Quote# 142183

2 Corinthians 5:21 "God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him (Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God." In other words, we are "made righteous with God" through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. It's imputed to me which is an accounting term. It speaks of God's Divine Ledger. Basically, God took all my unrighteousness, my sin, and placed it on the cross with Christ, then He put that on His side of the ledger. Then He took the perfect righteousness of Christ, and He put it on my side of the ledger. Pretty cool deal, huh? Yeah! You ain't a joking! That's why I'm eternally secure in my salvation because it's not based on my righteousness, no way, it's based on the righteousness of Christ! My righteousness is as filthy rags! His righteousness is perfect, it's complete, it cannot fail. That's why God calls me a "hagios" a "saint" a "holy one" not because of me, are you kidding me, but because of the righteousness of Christ that's "imputed to me." He only sees me as He sees Jesus. Try telling that one to your spouse! It's usually a hard concept to get through to them Biblically, especially if you're arguing, but hey, it's true, deal with it. So, is that kind of righteousness Paul is talking about, that we are to clothe ourselves with, get completely immersed with in our daily battle with satan and demons? Well ...I still don't think so. I say that because the righteousness of Christ is something given to me and the breastplate of righteousness, as we read, is something I put on. One is a gift, the other I do. However, I will say this. I do believe that positional righteousness is something

that does come in handy in our daily struggles, when we fail to put on the breastplate of righteousness, like we should. One guy says this.


"I stand righteous before God because of Christ 's righteousness being imputed to my account. His righteousness will never fail. Regardless of the duration or intensity of the battle, the righteousness of Christ will prevail. Our positional righteousness is not a piece of armor we put on. The saved are clothed in the righteousness of Christ from the moment of salvation, and that never changes. However, we do enter battle bearing the righteousness of Christ. It never leaves us. That brings peace to my heart. I am often weak in the flesh and the enemy is strong. In the heat of battle, while we are prone to stumble and fall, Satan is never able to penetrate the righteousness of Christ. I have been adopted into the family of God. I am counted righteous because of Christ my Savior. I may lose the battle now and again, but His righteousness always prevails. This "imputed righteousness " is the very foundation of the Christian life. This righteousness allows us access to God It opens the door of Heaven to us. It protects us against the eternal fires of Hell. But, it does not protect us from the attacks of the enemy. On the contrary, since the devil knows that he can 't have us because we belong to Christ, he doubles his efforts to defeat us in an attempt to discredit the Savior, the Church, and the God of glory.

Satan comes at us and says, "Look at how you just exploded in anger! Look at how you lied to cover your tracks ! Look at how you lusted after that girl! Some Christian you are! " How do you answer him if his charges are true? You answer by applying Christ 's imputed righteousness: "You are right, Satan, I did just sin. But my eternal life does not depend on my sinless behavior or perfect track record. I am trusting in the blood of Jesus Christ and His righteousness credited to my account. Take it up with Him!"

Billy Crone, The Satanic War on the Christian Vol.4 The Protection from Satan & Demons 6 Comments [1/28/2019 4:12:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 141996

Interesting how some "open minded" evolutionist audio bombed the video in the OP of this thread.

It's what people resort to when they cannot refute the point being made.

How many times are we told by evolutionists that black holes result from the compacting of stars many times larger than our sun into the size of a basketball?

The galaxy and the universe are far larger than the biggest star...

So we are supposed to believe that simply because everything is fanning out across the universe that it all started at a single small point?

This is where the fairy tale audio bomb needs to be!

Grab two handfulls of sand. Throw it up into the air and watch it scatter!

Now according to evolutionists... this is evidence that the sand you flung into the air started at an infinitesimally small point (smaller than one of the grains of sand) and everythi8ng else came from it...

Sadly they call this science.

Even sadder, they call what they force on everyone "education."

JohnDBaptiste, BaptistBoard 13 Comments [1/26/2019 4:18:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Klagg

Quote# 142022

Essentially, Outer Space is simply a Metaphysical Construct which exists to represent Occult Mental Geographies and States of Consciousness. This is why Outer Space is often used to depict Astral Travel and Dream States.

Gregory Lessing Garrett #TheScientismDelusion, Twitter 12 Comments [1/26/2019 4:19:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 142163

Woe unto all liars! You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to teach the blatant lies of evolution to anyone! God knows that I mean that! Evolution is such an obvious hoax! These fake NASA scientists tell us that the earth and moon came from two rocks crashing into each other! That is a complete and wicked denial of the Holy Bible! It's also ludicrous! Only an idiot, or a very wicked person, could embrace such a bizarre and non-plausible hypothesis! It makes perfect sense that a divine God created the universe, especially in lieu of the Holy Bible which God has authored and given to us, to teach us these precious truths. Theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking (1942-2018), is now burning in Hell forever, sadly, because he died in his sins without the dear Savior (John 8:24; Revelation 20:15; John 3:36). Evolution is a lie created by the Devil, to blind men's minds from seeing the glorious light of the Gospel, lest they be saved (2nd Corinthians 4:3-4).

Anyone who teaches evolution ought to be ashamed! It's not science, not in the least. The bogus claims of evolutionists are not testable, repeatable nor verifiable in a scientific laboratory nor in nature. It's bad science at best! True science studies what already exists, like the wonderful creation around us. Two rocks colliding couldn't have produced such grand beauty. A “BIG BANG” billions of years ago couldn't have evolved into the awesome universe as we know it today!

The righteous moral nature of the Holy Scriptures (Romans 7:12), and the unrighteous immoral nature of the world in which we live (1st John 5:19), is further conclusive evidence that Creation is true in the Holy Bible. Psalms 145:17, “The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.” Romans 7:12, “Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.” People who love to live in their sins, often hate God and His Holy Word (Romans 1:28)! Any honest person who has read the King James Bible, knows that it is God's inspired Word; and any thinking person with an honest heart knows that the claims of evolution are a lie! If humans came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? Were some of the monkeys retarded? The Bible teaches that the flesh of man is man, and the flesh of animals is another. Humans are not animals, as wicked evolutionists allege. I thank and praise God that I know THE TRUTH about Creation, and am not brainwashed or deceived by Satan to believe the obvious lies of evolution!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 13 Comments [1/26/2019 3:14:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141920

Why do the radicalized leftists harbor so much hate?

Where does such hate come from? This sort of hate seems demonic...and emanating from the pits of hell. This is no laughing matter. This hate is serious. I thought liberals where supposed to be somewhat compassionate and open minded. They hate Trump, veterans, white people, Christedom and etc. I know Trump is a little rough around the edges and eccentric... But he is still our president and deserves respect. I mean liberal news outlets like MSNBC and CNN literally spend 24 hours bashing Trump. That's the only news they provide. Period. It's sickening. The hate is not emanating from the right it's coming solely from the left. God bless Trump and I wish him all the success in the world.

odanny: Bless your heart.

ambient: And were you so concerned about it during the Obama years? And no, Trump doesn't deserve respect. His disrespects the Office, he disrespects his opposition, he disrespects our allies. About the only thing he does is spew toxic garbage on Twitter. He acts more like ehat I'd expect from an inebriated hillbilly than the President of the United States. You want to get respect, start by earning it and giving respect.

sickofnyc: Rough around the edges? . The grifter-in-thief has stolen from fellow Americans and screwed them over for his entire adjust life. He's also a traitor. Are you making a joke with this tripe you just posted or are you posting from The Kremlin?

The left revels in this hate. They thrive on it. They see nothing wrong with harboring such hate. Very strange. This sort of hate is exactly what the Devil subsists on and approves of. Dark and unhealthy on a spiritual level.

ambient: Sorry, that doesn't make your idiot less of an idiot.

The radicalized left cannot let go of their hate. It is like a drug to them. An addiction. They seem brainwashed by MSNBC and CNN. They seem riddled with white guilt. They want wide open borders... They want to see America turn into a Guatemala like, 3rd world country..they put illegal immigrants first before homeless American citizens and homeless veterans. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

Just by the responses on this thread [Submitter's note: all quoted above] it is shocking.... The hate coming from the hearts and minds of the left. What's really scary is that the leftists want war with Russia.

folkguitarist555, City-Data.com 11 Comments [1/26/2019 4:13:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Citizen Justin

Quote# 141971

The French leftist site Mediapart has published an article calling for heterosexuality to be banned.

Given that heterosexuality is not a sexual orientation, but a system of domination generating and nourishing sexism, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia and other oppressions such as racism, ableism or classism;

Given that heterosexuality meant the abandonment of gays, bis and trans to AIDS, indifference to their death, the refusal to undertaken targeted prevention campaigns, the censorship of campaigns and the legitimation of the censors, waiting to grant rights;

Given that heterosexuality is a denialism [“négationnisme”, a word that signifies Holocaust Denial in French], rewriting the history of struggles to show kindly, brave heterosexuals fighting for the rights of minorities when they didn’t give a damn about them until we rubbed their noses in the horrors they created or caused to be created;

Given that heterosexuality, in France, is a woman dying every three days at the hands of her female companion, the refusal to speak of “feminicides”: it is also the resultant higher rate of suicide among young LGBT, a culture of rape and its impunity;

it is urgent that heterosexuality be banned.

There’s a lot more in a similar vein, too, but I won’t bother translating it all.

It’s a classic example of the pathologisation of normality within our civilisation.

The bio of the author, Mérôme Jardin, says he was a member of Act Up-Paris (1998-2013) [a gay campaigning group] and is a member of the CCIF [Collective Against Islamophobia], which is hilarious since I don’t think this
guy will last long after the Muslim takeover of France.

czakal, Wordpress 9 Comments [1/26/2019 4:15:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 142148

And in trying to warn their son about the perverts out there... "Well, public school's good enough, and he can train himself, and I don't have time; I'm busy working all the time."

And I used the word "fag", and it offended them.

"*gasp* We don't use the F-word".

"Well, you sure do use the other F-word a whole lot around your son!" And I can't warn them about the molesters? Talk about a double standard! If I were using the other F-Word they wouldn't have had any problem with it! They would've been right there with me!

"Oh, you're calling out the queers, *gasp*! I have friends, I have coworkers!"

"Well, that's not my problem! I don't hang out with molesters."

Pastor Adam Fannin, Youtube 12 Comments [1/25/2019 2:33:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 6374

You people think I am some ignorant religious hick, but it is statements like this one [that people accept evolution because it's good science] that that amply demonstrate who the mentally blind one is.Science itself attacks evolution, my friend. By the way, the accountability argument is purely metaphysical. No wonder you can't follow it.

Bob Moore, Christian Forums 13 Comments [3/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 9878

Similarly, many single people love their dogs dearly, in the same way we love our husbands or wives. They shower gifts upon their dogs, take care of them when they are ill, and may even ask the vet to allow them "visitation rights" when their beloved dog is in the hospital. Usually the "dogophobic" vet will deny them that "right", however.

And their dogs love their owner dearly, showering licks upon their owner's face, protect them when threatened.

Fortunately, most of them have no desire to bring their private bedroom activity into the public arena.

Depth of love doesn't establish the "right to marry", you see.

Native American, Free Conservatives 43 Comments [3/1/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 142157

Japan court upholds sterilization to register gender change

Human rights and LGBT activists on Friday denounced a ruling by Japan’s Supreme Court upholding a law that effectively requires transgender people to be sterilized before they can have their gender changed on official documents.

The court said the law is constitutional because it was meant to reduce confusion in families and society. But it acknowledged that it restricts freedom and could become out of step with changing social values.

The 2004 law states that people wishing to register a gender change must have their original reproductive organs, including testes or ovaries, removed and have a body that “appears to have parts that resemble the genital organs” of the gender they want to register.

More than 7,800 Japanese have had their genders officially changed, according to Justice Ministry statistics cited by public broadcaster NHK.

The unanimous decision by a four-judge panel, published Thursday, rejected an appeal by Takakito Usui, a transgender man who said forced sterilization violates the right to self-determination and is unconstitutional.

Usui, 45, appealed to the top court after he unsuccessfully requested that lower courts grant him legal recognition as male without having his female reproductive glands surgically removed.

Despite the unanimous decision, presiding justice Mamoru Miura joined another justice in saying that while the law may not violate the constitution, “doubts are undeniably emerging,” according to Usui’s lawyer, Tomoyasu Oyama.

The two judges proposed regular reviews of the law and appropriate measures “from the viewpoint of respect for personality and individuality,” according to Japanese media reports.

Japan is one of many countries with a sterilization requirement. In 2017, the European Court of Human Rights said 22 of the countries under its jurisdiction still required sterilization as part of a legal gender change, and it ordered them to end the practice.

Maria Sjodin, deputy executive director of OutRight Action International, which monitors LGBT rights issues worldwide, said she was unsure if all 22 of those countries have fully implemented the court’s order. She noted that Sweden, which did away with the requirement in 2013, later became the first country to pay damages to anyone forced to undergo sterilization as a requirement for gender change.

The Japanese Supreme Court decision ends Usui’s legal battle, but he and his lawyer said the opinions in the ruling left them with hope.

“I think the ruling could lead to a next step,” Usui told a news conference.

Human Rights Watch said the Supreme Court ruling was “incompatible with international human rights standards, goes against the times and deviates far from best global practices.” The New York-based group said the ruling tolerates grave human rights violations against transgender people.

The ruling was also criticized by Japan’s LGBT community.

A transgender activist and writer, Tomato Hatakeno, tweeted that the decision shows that society’s interests still come before an individual’s right to freedom regarding one’s body.

“The ruling suggests that reproductive health is not recognized as a basic human right,” she said.

There is a growing awareness of sexual diversity in Japan, but it is often superficial and generally limited to the entertainment industry. In a country where pressure for conformity is strong, many gay people hide their sexuality even from their families because of a fear of prejudice at home, school or work. Obstacles remain high for transgender people.

Japan does not legally recognize same-sex marriages. As LGBT rights awareness has gradually grown in recent years, some municipalities have begun issuing partnership certificates to ease problems in renting apartments and other areas, but they are not legally binding.

Lawmakers in the conservative ruling party have repeatedly come under fire for making discriminatory remarks about LGBT people. Earlier this year, Katsuei Hirasawa, a veteran lawmaker, was widely criticized for saying that “a nation would collapse” if everyone became LGBT. Last year, another ruling party lawmaker, Mio Sugita, was condemned after saying in a magazine that the government shouldn’t use tax money for LGBT rights because same-sex couples aren’t “productive.”

Separately, more than a dozen people with disabilities have filed lawsuits against Japan’s government for having been sterilized against their will under a 1948 Eugenics Protection Law that was in effect until 1996.

At least 16,500 people were sterilized without consent under the law, which allowed doctors to sterilize people with disabilities and was designed to “prevent the birth of poor-quality descendants.” Some orphans were also sterilized.

The government has maintained the sterilizations were legal.

Supreme Court of Japan, AP News 6 Comments [1/26/2019 3:13:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22017

That sounds more consistent to me. If a voice tells me to kill my son, I should do it, whatever the consequences for me or my son, I can trust god. So hearing the voice of god is like a command, overruling whatever I believe is wrong or right.
And if there is a voice in my head, then it might well be the voice of god

Pandora, CARM 67 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 141913

Pope Joan is not included in the canonical list of Popes!!

The name Joan is the female transliteration of John, Giovanna in Italian, and Juana in Spanish.

Pope Joan was elected to the Papacy in the year 853.

She reigned for 2 years until her disguise was blown when she gave birth during a procession.

Saint Martin Luther, in his Table Talk, states that he saw a commemorative statue of Pope Joan when he visited Roma in 1510:

In Rome, in a public square, there is a stone monument to commemorate the pope who was really a woman and gave birth to a child on that very spot. I have seen the stone myself, and I find it astonishing that the popes permit it to exist. (Luther, Table Talk, p.133).

Patrick Scrivener , Reformation 7 Comments [1/26/2019 4:04:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jacob Harrison

Quote# 142158

Israel being allowed to participate in Eurovision every year, despite being an alleged “Jewish state” that’s not even in Europe (there are Jews of all races), is a testament to their commitment to being a white supremacist nation.

Why ah you gey?, Twitter 7 Comments [1/26/2019 3:13:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 142160

(submitter's note: printed in a theoretically secular newspaper)

Only Christ can save us
By Patsy Lambert - Contributing Columnist

We should never lose sight of the fact that we are saved by our faith in Christ, not by our good deeds.

Only Christ can save us. He was the sinless Son of God who took all our sins upon Himself when He died on the cross.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2: 8-10.

God wants us to present our whole life to Him. We should strive to be pleasing to the Lord and do things that will bring glory and honor to Him.

"And Thou Shall Love The Lord Thy God With All Thy Heart, and With All Thy Soul, And With All Thy Mind, And With All Thy Strength: this is the first commandment." Mark 12:30.

When we are truly saved Christ will make a difference in our life.

Only Christ can save us.

Patsy Lambert, Newberry Observer 3 Comments [1/26/2019 3:13:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 141419

. I may get some flack for this but I don't see animals as having more than the most rudimentary of rights and so I believe that bestiality should be legal as long as the animal isn't severely injured, after-all we allow meat products, hunting, fur clothing... particularly the last two we could easily live without.

Jojo, The Escapist 5 Comments [1/26/2019 3:43:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142155

We are soldiers, there is no escaping that fact. Soldiers in the traditional sense and soldiers in a different sort. We are spiritual warriors, we have an unholy cause to bring an end to mankind. We are not fighting to preserve nations or governments. We are fighting to return our Gods, to become as them. We are soldiers in a traditional sense, because this type of result will not be brought about without combat. Taking the offensive is the only noble thing to do. Goebbels declared to the German people when they were being invaded, ‘hate is our prayer, revenge our battle cry.’ The stench of an inferior species cannot be tolerated anymore. The only solution to a sick society is annihilation.

Tempel ov Blood, 4chan 13 Comments [1/25/2019 2:34:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 142152

All suffering is a consequence of sin and sin originated in this world from mans disobedience. If man had obeyed the simple commands of God from the beginning, there wouldn't be any of the suffering we see today. Satan, the father of sin, loves to torture what God loves and it's very clear in the Bible that God loves children. Mans disobedience in Eden opened the gateway for Satan to cause utter destruction. Could God step in and prevent it? Yes. But He doesn't. Why? Because man needs to see the consequence of sin and straying from Gods path to be willing to turn away from it. People need an understanding of how adverse sin is to never want to do it again. But that doesn't mean that God doesn't grieve. Remember these are His children we're talking about. His heart burns for them every second. Most people think that He just sits back nd watches the world as if it were TV screen. But in truth, He’s with all of us e every minute. He suffers with us. He sent His own Son, spotless and pure, to die a gruesome death so that we might be saved. But one day all suffering will come to an end forever. God has every single life in mind as if each one was his only priority. Justice will be done to every living soul in the end. We cannot understand every aspect of the divine plan of an omniscient, omnipotent God. But we just need to know that He has assured a fair ending to this great controversy. It's not for us to try and fathom everything. That's where faith comes into the picture.

Elaine Vandort, Quora 8 Comments [1/25/2019 2:34:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 142153

According to the statement of facts, [Rehab] Dughmosh was radicalized online in 2014 which is when she swore allegiance to ISIS. On the day of her attack she started her preperations spent organizing and manufacturing homemade weapons—a search of her home after the attack found a total of 36 weapons. Among them were were an assortment of knives and scissors, a child’s shovel converted into a clawed weapon, arrows, straws with screws glued to the tips, and a whole lot of barbecue skewers.

After she had packed all these weapons away and headed out the door of her Scarborough apartment she ran into a familiar face—her estranged husband. The man asked and then checked what she had in the bags, upon seeing the weapons, he took them away from her. But, in sneaky-sneaky twist straight out of a Coen Brothers film, he didn’t know that she had hidden a butchers knife and archery bow underneath her robe—although the latter proved to be kinda useless as her arrows were in her bag.

Not yet deterred, Dughmosh made her way to her local Canadian Tire shortly before five that evening. Once there she perused the store looking for weapons that could help her—like arrows for her lonely bow. However, Dughmosh was thwarted again when an employee told her that they couldn’t just give her a set of arrows in the store and instead would have to give it to the cashier at the front. Dughmosh didn’t have money at the moment, meaning she couldn’t just buy the arrows. So she continued to shop and filled her basket with the best makeshift weapons she could actually get her hands on, like a hammer, a wrench, and a pair of pliers.

With her weapons now stocked, Dughmosh stole a golf club of a shelf and hid in an aisle as she prepped for her attack, putting on an ISIS bandana and unrolling a homemade banner she made for the terror cell with spraypaint. She slung her bow—which remember, didn't have arrows—over her shoulder and headed to the paint section which is where she would start her attack. According to the statement of facts, Dughmosh saw two employees helping some customers and sprung, swinging the club at them while yelling “Allah Ackbar” and “this is for ISIS” repeatedly.

Almost immediately the club was wrestled from her hand by a Canadian Tire employee. Dughmosh then pulled her knife and, again, was thwarted when she was wrestled to the ground and a different employee pried the knife from her. While pinned on the ground Dughmosh was asked by an employee what the fuck she was doing and if she was trying to kill people for ISIS.

"Yes. When you kill us, we will kill you ... When you kill Muslims, you have to pay for it from your blood,” she said.

According to the statement of facts, Dughmosh was bummed that she wasn’t able to hurt anyone in her gambit but was happy she attempted an attack. No one was seriously hurt but one of the employees did walk away with some bruises and a bite mark after Dughmosh chomped on him.

Rehab Dughmosh, Vice 13 Comments [1/25/2019 2:34:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 142139

(Laura’s Preface: I’m honored and grateful to God that I can call Moira my friend. I met her through mutual friends, and we struck up an acquaintance which has grown into an important – for me – friendship. I don’t know many people who manifest the courage and faith this woman has done, although I think it’s a matter of standing up and being strong or go through life being a victim, weak and defeated; this is an option that is simply antithetical to what I know of Moira’s spirit. Both her parents were gay, and quite notorious for it. She suffered terrible abuses from both of them, and now has joined the growing ranks of Children of Gays who are speaking out in prophet voices to tell all the rest of us that, despite the gay-controlled rhetoric, homosexuality is bad for children. She’s generously written this for Surviving the Rainbow, and I hope she’ll be writing more.)

What can the straight spouses of gay parents do to protect their children?

I have been asked to respond to this question, and I admit I am at a loss. This question is not about Spouse A being right and Spouse B being wrong. It is about humanity splitting itself in two, usually for completely stupid reasons, and the devastation it wreaks upon the children.

When a spouse, usually a wife, discovers she is married to a man who has decided to pursue a gay lifestyle, she is already enduring her own heartbreak, shock, and betrayal.

Not only will her children be enduring the likely destruction of their home life, but they will be asked to endure a culture shock which will force them to confront adult questions that no child should be forced to endure.

It is bad enough to know your parent has left your other parent for an ordinary relationship. When your parent abandons his former faith, his wedding vows, and his cultural norms and values, the child is in a position of having to choose, which amounts to choosing one’s left hand or one’s right hand.

Socially, children will generally choose the path which minimizes the negative repercussions. It is understandable both to want to avoid conflict and to want to continue to be a “fan” of the straying parent.

Watching the heartbreak of the abandoned parent is awful, but cannot silence questions about the whole situation. If Mom was abandoned, thinks the child, did she do something wrong? After all, our parents are both right, they have to be, or the entire world is split in two.

Most likely the children will feel forced to choose, even if this choice has nothing whatsoever to do with either objective reality or with their own interest. Male children may choose to side with the father, because it is emotional suicide to reject the primary male figure in their lives, even if he is tarnished beyond belief.

In my own family, my brother chose my father over my mother, which in some ways made sense, because he was kinder and less cruel. In other ways, it made no sense at all, because he brought home a long succession of teen and preteen boys for sex, and he endlessly pressured my brother to have sex with them—and with him.

I also chose my father in some ways, because he was less cruel than my mother. But ultimately, I chose neither one, because neither one chose me.

We learn how to be people from our parents. When our parents choose sexual folly over keeping the home together, children learn that sex is more important than people, and much more important than we are. If our father rejects our mother, we learn that women are unimportant and can be abandoned on a sexual whim. If our mother rejects our father, we learn that men are disposable.

Most catastrophically, if our father decides to “become a woman,” it can provoke terrible anguish in the children. For both girls and boys, their father is literally gone, and “replaced” with a human who is doing disgraceful things for reasons which make no sense to a child. In a boy, it can cause them to fear that their own masculinity can be lost at any moment, and that they might inadvertently be turned into a woman. In a girl, it can make them conclude that no man will ever want them, because if their own father abandoned their mother and turned into a female, it must be because they have failed. Deep down, that failure will always be present, even if unspoken.

In my own family, where my father did not actually choose to “become a woman,” he absolutely refused masculine and feminine gender roles, which left me feeling like I was a nothing, neither male nor female. I was “less than” any boy, because he preferred boys for sex and denigrated girls for “wanting relationships.” If I was a girl. i was “one of them,” those foul creatures rejected by my father. Of course, my attempts to masquerade as a boy were never enough. I became adept at fencing, but any kind of fighting was too stereotypically masculine for my father, so again I had failed.

When a father leaves, either physically leaving the family, or by abandoning his gender for his sexual whims, the sun falls out of the sky for the children. Their very existence as males and females is called into question. Also, the mother is devastated by her own perceived failure and deep, deep grief.

If there is a custody battle, the children are figuratively torn in half for reasons that will never make sense. The wife is likely to be devalued even more in a divorce from a gay man than in an ordinary divorce, partly because of the legal climate, and partly because she will blame herself for failing so deeply as a woman that her man abandoned manhood and straight love altogether rather than remaining with her.

The children will naturally fear being abandoned by a gay spouse in their own future.

The original question was this: is there anything an abandoned wife of a gay man can do to protect her children? The answer is no, and a qualified yes.

We cannot stop the pain. We cannot stop the grief or the feelings of abandonment. We cannot stop the nightmare or the moral outrage. We cannot even stop the gay parent from allowing his new “friends” from terrorizing, molesting, or even raping the children.

In such a situation, what hope can I give?

We can stay aware that our children are hurt, and that their hurt must be handled as more important than our own. It is important as much as possible, to not allow them to see our grief in all of its fullness, not to allow them to think we are forcing them to take sides. Their relationship with their father is about learning their place in the universe, not about us.

What we must do is to remain a safe place. We have to be the one they can express their doubts and fears to. If they have to defend their father, they will be silencing their own agony to do so. This means we must be Switzerland, not taking any side but theirs. If their father commits a bad act, we must listen attentively, and respond from the perspective of helping them, not persecuting their father.

Even if their father is the worst villain imaginable, they will never abandon him. I know this, because my own father is a serial rapist of children, and I am the one who put him in prison for molesting an eleven year old boy in front of me.

I cannot abandon my father, even though he blamed me for his imprisonment, and he most certainly abandoned me. If that is my position as an adult, how likely is it that a child will be able to abandon a father for much smaller crimes?

We abandon our own hearts. We do not abandon our parents. All we can do is teach our children to pay attention to their own discomfort and encourage them to protect themselves against anything which feels wrong. We can also teach them to speak up firmly, even when they are afraid.

In a way, it feels like I am trying to explain to a fish how to be comfortable while being eaten by a shark. My advice might reduce the pain slightly, but we did not cause the injury, and we cannot prevent the pain altogether.

Let them see that you are not rejecting yourselves, nor will you reject them, even if they side with their father. It hurts, it is appalling, but it is unavoidable. Any boy around eight or nine is going to detach from Mother to a large degree and seek out his father as his primary role model. If his father is a horrible role model, telling him that will not alter his need for his father at all.

What you can do is to make sure your sons have better male role models in their lives, whether sports coaches, teachers who will mentor them properly, or relatives they have cause to admire. I did mention not telling them that you are doing this, yes? Just do it, and do not say why. The last thing they need to hear is that you are rejecting their father, because any rejection of him will feel internally like a rejection of them, no matter what you intend it to be.

My own sons identify strongly with their football coaches, thank God.

Above all, let your children know through your own conduct that being normally male and female is good and right, and that they have the right to be themselves, even if some people might want them to change into something else.

I wish I had more comfort to offer you.

All my best to you,
Moira Greyland Peat

Laura Louder & Moira Greyland Peat, Surviving The Rainbow 6 Comments [1/25/2019 2:30:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142138

New Year, Resolutions?

January 1, 2019. Another year, and the push to make new resolutions for a “New Year, New You” for the coming twelve months, mixed with the jokes about broken resolutions and the unending cycle of same.

For us as Catholics, the year begins with Mass – not for a new year, but to honor the power of the Incarnation through the fiat of Mary, in a grand Solemnity. I cantored for a local Mass last night, and played at the chapel for another, this morning. This is a very good way to begin.

We are in a grave time of crisis, and we have important choices to make. Our culture is running mad. Children are being exploited as sex objects, even applauded for being transgender or a drag queen on national television, for all our children to see and to think should be imitated or looked up to. Local libraries and bookstores are promoting reading hours with drag queens — again, to influence our children and to lure them into a false glamour, to rob them of their innocence.

There is an increasing push to criminalize reparative therapy: the gay lobby insists, very loudly, that it is impossible to change one’s gender preference and that reparative therapy is abuse of a criminal degree — while they insist that one can overcome biology to change one’s own gender.

Public schools are promoting these ideologies, and even taking children to begin the process of “transitioning” — without parental consent. Parents who oppose these manipulations of their children are being charged with criminal acts and losing their children to the State.

It’s being reported than nearly 14,010,000 babies were aborted in the past year.

The hallmarks of paganism are human sacrifice and sexual depravity.

More and more, Christians and those who hold traditional moral and social values are being scorned, persecuted, punished in the public square.

And even our beloved Church, which is supposed to be the safeguard of all things holy, and the example of sanctity in the world, is embroiled in one controversy and crisis after another — as princes of the Church protect one another from accountability for grave misdeeds, and promote individuals who defy Church teaching in order to promote deviance in the name of “love” and “acceptance.”

We can’t even take our own pontiff seriously, any more, for whatever words he might utter about homosexuals being kept from the priesthood, he promotes and protects the apologists for the homosexual lifestyle and punishes those who actually hold faithful to the Magisterium.

So, in this coming year, I propose that we must be resolved:

1. to make an oblation, an offering, of our lives to God.
to live faithfully to Christ, even in isolation, even in defiance of the tsunami of atheism and insanity that is pouring in on us.

2. to know our Faith better, day by day, through diligent study of the Scriptures and works of the Magisterium (beginning, in conjunction with the Scriptures, the Catechism)

3. to foster a greater love for Christ, through an increase in prayer and devotional time, so that the whole of our life might be a continual, unceasing prayer and praise

4. to practice the Works of Mercy – which includes the often-uncomfortable Works of rebuking sinners and instructing the ignorant
to guard our minds and hearts against the influence of the Evil One

5. to do all in our power to protect our homes and families from evil influence
for those who are married to pray together as a couple, and those with children to incorporate the family rosary and prayer in your daily routine

6. for those who are not married to find prayer partners with whom you will unite in prayer and service, holding one another up to God and to accountability

7. to serve faithfully in the Church Militant in that sphere of life to which we are called, and in which we daily live.

Frankly, I think our culture has gone past the point of no return. I don’t believe we can recover the innocence and purity of past generations. I believe we are now on a Search And Rescue mission.

Let us do our very best.

Vivat Christus Rex!

Laura Lowder, Laura Lowder: One Woman's Thoughts 6 Comments [1/25/2019 2:30:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142151

A Florida man has been accused of terrorizing his Iraqi neighbors by breaking into their home before threatening that “Trump will handle it” if he couldn’t get them to leave the neighborhood, authorities said.

David Allen Boileau, 58, was arrested in Holiday on Tuesday following an incident the day before in which Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco said he threw nails and screws into the family’s driveway on Pinehurst Drive in an attempt to flatten the tires of a relative’s car, the Tampa Bay Times reports.

“The US needs to rid the country of all of them,” Boileau said during the incident, according to a Pasco County Sheriff’s Office arrest report. “He also stated we’ll get rid of them one way or another.”

Boileau, who had just recently moved into the neighborhood, took his alleged dislike of Middle Easterners to new depths on Tuesday when a neighbor told deputies he saw him approach the family’s home and yell into the windows.

The neighbor then spotted Boileau walk out the family’s front door before the neighbor started recording video of the incident and called authorities.

Boileau later admitted to a responding deputy that he went into the family’s home via an unlocked door before walking out and rifling through their mailbox. The Iraqi family, which includes four young children, was not home at the time, but when the female homeowner returned she told deputies a wallet containing credit cards, gift cards and other valuables was stolen from the residence, according to the report.

Boileau denied taking anything from the family, who had lived at the address without incident for the last three years and didn’t have any prior interactions with Boileau, the report states.

“David uttered several statements of his dislike for people of Middle Eastern descent prior to being read his Miranda Warning and after being read his Miranda Warning as well,” according to the report. “The defendant made statements of the US needing to get rid of people with Middle Eastern descent and they don’t belong here. He also stated if he doesn’t get rid of them, Trump will handle it.”

David Allen Boileau, NY Times 11 Comments [1/25/2019 2:34:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 142146

Just so you know, God Almighty isn't dead or on vacation or turning a blind eye to all that's going on. I see so much junk about New Age and everybody has to unite and get along. No, God commands us to be SEPARATE!! I HATE and DETEST how wishy washy and totally fruitless these cults are. Do you honestly think God isn't writing everything down? Are you so ignorant and blinded by Satan that you assume you can keep living your life without being held accountable by God in the end? If so, the Bible calls you a FOOL.

My son was watching that retarded Harry Pooper series all this week. With him being an adult, I can no longer TELL him what to do, but I CAN tell him it's WRONG. it makes me ANGRY that MY SON is a victim of Satan's lies and propaganda. Him and just about every other 20-something these days. When did we stop being parents and start being "buddies" to our kids? This has all been carefully planned by the powers that be.

If I were you, I would do the exact opposite of what this sinful world is pushing. REPENT, and ACKNOWLEDGE that you are a filthy sinner in God's eyes. BELIEVE that Jesus Christ came to die in YOUR PLACE, and shed His precious blood for you so you wouldn't have to go to Hell. RECEIVE God's love gift of eternal life. Then you will be born again and go to Heaven when you die.

Nothing else matters but what you do with Jesus, friend. I strongly suggest you believe on Him for salvation. If not, you WILL end up in the Lake of Fire, forever.

Silent Witness aka kingjameswriter1965, Google Plus 6 Comments [1/25/2019 2:32:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 142110

Not many Christians love the Lord enough to stand these days. Psalms 97:10 commands every believer to hate evil, because the Lord hates evil. Wearing skimpy clothing to seduce men is evil. For every filthy hula, there is a child molested. For every bare buttocks bikini bimbo, there is a ruined marriage. For every filthy Playboy magazine, there is a rape. For every smutty Sports Illustrated magazine full of sluts and whores, there is a prison cell filled. It's a serious matter! Adultery is everywhere today! Immoral sexual lust always has consequences!!! Ladies, conceal don't reveal. If it's not for sale, don't advertise it! PORNOGRAPHY (a red-hot, needful, life-changing, MP3 sermon by Evangelist Dan Meaders). I love you my friend in the Lord, whoever you may be. I'm being a friend to tell you these things.

David J. Stewart, God Loves People 17 Comments [1/24/2019 2:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 27671

Is that like the Quigi board? My mom told me if you play that game demons can get inside you. Same with being hypnotized. When you arent in control of your mind then the devil can take over.

She never talks about drugs, but I bet the same is true for drinking and doing drugs.

Esther, teens4christ 43 Comments [7/28/2007 7:18:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: David

Quote# 141992

Incels.me said PUA was legit, despite "redpill" status

Reading their FAQ and Terms page.

They claim that hooking up with girls is/was easier in the mid 90s and prior (before Internet and Facebook) meaning people had to meet-up in person.

Women still cherry-picked the Chads from the bunch based on male physical attractiveness, athleticism, height, face, good hair/line and proportions even in the 90s (I know cause i was there high school 1992-1997).

It is true that Facebook has lead to women being able to ignore, block and not having to interact with or include incels on the females social media accounts (and boy do you see the cherry picking with hives of Facebook friends all Stacies and the odd male Personal Trainer, Drug dealer, effeminate School/College/University pretty boy chad).

But trust me I was active, alive and very perceptive in the 90s (God I feel old) and it was no different then than it is now. Women still walked away, gave the cold shoulder or outwardly bullied and excluded incels backs then based on lack of physical prowess, inability to stand up for oneself or lack of aesthetic standards.

There was no room for inclusiveness,or empathy or meritocracy, evenin a pre-internet age.

As for PUA somehow "working" during the age of (pay as you go sim) NOKIA 3310 mobile phones 1997 until the supposed eliminator of incels Facebook,I-Phones, PlentyOfFish 2007 I can safely say.....bollocks.
Men were still walking home alone during this era. Hence why nightclubs have been steadily closing as this graph ascertains.
https://trends.google.com/trends/explor ... nightclubs
You could say it was TINDER or Internet, but I'd say it was ugly men getting wiser, stop wasting their money and settling for a fat wife and a house.

Admin is a former, coping pick up autist.

AllWomenAreLikeThat, Sluthate 8 Comments [1/14/2019 2:45:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep