Quote# 7134
When an atheist says he cant find evidence for God, I have to restrain myself from laughing out loud... Arguing with atheists about the overwhelming evidence of Gods existance is like arguing with a Flat Earther about all the evidence that the Earth is round instead of flat. They wont believe you no matter what evidence you present, but only deny anything presented and then ask for more. Of course it is a game anyway to demonstrate how clever they are as we all know the Earth is not flat. The same is true for fanatics of any sort. Have you ever met someone who thinks that there were no lunar landings?... When these nutcases get right down to it, they cannot explain why there is so much apparent evidence against them and why they have so soundly lost the debate in the public forum as shown by numbers of adherents... But, like the lunar landing denier, or the Flat Earther, none of this will ever add up, because their choice is made before seeing any evidence... I have seen no atheist ever give a coherent argument that asserts why God does not exist and defend it in a public forum. I have never seen an atheist give any indication that they have a genuine understanding of any of the subjects debated. But most of all, I have never seen any atheist give a plausible explanation of why they have so soundly lost the debate on the existance of God in the public forum... some people will nevere be convinced because they dont want to be convinced, and it is as apparent with the atheist as it is with a Flat Earther.
Christian Forums 19 Comments [5/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3