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Quote# 16870

There are 12 tones in music (repeated several times to form a piano keyboard or guitar fretboard) and a *trained* musician can usually play no more than 8 (66%) of them (in a diminished scale) at any given time before it, subjectively, sounds bad. I HAVE NEVER HEARD ANY BIRD SING OFF-KEY, not even once, EVER! Have you? Birds go on and on and on and it ALWAYS SOUNDS GOOD — or at least interesting — but never a sour note!

Are bird songs the result of random note selection? It would have to, according to the preposterous theory that you hold so dear (because it has relieved you of the burden of morality, self-denial and self-control). To say that birdsongs were "perfected over millions of years" (blah, blah, blah) and are no longer changing, would imply that "random, natural selection" has CEASED to operate as a force in the lives of birds. Something evolution cannot do BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST! DAMN! Why is it so hard to accept something that is so obvious?!

In accord with that TOTALLY BOGUS THEORY of Evolution, bird songs (along with *every* other aspect of *every* other living thing) should ALWAYS be in flux. This would necessarily require that an appreciable portion of birdsong note selection end up perhaps working for a given species of bird but sounding "off-key" to humans.

Shandooga, Damn Interesting's Comments 68 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 16872

I'm not talking about a simple power outage. I'm talking about enriched plutonium which comes from the conversion of uranium into WMD. It is considered the most dangerous substance known to man and absolutely will shut off the electricity present in planes. All any terrorist has to do is drop large quantities of plutonium from airplanes onto American soil and it will render electricity completely useless. And the chain reaction that will occur from the US shutting down will be global. We Americans have had the capacity to do that to our enemies for years. I had erroneoulsy thought that atheists knew that since they claim to know so much about our universe.

[Emphasis added]

But as usual, you haven't thought things through at all and are speaking from ignorance again.

Carico, CARM 128 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Nothere

Quote# 16874

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYX-N3Ms7hQ&eurl=">Promotional Trailer for "Purity Balls,"</a> prom-like events where prepubescent girls sign a contract with their fathers pledging to be abstinent until he decides to sell her.

Purity Ball Trailer, YouTube 70 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Sierra

Quote# 16875

[Posted at 11:02 PM on Election Night]

Webb now leads by about 2400 votes. Even if the remaining 1% breaks for Allen, the demonicrats will cheat on a recount.

Longhorn_Platinum, Free Conservatives 30 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: FishyFred

Quote# 16879

A family doctor who allegedly stunned a patient by telling her that she might be possessed by an evil spirit, failed to appear at a medical tribunal hearing yesterday. Dr Joyce Pratt, 44, from Birmingham, allegedly told the young woman during a consultation that "something moving in her stomach" might be an evil spirit.

The General Medical Council hearing in Manchester was told that Dr Pratt gave the patient crosses and trinkets to ward off black magic and told her to visit a priest at Westminster Cathedral in London. The doctor faces a charge of serious professional misconduct.

The patient, Mrs K, attended the Westside Contraceptive Clinic in Westminster, London, for a contraceptive injection after complaining of pain and bleeding. But the panel was told that Dr Pratt claimed to have special powers and gave her stones and crosses to protect her. She allegedly told her that her mother was a witch and was planning to kill her. [...]

Dr Pratt then spoke to a clinic nurse who was present at the consultation. "She spoke to her about the fact that she was a visionary and that her special powers were recognised from an early age.

"The nurse was sufficiently alarmed that she contacted Mrs K to check she was all right and she notified her manager."

Dr Joyce Pratt, The Guardian 27 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Simon the Brit

Quote# 16890

Evidence that the Bible is God's Word

1. It claims to be.

2 Timothy 3:16 - "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"

K', Myspace 108 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 16894

Correct. I believe if we live ina democracy majority should rule. And if the majority say "no" to homosexual marriage then that's what'll happen. As a Christian, I believe that if the majority says "Yes", then we have failed as a church.

Entertain me, peasants!!, Myspace 44 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Seth

Quote# 16898

When does life begin? At conception, at two weeks, two months, etc? Also, at what age should a life be considered "protectable" (age 1 wk, 1 mo, etc)? What set of criterias do we use to determine who lives and who dies (is it someone who has 'awareness)?

In Hitler's day, if you were Jewish you were exterminated. In America, if youre under nine months, youre not considered human either. God bless America!

Anonymous, Fundie Watch Comments 39 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 16899

The Biblical writers stated that they were speaking for God. Since you have no evidence that they were lying, we can take them to be telling us the truth.

rhutchin, Internet Infidels 62 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 16902

[In reference to an article on early bacteria]

Never happened. There never was an ice age either. Stop with the crazy pseudo-scientific fantasies. There never was a neanderthal. Darwin was wrong and everything based on his brilliant mastery of the obvious is wrong too. There, I said it.

Shandooga, Damn Interesting Comments 37 Comments [11/9/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 16831

[Regarding this Republican ad:
<img src="http://www.amptoons.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/republican_flier.jpg">
Topic: "Vote Democrat and brown men will rape your daughter"]

to the ad's credit, if family values do go under, brown men will have the ability to rape young girls.

Ethan, Myspace 48 Comments [11/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 16834


loveshinesthru, Rapture Ready 49 Comments [11/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Archaeopath

Quote# 16835

A Democrat win is a victory for Terrorist!!

Anybody with any common sense knows that three people will be happy if the democrats win Congress. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Osama Bin Laden. The terrorist will be dancing in their caves and I wouldn't be surprised if Osama Bin Laden or one of his henchmen make a tape claiming some kind of victory. This is clearly a sign of retreat because the democrats basically ran on the terrorist platform, I hate Bush too and I'm against Iraq. So of course this is a sign of weakness and I think the American people want to give the terrorist a victory to appease them. I don't understand people in this country who have the mentality if we leave them alone that they will leave us alone. They attacked the WTC before Iraq twice, the U.S.S. Cole and the Embassy in Africa. The terrorist will kill your family in front of you in a heartbeat.

You know democrats say that there were no terrorist in Iraq before we got there, that tells you that the terrorist don't care about Iraq they only came there to kill Americans. So common sense tells you that if we cut and run out of Iraq that they will follow us back to America and the fight will take place on the streets of Maryland, Washington D.C. and New York. Freedom is not free and when people are going into Walmart or Tops with armed guards and sniffing dogs at the door maybe they will realize this but I think it will be too late. It's almost a certainty that the terrorist will follow us to the streets of America if we leave Iraq. If the democrats win Congress, I think the troops will be home in less than a year and the terrorist will follow them. Then this will be a different country. I'm already making plans to leave the country because the American people don't have the will to fight for freedom. We are fighting against people that fly planes into buildings and if you think that when we retreat that they will just leave us alone you must have your head in the sand. When we cut and ran out of Somolia Bin Laden called America paper tigers and said that we couldn't stand to see violence on T.V. I think this country is in BIG trouble.

Quantumtheologica1, christianforums.com 29 Comments [11/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: quantumspirit

Quote# 16837

God can arrange physical inhibitions to change the outcome of an election. If He wants candidate A to win, but the public wants B, he could cause people's car's to break down or the like in order to stop enough votes for Candidate B to change the outcome of the election.

Myth Buster, Rapture Ready 59 Comments [11/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 16838

I remember one time, I was laying on my board, riding in wave after wave, completely oblivious to everything but the wave I was riding in on. Then...WHAM! My foot hits a seashell and cuts wide open. I could barely walk for a week, it hurt so bad. Man, did that ruin the vacation.

Are you ready to have a "seashell moment" There can definitely be days that we think are boring, but rest assured, God is working behind the scenes, and for all we know, he might just send a "seashell" along the way to remind us that He's still God, and He's still got big plans for you and your life! Who knows? God is like that sometimes, and that's what makes Him such an awesome God to serve!!!

Marshall Rose, Teens-4-Christ 80 Comments [11/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Archaeopath

Quote# 16839

The original sin between Adam and Eve was that they consumned each others own sexual fluids. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad was Adam's penis. If you use a digital camera to take a picture of your erect penis on the side you see when looking down at it and put the picture into your computer you can fit an equilateral triangle around the head of it. This is the Christmas tree. Anamita Muscaria mushrooms (magic mushrooms) grow under evergreen trees and are psychoactive. The Christmas tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and bad which is a symbol for Adam's penis ... The original sin altered man's mind and caused man to think in abstract ways and gave them the proclivity and drive to invent and construct things and delve into science that has resulted in all technology we see today. The pursuit of science is destroying the Earth as everything man does is destroying the very planet we live on. This knowledge from Satan the Serpent was a poison knowledge.

The serpent was also Adam's penis. The medical symbol the Caduceus is a pole with a pine cone on top with two serpents wrapped around it. The two serpents are male and female and they are the double helix of DNA and they also represent the Hindu rise of the first (anus) and second (sexual organs) chakras up the spinal column untill they reach the 6th chakra the pineal gland in the center of the brain the seat of imagination, spiritual insight and awareness.

[email protected]The Pagan Prattle 139 Comments [11/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Tzelemel

Quote# 16851

Things will get so bad NOW that Jesus will HAVE to come back!!! [Thumbs up]

yinonyavo, Rapture Ready 53 Comments [11/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jonathan Fisher

Quote# 16855

So if you guys are all so freaking clever how cum none of you realized that the KJV is from the 1300s not 1610 as suggested above.
There are no real arguments here just nattering over details.
Your submissions beg the granting of innumerable premise' however you collectively grant none to those who are outside your ... uhhh.... mindset.
What I view here is akin to a group of scientologists or nazis doing the support group thing.

Canadian Malcontent, JREF forum 38 Comments [11/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 16859

Josef Goebbels would be proud that his fellow leftists, the Democrats and their willing accomplices, have been so adept at his Big Lie Propaganda.

Naturalized-Texan, www.freeconservatives.com 33 Comments [11/8/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Gerard

Quote# 16795

[there is nothing quite like John]

Language is essential to life. Cells communicate with each other using chemical & electrical signals. You can not have organisms without communication.

So language would have began with the vocal cords.

JohnR7, christian forums 39 Comments [11/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 16798

[Amid a series of paragraphs speaking against evolution, specifically in response to the statement that evolution has never been falsified...]

kind of hard to FALSIFY something not proven to be true yet.

Schroeder, Christian Forums 26 Comments [11/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 16803

girls go out today wearing jeans so tight it makes their butt look 10x bigger than what it really is just so guys will look at them and then when they get raped they wonder why. well hello!!!!!!!!

sorry if it was kinda you know but it's the pure truth.

erin, Teens-4-Christ 58 Comments [11/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: gamerchick

Quote# 16804

Oh why am I wasting my time on you?....lol Ok I will make an exception just this one time.

Even though as humans we can deviate our sexual behavior for pleasure the sex act its self is designed through the evolutionary process to ontinue life. Homosexual activity does not continue life. Yes people can commit homosexual acts and yes they can be homosexuals but it serves no obvious purpose.

To claim its justified due to the fact that it has existed so long could also be applied to diabetes or any number of other genetic birth defects.

Conservative Atheist, Myspace 30 Comments [11/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 16806

[After telling one woman he hoped she'd be raped and another that she deserves to be raped and beaten, and having someone point out that he sure seems to like fantasizing about women who disagree with him being raped.]

I didn't have any rape fantasies. That is all in your head. I bet you can't wait to have a baby boy... so you can fuck his nuts off when he is 2 y/o. I bet you can't keep your own son's dick out of your mouth until he is old enough to fend you off. If you breastfeed him, you will probably 69 him just for your enjoyment.

These are the tendancies that YOU display with your bullshit posts on this thread. You are really one sick and disturbed individual. You should be locked up for the safety of others, especially any kids that happens to be around you.

Brian, Myspace 72 Comments [11/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 16807

[Poland's deputy education minister]Orzechowski's position is not totally surprising. The minister belongs to the ultra-Catholic rightwing party the League of Polish Families (LPR), a junior partner in Poland's conservative government. Other European governments have been alarmed by the LPR's campaigns against gay rights, their purported anti-Semitism, their support for an abortion ban, and their calls for a re-introduction of the death penalty (something which would be illegal under European Union law).
Orzechowski believes that creationism, which he described as a "truth of civilization" that has been "confirmed by thousands of generations", should be taught instead of Darwinian theories. The Darwinist idea that apes and people were related was "pseudo-science" for "non-believers," he said.

The LPR politician appears to have a penchant himself for speculating on the factors determining human behavior. He personally seems to favor nurture over nature as an explanatory principle, at least when it comes to Darwin himself: he postulated that the Victorian scientist was perhaps lacking "inner fire" due to his vegetarian diet.

Orzechowski is not the first in the LPR to come out in favor of creationism. LPR Member of the European Parliament Maciej Giertych organized a creationism conference at the European Parliament in October, where he said Darwinism should not be taught in schools. Giertych, who is a biology professor by trade, claimed that humans had had contact with dinosaurs and that Neanderthals continue to live among us. The MEP had also calculated the weight of Noah's Ark, arriving at a figure (including animals) of 14,000 metric tons (15,400 US tons). Other parliamentarians are reported to have reacted with predictable amusement to his claims.

Miroslaw Orzechowski, SPIEGEL ONLINE 14 Comments [11/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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