Quote# 142427

why I love war and natural disasters

It feels good for once to see "happy people" aka normies suffer the plight of horror, pain and death.

Wettinghose, incels.is 16 Comments [2/14/2019 5:09:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 142439

Caamib, Caamib Blog 30 Comments [2/15/2019 12:46:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 95371

Let's see, we can live under a secular/atheist/lieberal government run by the spiritual descendants of the Jacobins, the Nazi's, and the Red Guard, or we can live under a theocracy with the perfect principles of Christianity. We can live under the absolute depravity of the lieberals, or the decency of the conservatives. That shouldn't be a tough choice for anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size, should it? After all, our secular government commits murder, promotes sloth, promotes theft, fosters ignorance, indoctrinates our children with the lies of atheists and lieberals, distorts the truth through the state-controlled media, promotes sexual perversion, and promotes just about everything that is evil. Christians need to realize that we will live under a theocracy for eternity and that to want to live under a morally depraved secular government here is to deny God and prove yourself unfit for Heaven.

Bob, Zionica 32 Comments [7/8/2013 3:44:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 107914

It is clear to me that many of my fellow Americans have no clue as to what homosexuality is and what it is exactly that makes a person a homosexual. In the interest of clearing up some really rather large misconceptions, I have devised this simple test.

WARNING! Sexually explicit material.

1. You are a male homosexual if you:

A. Love your brother. B. Are a really nice guy. C. Are creative and like musicals. D. Are afraid of asking out a female. E. Willingly put another male's penis in your mouth or anal canal.

The correct answer is E.

2. You are a female homosexual if:

A. You are a really nice girls PE teacher. B. Live in a house with another female. C. Are not asked out on dates with males. D. Like cats and holding hands in front of the fireplace. E. Willingly have other females sexually stimulate your vagina.

The correct answer is E.

If you selected answers A-D on either question, then you are ignorant or kidding yourself.

Homosexuality is an act. It is not a physical trait like skin pigmentation.

It is not "just about love". It is a behavior. No male is born with another male's penis in his mouth.

blueunicorn6, Free Republic 35 Comments [4/16/2015 1:57:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Missouri1988

Quote# 142448

(=Website logo=)

For every gay or transgender man who's ever been married, there's an ex-wife no one thinks of. We are the invisible ones, the forgotten ones…. Until now.

Laura Lowder, Surviving The Rainbow 16 Comments [2/16/2019 10:06:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 142450

With a bone-chilling bloodlessness, Barrack on Tuesday defended the Saudi government’s murder of Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Asked at a Milken Institute gathering in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, about the murder, Barrack replied that “whatever happened in Saudi Arabia, the atrocities in America are equal or worse than the atrocities in Saudi Arabia.” He added: “For us to dictate what we think is the moral code there .?.?. I think is a mistake.”?

Incredibly, that wasn’t all. “The problem with what’s happened with the Khashoggi incident is the same problems of the West misunderstanding the East” for a century, Barrack said. “The West is confused at the rule of the law, doesn’t understand what the rule of law is in the kingdom.”

Tom Barrack, Washington Post 8 Comments [2/16/2019 10:06:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 42208

[More Hypocrite than Fundie. So abortion is wrong but miscarriage is a blessing?]

My younger daughter who is now 34 was pregnant for the first time at age 15. Fortunately, it was a miscarriage. The second one (still as a teen) was still-born. After she got married, she had four beautiful and healthy children (3 boys and 1 girl).

Jon-Marc, Grace Centered Christian Forums 39 Comments [7/4/2008 3:44:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: PVM

There are no words...

Trigger warning: Graphic depiction of rape

Quote# 139796

Note: this quote was originally presented on two separate pages. The first part is linked directly below; the second part is linked in the attribution.

I have a tinder date this Saturday night, and I want to rape her...

My girlfriend of 5 years recently broke up with me, and by recently I mean 4 days ago. I feel suicidal and feel like I have nothing to lose by doing this. I've always had fantasies of raping a woman, so I figured I might as well do it now. I have an exit plan if I get caught, and I wouldn't mind ending it if that happens. I've never done this in the past because I didn't want to ruin my life, but I just don't care anymore. I started using tinder for the sole purpose of finding a woman that I can act out my fantasies on.

I'm planning on getting her drunk and having her come back to my house. I'm about a foot taller than her, so holding her down should be no issue. I don't know if that's a good way to proceed. Any suggestions?


It’s been a week, and I wanted to update last Sunday, but I’ve been too afraid to say anything. This is really stupid, but I know I truly have nothing to lose at this point. I did it. She almost didn’t come back to my house at the end of the date, but I was able to convince her I had no ill intentions. I could tell she didn’t really want to, but did it out of politeness. She was pretty tipsy when it happened. We started fooling around on the couch, but she wasn’t looking to have sex. I kept going and pushing her boundaries. She kept telling me to slow down, and she was getting more annoyed. I could tell she wanted to leave and before she could get the chance, I got on top and pinned her and kept kissing on her neck. She was resisting and telling me to get off of her. I ignored her. I was thinking I should stop, but I felt like I had gone too far already, and I had wanted to do this for years.

It eventually turned into her begging me to stop which got me going like crazy... About a minute or two in she stopped resisting and just kept on sobbing. It felt too good for me to feel bad about what I was doing at the time, but after I finished I regretted it. I could really see what a mess she was emotionally. As soon as I got off of her, she rushed to get dressed and get her stuff and go. I didn’t want to let her leave since I was afraid of what she would do, so I stood between her and the door. She was crying and shaking and hyperventilating and was clearly really afraid of me. She wouldn’t let me near her, and I could see in her face how scared she was, so I just decided to back off and let her leave. I knew I was prepared to deal with the consequences, so I just accepted it. I could see her on her phone before she disappeared around the corner and was sure the police would be at my door that night. I had my gun and was absolutely ready to kill myself that night.

This past week I’ve been laying low. I haven’t been to work. I’ve barely left the house. There has been no contact on either side. She’s blocked me on everything. She hasn’t made any social media updates since that day, so I don’t know what she’s thinking or planning. I’m still ready to go though. I really have nothing to live for.

Anonymous, Voat 33 Comments [8/14/2018 4:32:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 130143

("You know according to your own science male eyes emits such radiations which can cause skin cancer demage etc of a female
So hijab also prevent them from such harmfull radiation.")

Fahed Qadeer, Facebook 28 Comments [8/5/2017 5:25:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 42007

There are many books out about Witchcraft but none so cleverly packaged like the latest. Satan is up to his old tricks again and the main focus is the children of the world. The latest craze is a series of books by author J. K. Rowling, known as Harry Potter.

The scramble to get the books is not just for children. Just as many adults are amused and are absorbing the content of these books. And what is sickening, Christians, or so-called Christians, are part of the fan club. I knew nothing of Harry Potter until mail started coming in asking if it was ok for teachers in Christian schools to be reading children books about mythology and witchcraft!!!! Did you read that correctly? In Christian schools!!!!!

Are we now so far gone that the church can't tell what Witchcraft is? Preachers are not doing what they are supposed to do. They are to expose this trash and inform the flock. But they join in the festivities and will not rock the boat. Halloween is accepted in the church and many of the so-called Christians fight hard when told they should not take part. Now just as Halloween is an abomination to God, so is writing books that glorify witchcraft or any kind of mythology.

The whole purpose of these books is to desensitize readers and introduce them to the occult. What a better way to introduce tolerance and acceptance of what God calls an abomination, then in children's books? If you can get them when they are young, then you have them for life. It?s the oldest marketing scheme there is.

unknown non-denominational southern baptist, exposingsatanism.org 9 Comments [6/30/2008 6:52:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Enkidu

Quote# 120770

What would the NHS be like if Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn became Prime Minister?


But what about alternative types of medicine? Could what has always been a service dedicated primarily to scientifically-proven forms of treatment start handing out homeopathic remedies in high numbers? Quite possibly.

Because it turns out that Corbyn believes homeopathic treatments actually work, despite the fact that there remains no scientific evidence to prove it.

In a tweet in 2010 he said he backed up this belief by saying that like conventional medicines, homeo-meds “come from organic matter”.

He has also signed a number of daily motions petitioning for greater incorporation of homeopathy into the public health service.

In 2007, he signed one called “NHS homeopathic hospitals”, which claimed “complementary medicine has the potential to offer clinically-effective and cost-effective solutions to common health problems faced by NHS patients”. The signatory voiced concern that cuts to the NHS were threatening the future of these hospitals.

Currently the NHS spends approximately £4m on homeopathy each year, which is just a fragment of its budget of almost £100bn. There are just four homeopathic hospitals in the UK – in Glasgow, Bristol, London and Liverpool.

Jeremy Corbyn, City A.M. 21 Comments [7/26/2016 4:44:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 36491

Females should be married once they are able to have children (this is at year 12, 13, or 14 worldwide).
Do you like that women have, by the power of their vote, denied you your God given right to a virgin wife?
Do you like that if you do have a wife she can divorce you at any time and make your life hell?
Do you enjoy your lack of freedom to speak freely due to women filing verbal sexual harrasment claims against men?
Do you like that it is believed that women should own weapons because they need to beable to murder men with them for protection against those who they instead should be helping (females were created by God as an asset for men, not to be the enemy of man that they are today.)
Do you like that you cannot aquire the weapons or goods that you wish to own because women have voted them to be outlawed?
Do you like that your wife can and does deny you sex even though it is you who should be her master?
Do you like that the weaker vessel (woman) controls the stronger (man) because she has the power of the police backing her?
Do you like dying in war so that women in other countries can have these same rights and freedoms against men in other countries?

Anonymous, happypenguin.org comments 100 Comments [3/20/2008 2:33:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 21

The Mussolini Approves Award

"The truth is that men are tired of liberty."

Quote# 78600

I would prefer military government to the corrupt and pretentious "free" government we now suffer under. At least the military would jail—or otherwise eliminate—the reprobates that are causing our decline. Bring it on. I will support it emphatically!

I would actively assist the imposition of military discipline on this country, since far too many Americans are lazy jackasses, who want a free ride at the expense of others. WORK OR DIE! That should be the national motto!

America is in serious short supply of discipline. Military rule would fix our problems in a heartbeat: WORK OR DIE! Real simple. The military would declare open season on the liberal thieves, as a practical matter. "Imagine no more liberals ... it's easy, if you try... No Reid or Pelosi... We'll send them off to die"

Second target on the agenda—after the military jails the 545 corrupt A-holes now occupying office...

The elimination of the thousands of useless bureaucrats... and after them, the lawyers, judges and university professors will all be shown the meaning of "manual labor"

Then we could eliminate the media, which really needs to go the way of the dinosaur. They are as useless as tits on a bull. We have internet, we do not need the sh*thead primadonnas of the press

Military government? Bring it on. I can hardly wait!

TCH, Free Republic 126 Comments [1/7/2011 7:14:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 202

Quote# 21261

Al Gore will only be rememberd as a 21st century "Charles Darwin"..and like Darwin..his crazy theory will run out of steam much like evolution has today. We as a society will look back and laugh at the ridiculousness in the future..much like we do today with evolution. Hopefully by then though, we will be able to destroy such vile literature and ideas...degrading society by allowing such nonsense to flourish is Anti-American.

Trinidad and Tobago, CARM 45 Comments [2/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 19549

[poll: should women go to college?"

No, I do not believe that all women should attend college. Society has made us all to think that everyone should attend college. I do not believe this to be true. So many independent baptist churches push college on us. They have made us think that we will not "be something" unless we go to college. No longer are we thinking about God' will for our lives, but only what other people are telling us.

I believe that a girl should not leave home at 17 or 18. A girl should be under her father's authority and household until she is married. In the wedding ceremony, there is a reason that the father gives the bride away. He is giving her to her future husband.

As I have stated in my other posts, this all goes back to the feminist movement. Women thought that they were no different than men, they wanted to act, like, and talk like them. Women went to work, and the children were left at school.

Bluegrass Girl, T-4-C 69 Comments [1/17/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Dirian

Quote# 142449

For five years I wrote this blog under a pseudonym. It’s not just about me – there are other people whose privacy I’ve felt a need to protect. My children don’t deserve to be hounded for my opinions or choices, many of which they disagree with. And although my ex-husband has told some of his family I don’t think all of them know, and telling them is his prerogative. Also, his parents are elderly and unwell, and they deserve their privacy and peace. Thank you for respecting that.

DH and I grew up together; we dated a year before getting married, while still in our teens. He was the de facto chaplain of our circle of friends, a staunch Baptist, cheerful energetic, confident, strong. He was instrumental in the formation of my Christian faith.

We were married eleven and a half years — hard years, bitter years for both of us. We ought to have been a happy couple. We had all the important things in common: Faith, desire for family, and so on. But we were both miserable from the outset.

When people who knew us ask what happened, why we divorced, I tell them: “You’ve heard of irreconcilable differences? Well, we had a problem with irreconcilable similarities. We both prefer men.”

When I was first going through this, there was no internet, so there were no sources of information or support for women like me. But that summer I met through my work three other women who were going through exactly what I was going through – and all four of us were staunch evangelical Christians in some of the major evangelical churches in our city.

This sort of thing wasn’t supposed to be happening! – but there we were. And more and more of us every year.

Nearly thirty years later, I feel as if I’m still recovering. Sometimes I think I will be for as long as I live. But that’s okay. I’ve survived with my mind and soul intact.

And if I can, we all can.

This is my story. The dominant narrative is, and has been, that only the gay community is courageous and worthy of respect. But I say we former spouses are also courageous, our stories also count. Maybe ours count more; after all, we wed in good faith. Our perspective is important, now more than ever.

Laura Lowder, Surviving the Rainbow 20 Comments [2/15/2019 1:33:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142438

Every pagan god of the nations around Israel made such demands. That is why this deity is by definition pagan. And this is by definition the god of the rcc and muslims.

So is yours then, since the other branches of Christianity sprang from Catholicism.

You would be right. If I belonged to another branch of churchianity. But, I do not. I am part of the body of Christ. The church that is made up of all true believers in Jesus.
And the body of Christ shares nothing in common with the harlot that is the rcc. There is not a single thing the rcc teaches that a true believer in Jesus could believe.
Come out of her my people and be not partakers of her plagues. Flee the harlot!!

So you're creating your own new religion then.
Sorry, but you ARE a member of a branch of Christianity, and I know exactly which one - it's a particularly nasty far-right one that likes to ignore history and attack other Christians.

Sorry, I am part of the body of Christ that was here when Paul preached to them. The body of Christ that was here long before 325 ad when the rcc was first thought of. So I am not any part of anything the rcc is responsible for. She is the harlot. I am part of the body of Christ. No comparison.
There's true history. And the rcc came along to destroy the body of Christ that is founded upon the prophets and the apostles. With Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. But, though she tried, she was not able to destroy the body of Christ. Because the gates of hell will never prevail against us.

That isn't historically accurate or honest. There was no branch of Christians running concurrently with the Catholics and Orthodox. Those WERE the Christians.

edwitness, Christian News Network 11 Comments [2/15/2019 12:46:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 141178

I Wish We'd All Been Ready

Life was filled with guns and war
And all of us got trampled on the floor
I wish wed all been ready
The children died, the days grew cold
A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold
I wish wed all been ready
There's no time to change your mind
The son has come and you've been left behind
A man and wife asleep in bed
She hears a noise and turns her head he's gone
I wish wed all been ready
Two men walking up a hill
One disappears and ones left standing still
I wish wed all been ready
The father spoke, the demons dined
How could you have been so blind?
There's no time to change your mind
The son has come and you've been left behind
There's no time to change your mind
The son has come and you've been left behind
I hope well all be ready
You've been left behind [Repeat: x3]

Larry Norman, Genius Lyrics 6 Comments [11/11/2018 10:23:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 142420

Service guarantees citizenship - how to become a citizen


File: https://mega.nz/#!gH5EBQCB!wbEXvG8loax21ce9gVax-HdjYIQeGW3clw_3lRFXlps

(Image form: /v/emergencynation/2891657)

PDF sha256 hash: 74b4a99b948f43109774c029b53873088f439231b428d858be1e7bbe0240f268

Signature: IBup9rqBKgn8o7BsK0gT+M+If2z3Il3rBOmhXmllcDuDdVcOVbPYdUXneL5fw1//3dSd6zfzi4oOkEuiqXAewJ0=

Signing address: XfxrnY6RWxjB6sqA1kZWafAjWtZug6fzBX

The short version of our constitution is that it would restore male authority, economic freedom, parental rights and it would banish violent religions such as Islam and Marxism.

We would establish our new nation by preferably buying or inhabiting remote territory. In other words we don't have to wait for the world to end or convince half the population - we can organize and rebuild now!

To truly join our cause you must become a citizen.

According to our constitution there are two ways to become a citizen. You can either pay the tax which is currently 5 dollars for 1 year of citizenship or you can do some volunteer work.

This is to insure that everyone that votes has a stake in the society and prevent socialists from joining. Only male citizens get to vote.

(Important legal notice: The UK and other Western nations are starting to lock people up for thought crime, join us only using a unique Voat account over TOR. Direct contact over BitMessage using the following address is also an option: BM-2cVyxL3UgYZNJ7SHvzWRWWGErAimzsXymd)

Paid citizenship

If you choose to pay you may transfer 5 dollars worth of Dash to the following address. Observe that this address will change after each election (31/12).


Citizenship through service

Right now our top priority is spreading the message and assembling an army for our self defense. Once we reach sufficient size as a movement we can transition into a real world state by imposing our law in zones of anarchy or by buying territory.

Are you as tired of watching civilization slide slowly to ruin as the rest of us? Then let's get this phase over with as soon as possible.

Here are the ways you can currently help: (only one option of your own choice is necessary!)

• Direct reddit and voat users to the pdf of our constitution or this subverse (3 link referrals minimum).
• Offer to provide assistance (such as counting votes, mod duty and other administrative tasks).
• PM /u/7e62ce85 a picture of a weapon and/or body armor you own along with a piece of paper with your username.
• Offer to allow 1 fellow citizen in need per year to stay for up to 1 month at your place and sleep on a couch or on the floor.

Other information about citizenship

To avoid voter fraud or being shut down you must¹ use these two apps:

• Dash digital cash wallet (core version).
• BitMessage.

Even if you provide services instead of paying taxes you must sign your votes with a Dash key. Do not worry, this will work even if you have no Dash at all.

Once you are a citizen your BitMessage key will be added to our citizens mailing list in case Voat is shut down.

1: If you vote using BitMessage only you can skip installing and using Dash.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Are you serious?

A: Yes. I'm working on this full time now and I have 500K USD I can spend on this.

Q: Do you think this will work?

A: That depends entirely on how many citizens we can muster. We have a vast advantage over the rest of the alt right movement in that we don't have to convince half the population of some communist or democratic country. We only need enough to start over somewhere in the world. There are a lot of deserted areas on the planet if you can defend them. There are also many poor nations that might sell territory.

Q: How can we possibly rebuild civilization from scratch?

A: We don't have to. We can buy machines for producing food, energy and water on the open market. We can even buy pre-fab houses. This is the absolutely easiest part of the whole operation. The hard part is finding people to do it with and with who to defend it!

Q: How will we earn money to buy things we can't produce ourselves in the long run?

A: Almost as soon as we control our own territory we can offer three insanely valuable products: Legal surrogacy, legal advanced biotech and free finance.

Technologies such as CAR-T cells, DRACO and CRISPR have already been invented. All these technologies need is a regulatory safe space which our constitution can provide.

Men wishing to have children that they are actually allowed to raise or men seeking legal surrogacy should also be drawn to our nation.

Our nation could also serve as a tax haven for foreign companies and raise money that way.

Would you like to know more?

Emergency Nation, voat 27 Comments [2/13/2019 2:02:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 19783

If stars are powered by hydrogen, then why, with the hundreds of billions of stars (as scientists claim, although how they counted them is anyone's guess ::MI ), then why is the atmosphere in space cold, not hot? One would think that with hundreds of billions of stars giving off enough hydrogen and fire to be seen by the inhabitants of the earth, that space would be an inferno, not extremely cold. So why isn't it? :confused:

Carico, CARM 47 Comments [1/23/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 139581

How big for a dick halo ?

How big must one be to ascend via dick? Is bulge game legit ?

I’m doing PE going for like 8.5x7.25. 7.75x6.5 atm. I heard flaccid gains come first. Would be cool to walk around freeballing In sweats with a sick dick print.

First post btw... been lurking for maybe 2 or 3 months

SchrodingersDick, incels.me 16 Comments [8/7/2018 12:44:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 64455

Bible skeptics, did you know the Bible predicted global warming?

The Bible reveals that in the near future, there is coming a time of great distress upon the earth: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken” (Luke 21:25-26).

If the Bible is not divine, how could they have specifically predicted climate change thousands of years in advance?

Naomi, Y! answers 77 Comments [7/29/2009 1:57:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 40

Quote# 107220

Men are created with a wild, unbalanced energy. Since hair is a spiritual antenna, men keep the hair short in order to tame this energy and draw it down in a more balanced way. Women, on the other hand, were created with a perfect balance of energy. The problem is that the balance is so sensitive, that any leak in the system causes it to fall to dangerously low levels. Once such a weak and "darkened" energy exists, the dark side forces swarm like vultures to consume it. Unbeknownst to the woman, these forces wreak havoc on her and her family as well.

It's a snowball effect of magnanimous proportions. I would call it an "avalanche effect". An attractive married woman has a marriage that could use a serious boost in the romance department, kids that are rebellious, wild, and generally disrespectful, and her- maybe she's on anxiety meds or a lifelong diet. There's serious financial trouble- sky-high credit card debt and downsizing at her husband's office. Her life is anything but happily-ever-after. Does this sound too simplistic? Why does it need to be complicated? By covering her hair, everything will begin to fall into place. Of course, she must do her part and make every effort to correct her issues- but covering her hair will bring the energy of holiness into the home and everyone will be positively affected by it.

Racheli Reckles, Breslev.co.il 36 Comments [3/20/2015 3:10:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 142418

[OP of "We are a minarchist group that believes in physical removal, feel free to stop by"]

I represent a minarchist group called the Emergency Nation.

We have our own manifesto and constitution: Link.

We believe:
• The government should only take care of police, justice and military.
• Parents should have the right to see their own children.
• Only men should be able to vote because women vote for socialists.
• All citizens must either do service or pay a small fixed yearly security fee. Failure to comply means exile. (This is called a regressive taxation scheme)
• Socialists, feminists etc. must be physically removed (exiled if possible, but otherwise killed).
• Our rules do not allow amendments or changes. It is a static constitution similar to a religion. We hope this will make our nation stable over hundreds of years.

More details inside.

7e62ce85 and Emergency Nation, Reddit - r/Hoppeanism 26 Comments [2/13/2019 12:13:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 13645

I ordered 1,400 (Chick Tracts) and I carry about 50 at once in my purse, and just leave them in gas station rest room, on the aisles in between products at the grocery store, and at bank drive-throughs in the little thing that holds all the forms.

WhiteH2OWoman, Rapture Ready 55 Comments [8/7/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Tak, the Hideous New Girl