Quote# 2697
[Replying to <a href="http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45874" target="_blank">WorldNetDaily article 'court declares atheism a religion'</a>. Post has been broken up into paragraphs.]
Well If the court wants to rule atheism as a religion then we should find out what the tenements of the faith are. I would venture to say that evelution would be one of the beliefs of atheism and if that is the case then why are my hard earned tax dollars going to the schools to teach this religion if the church and state are to be separate?
Hmmm there is a way to fight everything isn't there I wonder if anyone has a list of what they believe. For every religion to be a relgion one main factor in that is how we as humans got here on the planet the others are what the beliefs as a whole are and how they are addressed.
So I bet if we were to investigate further we would find with this ruling and based on it we are having a religion forced on us in our government and in our schools by not allowing other faiths equal access to the same beliefs that No Prayers should be said is accomodating the athiest faith. Does that make sense.
Because atheists are now considered a religion and part of thier religion is to say there there is no prayer to a g-d that doesn't exisit in essence is saying we are now following the athiest view or religion when we open a meeting with no prayer or there is no prayer allowed in the school.
We need to fight that way. Weed need to attack the Absurd with the Absurd. If Atheism can be defined and recognized as a religion this is a huge break through for the christians because they now have a fight they can fight on the same grounds as the athiests have fought on.
Rapture Ready 9 Comments [8/21/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2