Quote# 4438

these ppl r hipocritical christians aka the founders of atheism

Drum4Jah21, POD Warrior Forum 3 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 4439

Do any men here agree with me... That women don't have equal rights as men, but by them saying that they do, i feel like there trying to dictate to me saying that i'm not the king... Why have they become so naive and disresspectful to there king... if they go to war with men there going to lose... They would be far better off to respect there position in the world rather than pushing the king to assert his authority.

Haylow, Internet Infidels 32 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 4440

there position as queen, not king, man was made king Queen is there too serve the king they have no right to try and overthrow the throne of man, man is the king they must respect there king or face the kings punnishment.

Haylow, Internet Infidels 19 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 4441

This is just the disrespect i'm talking about, a women butts in on a post i made to other men acting agressively at my post (acting like a man trying to assert authority over my opinion)...

Haylow, Internet Infidels 8 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 4442

Someone has to be the head of the family man was created that king because man is stronger than woman i didn't make the world like this, that is how it is, try and respect you position in the world.... Now we have women acting like there the kings of the throne (as demonstarted above)...

Haylow, Internet Infidels 3 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 4443

There are no equal rights never has been never will be men have just handed the throne to women... There is something very wrong here.

Haylow, Internet Infidels 15 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 4444

deep down inside you women and men know what i'm talking about don't you all act so innocent... man has a resonseability for the familys survival therefore man makes those decisions if both man and women are argueing over whats best for the family, whats best never happens... man is more likely to make the right decision than the women because that was what he was created to do.

Haylow, Internet Infidels 7 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 4445

But thats what i'm saying with 50% of married familys splitting up some familys not getting jobs in the workforce because both partners working taking work from other familys just being greedy and not careing about other familys who go without.

Haylow, Internet Infidels 7 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 4446

...it's basically them trying to get their secular beliefs out, and they try to prove they are right while everyone else is wrong. It's the same with all atheists on any christian board. They tend to be very ignorant too...

THC, POD Warrior Forum 4 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 4447

Don't you see that atheism is becoming more prevelant in America...So is crime...there is a correlation.

hayden, POD Warrior Forum 29 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 4448

Why a big bang, why not just a bang, or a little bang... why couldn't the bang be the size of a pea. Why wouldn't the bang keep on banging, what set the paramerters of the size of this bang for it to be any size that it can be claimed to be a big bang or is that claim false, if its false why claim it to be a big bang. Sounds like a bit of spice put on something to sell me something... Well i aint buying it. i'm sure there are a lot of fools that have.

Haylow, Internet Infidels 16 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 4449

That seams improper to me, the more proper term would just be bang since they chose to stay with a term based on exageration i have just reason to remain skepitcal and that there are other motivations at work here. Don't be a sucker dude, there fooling you they don't want your pie to go to the chuch they wan't it to go to them. Find out the real reason why the theroy is still call the big bang...

Haylow, Internet Infidels 3 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 4450

Anyways, when your down, don't you sometimes call yourself names? Or think badly of yourself? Well, Satan sticks those thoguhts in there heads that they are wothless, useless, so disguting that their probly gay, the they'll call themselves gay cause they start to hate themselves, then eventually they become convinced they are...

JesusRIPS, POD Warrior Forum 7 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 4451

Homosexuals can change, its just hard because by the time they actually realize they like their own sex they have already lived that way for a long time. If its really not possible to change, then you better hope it never happens to you because the bible does say that homosexuals arent allowed to live.

catalyst, POD Warrior Forum 17 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 4452

If i wanted to go bang a male being a male myself i could do it, and physically it could probably work. but that doesnt mean i was born gay, because i wasnt. homosexuality is a heart condition. My opinion is its a result of insecurity in your manhood...

catalyst, POD Warrior Forum 26 Comments [9/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
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