Quote# 806
Ok, seriously, this is really sucky logic. First of all, there are more women who are Christians than men, and not just here, but all over the world. Secondly, the Bible doesn't treat women like trash, it places them where they belong, in submission to their husband, and before everyone jumps on me, take note that the women who were not married were only to submit to Christ and the authority of the land they lived in. JUST LIKE MEN.
And on the topic of WOMAN bringing sin into the world, WRONG. Adam is blamed through ALL of Scripture for the fall of man.
Look at it this way, Eve, SHE had to have a TALKING snake come and tempt her to get her to sin, Adam, all it took was a hot chick saying 'here, taste this'.
Oh, yeah, and the whole 'crutch' thing.... I, along with MILLIONS of other Christians like me, who have come out of the FALSE Religious System in this world, do not, believe in this 'hell' place, serve God out of Love for Him, not fear.
The excuse that God is a absentee landlord, tyrant, torturous, cruel, (etc.) being up in the sky is a crutch for athiests and agnostics, to give them a good reason not to believe.
So 'hell' is actually a crutch for the athiest, not the Christian.
POD Warrior Forum 14 Comments [10/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5