into C12. It has been proven that C14 takes about 5, 700 years to decay back to C12. Meanwhile plants are breathing in CO2 and some of it is radio active C14. The animals then eat the plants and the animals die then turn to fossils, which recently has been proven it only takes a year to fossilize something. Anyway back to C14, well once the animal or plant dies to C14 continues to decay , in the fossil, back in to C12. When they find a fossil they will compare the amount of C14 left in the fossil to the amount in the atmosphere. Then they will use math to get the exact date. That is how the method of Carbon dating is used, but there are errors in it:
Error 1: back in the 1960s scientist wanted to know how long the atmosphere would take to reach a stage called equilibrium. Example of equilibrium: If I told you to fill a cup with water, however I put a hole in the bottom of the cup. Eventually the cup would fill up to a certain point where the amount of water going in is equiling the ammount of water coming out and you cant fill the cup up any more, that would be equilibrium. Where you cant put any more water in because the same ammount is draining out. Scientist tested the atmosphere and found out that it would take 30, 000 years for the atmosphere to reach equilibrium. Well, here is the problem. There is still 27% to 35% more C14 being added to atmosphere then is decaying out. Proving that the atmosphere has not reached equilibrium and the earth is less than 30, 000 years old.
Error 2: If the atmosphere has not reached equilibrium then compairing the amout of C14 in fossils to the amount in C14 in the atmosphere would be pointless because there is more C14 coming in then decaying out.
Now if you are a evolutionist, don't just say Im stupid and wrong, PROVE me wrong. Do you homework and come back to me with a strong point against the method of Carbon-dating.
[Note: FSTDT.com did their homework, and Googled for 2 seconds and discovered carbon-14 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-14" target="_blank">decays into nitrogen-14</a>, not carbon-12 again.]
Mike Jones,
Myspace 27 Comments [11/1/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Scott