Quote# 1424
You people all try to quote occam's razor. of course, occam's razor, if applied realistcly (which I understand you cannot allow) eliminates your entire theory. Please, in PRECISE DETAIL, do not leave a single step out, describe to me what was before the big bang, what caused the Big Bang, how the particles spread, how they joined, how they became planets, how stars were formed, then solar systems and galaxies. Then how this molten planet became covered with water, then an atmosphere. Then describe the entire process that took non living matter with not information, organized it into information, foud a way to decode the information and became living. describe how this living orginism was then able to automatically reproduce. Then please add to that how it increased this information into a complex organism, then to a fish, then a amphibean, a land animal aprimate, then a man. Along the way please tell me each step on how the eye formed from nothing, hearing, understanding, imagination and emotions. I think thats enough for a start. But remember, YOU MUST INCLUDE EVERY STEP ALONG THE WAY. But before you do, remember, according to occam's razor, you have to make it simpler and shorter than "God spoke it and it was done". So, you got to beat 7 words.
Rapture Ready 30 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5