Quote# 2450
both movies present wizards, sorcery and evil magic and both titillate the skyrocketing popularity of mystical occult in movies in the shadow of the attack on Christianity, feeding on it and nurturing it at the same time. Both movies use evil as good: "white magic" to fight dark and evil occult forces. Both present fine personal qualities in characters with heroic missions to defeat evil. And both present the use of evil, namely witchcraft and sorcery, as a tool for good. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is targeted at the preteen and the early teen and thus boasts a less complicated story. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is much more sophisticated and requires deeper thought to fathom its story, thus making the older teen and young adult its target audience. The Christian faith is being hit at all impressionable ages, folks. And there is more coming.
Rapture Ready 3 Comments [3/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7