Quote# 124160

(A few comments on Breitbart upon finding out the shooter was a white Trump supporters. Had to flip a coin for where.)

Cody Rethman: He should have bought a slide fire stock$120. He should have bought a few flashbangs $24. He should have bought a hundred Rd drum mag $90. Also of that is legally and easy to buy. He should have practiced more. I mean realistically practiced not like normal suggestions you get from all the joeshmos that say" go get you one box of ammo and go plink at stationary targets at a public range

Free2say:Damn,too bad he didnt take more with him.NEVER TRUST A MUSLIM

Cody Rethman & Free2say, Breitbart 18 Comments [2/1/2017 9:31:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Cutup

Quote# 139074

Real people are being hurt by the left’s New Witch Hunt, and they don’t care

The eventful year of 2016 is over, and as the holiday season approaches and busy schedules perhaps allow a bit more time for some reading, I have an urgent recommendation for you: Get your hands on Mary Eberstadt’s short but powerful book It’s Dangerous to Believe: Religious Freedom and Its Enemies. It’s only 126 pages long—I read it in a few hours—but it lays out succinctly and with beautiful clarity what she calls the battle of the creeds, the war between the Sexual Revolution and traditionalist Christianity that has been waged with increasing sound and fury since the advent of the Pill.

When Eberstadt refers to the targeting of “Christians,” she is of course referring to traditionalist Christians—those who still hold to the two-thousand-year-old teachings on sexuality that Christians have always believed.

This is a distinction that is now necessary. The Sexual Revolution has managed to generate a contingent of religious quislings, “progressive” Christians who have more or less abolished notions of sexual sin but magnanimously want to keep a messiah around to forgive their neighbors of the sins of homophobia and judgementalism. But these Christians are a very new breed. This new “progressive” Christianity is not only less than a century old, but already shrinking—a recent report noted that it is conservative churches that are growing while liberal churches continue to empty out, putting a bit of irony in the claims of so-called progressive Christians that they are “on the right side of history.”

It is worth noting, for a moment, that if Christians with the traditionalist view of sexuality were placed on one side of a scale, and progressive Christians were plopped on the other side, the sheer lopsidedness of the scene would be rather hilarious. On one side, we have everyone from St. Paul to the great Christian martyrs, from Tolkien, Chesterton, and Lewis, to Jonathan Edwards, Augustine of Hippo, and even the liberal Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. On the other side, we have a handful of so-called progressive Christian intellectuals—and who can name any? —who have abandoned two thousand years of Christian teaching, announcing with staggering arrogance that everyone else was wrong. When the weight of history is dropped onto the scales, it lands on the traditionalist side with such force that such progressives are flung into the stratosphere.

But secular progressives and their post-Christian cronies have made such advances because the position of religion in society has been weakened so much in the first place. So-called progressive Christians are really just hybrid heretics, as they do not see themselves as abandoning Christianity, but rather attempting to reconcile our culture’s two warring creeds. To announce loud support for gay unions, the transgender agenda, abortion, and the other secular sacraments while attempting to twist into a theological pretzel that allows one to claim that such beliefs are actually an expression of “Christian love” may seem to be a solution to the problem of “picking a side,” but in reality it makes a mockery of everything Christianity has ever stood for and a fool of the one attempting this oil-and-water cocktail. This is why we often see “progressive” Christians turning on their supposed co-religionists with such fervor—they are virtue-signalling to their secular comrades, and displaying the fierce eagerness that collaborators so often do.

In Eberstadt’s view, there were two main events in recent history that weakened the standing of religion in society: The Catholic priest child abuse scandals and subsequent cover-ups, which dramatically decreased people’s trust in “organized religion,” and 9/11, which made many people feel as if religion was a dangerous and toxic set of beliefs that could, after all, inspire men to fly planes into buildings. The growing creed of secular progressivism responded with its own apostles in the form of the New Atheism movement, led by the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”—Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett. What was new about this atheist movement, it turns out, is that it sounded rather familiar—the child abuse scandal gave the evangelists of New Atheism fodder for all the moral fury and righteous indignation they needed for an anti-religion crusade. The New Atheists, with no sense of irony, began a moral panic: Religion poisons everything. (One of my friends and I used to joke that Hitchens did in fact believe in objective morality, he was simply offended that it predated him.)

This segued nicely into the ongoing demonization of Christians by the sexual revolutionaries. Christians were “homophobes,” “transphobes,” “bigots,” and “haters.” Consider for a moment, Eberstadt pleads with the reader, just how repulsive and ugly it is that millions of people are being convicted by smear campaigns of being hateful without evidence—their Christian beliefs alone are the only proof necessary to prove that they have hate in their heart. Hate, when detached from what any person actually feels, simply becomes a meaningless word. Eberstadt lays out, in careful detail, the absurd but stunning parallels between the ongoing stigmatization of Christians and the witch-hunts of 1600s Massachusetts. Secular progressivism, she reiterates, is a form of religion—and it sees the Christian view of sexuality as an original sin.

In other words, it is not that secular progressives don’t believe in the Devil. It’s just that they believe he happens to be a Christian. It’s not that they don’t believe in saints and sinners, it’s that in their creed, saints and sinners have swapped places: An athlete announcing his homosexuality can get a congratulatory call from the President of the United States, while a pastor renowned for his work combatting human trafficking can be forced to withdraw from offering a prayer at that same president’s inauguration as the result of a smear campaign targeting him for his Christian position on marriage.

Some may find the word “persecution” to be too strong a word to use in describing what is going on today in the West, and Eberstadt recognizes that. She does, however, detail very carefully the type of targeting that is going on: People losing their jobs, losing their businesses, being ostracized in social settings, refused admittance to universities, and finding their right to educate their own children under attack. Secular progressives are even targeting home-schooling while insinuating that Christian parents are a danger to their own children by virtue of the beliefs they teach. This fundamental right—the right of parents to pass their beliefs on to their children—is where most Christians, even those who simply wish to be left in peace, will finally draw the line and join the culture war.

Additionally, Eberstadt lays out the horrors of real, physical persecution that are being inflicted on Christians in Iraq—and asks, pointedly, why our secular progressive leaders do not seem to care. Indeed, there seems to be a backlash against the mere suggestion that Iraqi Christians, who like the Yazidis are often targeted for persecution by both ISIS and Muslims in the refugee camps, be prioritized because they are in the greatest danger. The reason vicious persecution the world round is ignored and escapes mention, while Barack Obama uses National Prayer Breakfasts to berate Christian leaders for historic sins, Eberstadt posits, is because those being persecuted are Christian, and secular progressives have no sympathy for Christians.

In the creed of the secular progressives, everything hinges on sex. Christians can believe, without controversy, that stealing, murder (except for abortion and euthanasia), lying, and swearing are wrong. If sex enters the picture, however, suddenly everything changes. It is for this reason that secular progressives are willing to hurt thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of poor and needy men, women, and children in order to inflict damage on Christian charities that do not agree with them that two men have the right to raise a child simply because they want to. Eberstadt records one heartbroken adoption worker noting that once the Catholic foster system and adoption services were “sued out of existence,” who would take care of the children? The progressive heresy hunters, of course, would have already carried their torches and pitchforks over to the next guilty charity and begun their shrieking anew. The message to Christian charities, lauded for decades even by secular sources for their sterling work with needy children and their mission to serve the poor, is simple: Change your beliefs on sex, or we’ll shut you down. Just as we see with abortion and so many of the other secular sacraments, children can always be sacrificed in the name of sex.

It is worth noting, as Eberstadt does, that this is not a theoretical question. Real people and real children are being hurt badly by this war against Christian charities, carried out by fanatics who would rather deny people life-saving services than agree to disagree on moral beliefs. If Christians are forced out of charity, much of the charitable system will implode, especially since religious people are far more likely to give to charity than secular people are. For example, people who pray every day are 30% more likely to give to a charity than people who do not pray, people who devote time to a spiritual life are 42% more likely to give to charity than those who do not, and interestingly, “people who say that ‘beliefs don’t matter as long as you’re a good person’ are dramatically less likely to give charitably (69% to 86%) and to volunteer (32% to 51%) than people who think that beliefs do matter.” Eberstadt’s chapter detailing the attack on Christian charities, titled “Inquisitors vs. good Works,” makes her book worth reading all by itself.

Eberstadt’s conclusion is a plea for common ground. Feminists and Christians, she points out, have found themselves fighting side by side on issues like pornography, surrogacy, and the objectification of women. It is possible for us to ascribe to the other the best possible motivation, while still disagreeing in the strongest possible terms. But for this to happen, says Eberstadt, the secular progressives must shut down their witch-hunt. They have to halt their demonization of Christians, cease their storming of Christian charities, and stop their attacks on Christian education. “Is the suppression of independent thought,” she asks, “really going to be progressivism’s historical signature?”

It certainly appears that way.

Jonathan Van Maren, LifeSite News 17 Comments [7/22/2018 9:13:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 59658

Evo-Atheists like people to forget that fact! Darwin was talking about “favoured races”, which he assumed he a member. That’s exactly what he meant and what his disciples have pushed! Hitler was just following the direct teachings of Darwin, who was inspired by Satan himself! Evo-atheists want to be the ones running the camps of the future. Their *science* can only lead to the gas chambers. Their bigotry can never be tolerated!

ToGodBeTheGlory, freerepublic 49 Comments [2/26/2009 1:10:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 127184

regarding an article titled "Bioethicist Fears Saving Babies’ Lives Could Make People Oppose Abortion.

SJWs: “SCIENCE!!!!!!!”

Scientist: “I’ve invented a device that might make abortion obsolete!”

SJWs: “Kill the heretic! Burn his device!”

Right Hand Path, Right Hand Path 10 Comments [5/16/2017 5:30:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 103804

We have two choices, Christians. We can either persist in this game of denial and deceive ourselves into thinking that we are being loyal to God by refusing to acknowledge His involvement in evil, or we can ask the Spirit to remove the scales of fear from our eyes and help us to face the intimidating truth which is clearly laid out in His Word. By His own choice, God cannot be theologically separated from evil, pain, suffering, torture, sadism, and every other hideous thing we come across down here. The same God who meticulously designed the eternal torments of Hell is standing right there when little girls are sold into sex slavery and He is the One who approves of their captors greatly profiting from their heinous crimes. Likewise, He opens the wombs of those who He knows will abuse and torture their children, while He strikes barren those who would lovingly care for them. No evil is hidden from God’s eyes down here. He not only sees everything we do to each other, He is standing right beside us as we’re doing it, carefully monitoring and limiting the activities of both abuser and victim. Such pictures deeply disturb us. We believe that if we accept the truth about God’s association with evil, we will have the reality of our loving God torn away from us. THIS IS A LIE. The more we accept God’s Truth without modifying it to suit our human needs, the more confident we will become in His love for ALL people, regardless of the horrors He puts them through. God IS good. He does do ALL things well. There is an ocean of comfort and peace to be found in these truths, but we will never unlock it until we are willing to let GOD define who He is and accept His intimate involvement in this world that He made.

Are you ready to go to the next level with God? Will you let Him stretch the boundaries of your theology yet again so that your understanding of Him might become that much more accurate? If we want to really know God, we must stop denying the clear picture He has given us in His Word of His intimate involvement with evil. God and evil are truly inseparable, yet His Character remains totally perfect, righteous and holy. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you better understand this most critical issue. Intimacy with God can only be acquired by the total acceptance of HIS Truth.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 30 Comments [9/30/2014 3:17:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 142658

Dr. McGee is 100% correct that we are saved by turning to Christ by faith, but he is wrong that repentance follows salvation. This is the same error as Dr. Bob Wilkin teaches. The truth is that repentance facilitates believing. Without repentance no one would ever come to Christ for salvation. Any change in character in a believer's life is a fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and not manmade reformation, mistaken for repentance. God saves a man and then the Holy Spirit changes him. This is the entire message of the Epistle of 1st John. The key verse is 1st John 3:24, “And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.”

The evidence that we are saved is the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit, not a changed life. Judas experienced a desire to turn from his sins. Judas' life changed. Judas “repented” the Bible says in Matthew 27:3, but it wasn't true repentance unto salvation. Judas was merely sorry that he got caught betraying an innocent man. Judas felt remorse and guilt. Judas even tried to return the 30 pieces of silver to the scumbag chief priests. Yet, the Bible says that Judas went out and hung himself in overwhelming guilt, not understanding the truth that God was willing to forgive him by faith in Jesus Christ. Judas turned from his sins, but still went to Hell because of his unbelief. Judas trusted in the lie of Lordship Salvation. Judas followed Jesus as his master, but not his Savior.

The big problem with what Dr. McGee is teaching is that it compels people to turn from sins to prove that they are saved, which is not the Gospel. The true Gospel mandates a certain Biblical mindset. The only mindset that the Gospel of free grace allows is that I can be saved, and yet go out and sin all I want and still be saved!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 10 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142677

ItsAmandaWan: I'm not a sinner Tom. Thanks, have a great day!?

Tom Knight: Amanda, I was a bit busy the other night so I couldn't write much, but I appreciate your kind reply. What I share with people I share in love, but I usually receive hate in return. That's OK, I don't take it personally. I'm only the messenger. Anyway, as the Bible says in Psalm 51 that we were all born into sin. So we all have a sin nature. Satan loves to deceive people and put a different color wrapping on sin, and it works especially well when society applauds any kind of sin. We have to ask for God's help out of sin every day. And repent when we do sin. I never realized the urgency of accepting Christ as Lord and Savior until I looked people in the eyes who had NDE's. You can tell that what they experienced in Hell was not a bad dream or a hallucination, it forever changed their lives. For someone to say that what they experienced there they wouldn't wish on their worst enemy, or even Hitler. It must have been traumatic. So I share this truth with precious people. What they do with it is their decision. Even most churches today don't talk about sin because people don't want to hear about it. And less money will come in if they do tell people about their sin. But the only way to escape the fires of Hell is to repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. I pray you can do that.
Anyway, darling, I have to go now. My sexy Asian wife is out in SF, she's a highly-payed Medical Professional and I'm here in Pensacola Beach Florida (with the sugary white sand beaches) getting some beach properties. So I'll see her soon. But she's amazing, she honored her father's request to not get involved with any men until after Med School. So at 27 she was still a virgin, so I won the bank! As an Ex Playboy Military Pilot/ Airline Pilot I did well my dear! But God honored me when I made my decision for Christ as Lord and Savior. We waited and honored the No Wed/ No Bed plan of God. So our first time was honeymoon night. But she's is a Lady of dignity and self-respect and not a dog in heat looking to scratch an itch or satisfy an "urge!" And my gosh did it pay off! Big time! Anyway love, please consider accepting Christ as Lord and Savior of your life! He is the only way to escape the fires of Hell. I see the emptiness in your eyes. God knows you are truly searching. Please don't live in the gutter of Satan having any sex before marriage. And the bisexual mess will definitely lead you to the fires of Hell, so get that out of your life quick and wait for God's man for life so you don't spend an eternity in regret.
You don't have to write back my love, only think of what I've said to you because it's said in love to you, and not hate or judgment.
Anyway, have a good night my sweetheart and live a Godly life!
Tommy boy!?

Tom Knight, Youtube 5 Comments [3/7/2019 10:00:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 142660

OK my dear, since it is abundantly clear that everybody is completely deceived on this entire subject let the old Colonel, Military Pilot/ Airline Pilot come in pull some of your beautiful rear-ends out of the flames of Hell. What I say is said in love and never hate or judgment. As you are all precious to God. And none of this is about "religion" or my opinions, so don't allow Satan to con you into believing that one. After watching a few minutes of this girl's video I can see that she's so steeped in Satan's deception, it's absolutely mind-boggling!
So buckle your seatbelts because it's time to perform some high-speed "airstrikes" on some of Satans most prized territory.

I saw a video the other day that a girl did on the bisexual spectrum. There is no bisexual spectrum, there is only a "sin spectrum" and it includes homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, adultery, fornication-need I mention any others? I think you have the point. They are all weapons that Satan employs to drag you to an eternal Hell with him. No folks, Hell is not a joke or a myth. It is a real place where the fire is never quenched, the torment never ends, and the worm dies not. I've looked in the eyes of people who have had NDE's and you can tell what they describe of Hell wasn't a bad dream or a hallucination. It forever changed their lives. And it eagerly awaits those who leave this life without having repented and accepting Christ into their hearts. Tens of thousand find that out the "hard way" every single day that are dropping into Hell. Satan deceived them into thinking that they could live their lives any way they "dang-well-pleased" but they found out quickly when that last breath departed from their body that God didn't feel the same way. And God takes no pleasure in people ending up in that place of eternal misery. And Jesus weeps.

Jesus Christ loves all of you and He died on an old rugged cross for your sins. He is the only one who can save from the fires of an eternal Hell. But you have to accept Him as an act of your will. Please accept Him today as Lord and Savior of your life. He gave you the gift of a free will, so He will never force His way into your life. But should you take your last breath without having repented and accepting Christ, you will wish to God that He did force His way into your life. This life is a vapor that appears for a moment and vanishes, eternity never ends. So don't play games with your eternity.
Pray this prayer:

Dear Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner and that I'm in need of a savior. Please forgive me, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place paying the penalty for my sins. Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life and I accept You now Lord Jesus. Lord God, I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead. According to the Bible, I'm now saved, and Born Again. Show me how to live the rest of my life for you, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Love in Christ?

Tom Knight, YouTube 11 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: kumala

Quote# 142652

(Context:Regarding gay couples in Israel)

While I believe everyone should be respected as a person, I also believe children need to have both a mother and father. Plus, a gay couple can do what they want in private. But shouldn't flaunt it, especially in the holy city

A bit of Light, Times of Israel 12 Comments [3/6/2019 12:51:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Completely Missing The Point Award

Quote# 142675

[Hypocrisy] Shrek's human form is a Chad.

Shrek is a movie about 'loving who you are' etc, and that looks don't matter. Jfl.

Buttt Shrek's human form is a Chad... The hypocrisy of this...

Jawline mogs everyone in this entire website.

narcissist, incels.is 16 Comments [3/6/2019 12:53:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Phallocentrism Award

Quote# 142657

Don’t listen to these haters. They just aren’t ready for the truth.

Let me explain my ideas.

You see, there are two kinds of people with penises in the world: Bigs and Smalls. Bigs have big penises and Smalls have small penises. It’s essentially a caste system based on penis size.

Bigs will be the privileged caste. They will be given preference in all jobs, receive a stipend from the government and solely considered for leadership positions in government and business. Within the Bigs there will be two groups, Normals and Supers. Normals will have cocks that are 7-9? while Supers are men with cocks bigger than 9?. Supers will have all the same benefits as Normals, but will serve as religious leaders and show the spiritual superiority and supremacy of big dicks. They will receive a much higher stipend and will be stationed in temples all over the country in order to allow members of the local community to worship and appreciate their big dicks.

Smalls will be the lower caste. They will receive no stipend from the government and are barred from any kind of leadership position. They will be allowed to start their own business, but must sell it to a Big after one year. They will be expected to work menial labor jobs, but Smalls with exceptional skills will be allowed to work as doctors or engineers, although with a greater tax burden as punishment for taking away a high ranking position from a more deserving Big.

Housing will be determined by cock size, not money. The more cock you have, the bigger the home you will be allowed to live in. People with 8? or more will be allowed to live in luxurious mansions, while men with dicks smaller than 4? inches will have to live in shacks in the forest or in the city sewers.

People born without penises will exist outside the caste system. They will have all the privileges of a Big but will not receive a stipend. They will also be allowed to take high positions within the state religion, but the position of temple idols will be reserved for those with large penises. They will also be able to buy homes using money instead of penis size.

Now I know what you’re thinking, “That seems like a very brilliant and intuitive way to set up society, Walter. But, how will that stop misogyny?” The answer to that is very simple. You see, the human male is unhappy because it doesn’t know its place. In the case of MRAs they are all obviously Smalls, but because no one has ever told them that they are not as good as Bigs, they think they are somehow on equal footing with Bigs! It’s a dangerous delusion. Because when they find out that life isn’t working out the way they imagine that it should they lash out at women. The cockocracy breaks them of the illusion of being on the same level as Bigs and changes their expectations into something more appropriate for a Small. Once that happens misogyny will disappear.

Sadly, the cockocracy requires too many political and religious changes to ever be implemented.

Walter, We Hunted The Mammoth 21 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 142672

One of the principal goals of the pro-life movement is the end of abortion, and most within the movement recognize the necessity and desirability of strategies that seek to outlaw abortion alongside those that seek to reduce the demand for it.

Many remain ambivalent, however, about the use of contraceptives, even going so far as to accept or support policies that use contraceptives as a means of reducing the number of abortions.

This is misguided. Contraceptives are the cause of abortion. In fact, if we did not have contraceptives in this country, we would not have anywhere near the abortion rate we do now. I know this is counter-intuitive, but it is only so because Planned Parenthood and other population control entities have been successful in spreading misinformation for so long.

The Birth Control Movie Project, The Birth Control Movie 22 Comments [3/6/2019 12:53:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: TheReasonator

Quote# 142653

"200 Israeli rabbis slam LGBT rights groups for ‘turning perverts into heroes’"

The rabbis speak the truth because they’re speaking from the Torah. If you don’t like the truth, condemn to the Torah, not the rabbis.

Victoria Silvia Howard, Times of Israel 6 Comments [3/6/2019 12:51:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 142662

I want to thank you all who contributed and supported the campaign to bring awareness to Dr. Kent Hovind and Paul J. Hansen and their plight.
So many people brought their different talents and abilities to the table for this campaign.
You all know who you are as there are too many to name and I personally thank you for all your contributions.
Remember there are so many others we are unaware of are facing similar persecution because of their faith in God and his son Jesus Christ, keep them in your prayers.

The Real Truth Movement, Facebook 20 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 69644

Well that has to be just wrong with your Yule and all, and your Eoster or whatever, You people must have stolen the Christian Holidays and made them your own, how dare you!

(next post)

I am serious, How is it that Wiccans, Pagans and Christians have the same Holy days in common?

The Pagans must have stolen them and Paganized them.

Jacob_Rising, Sean Hannity Forums 72 Comments [1/19/2010 1:01:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 78

Quote# 130078

Revelation chapter 11 speaks about two end-times witnesses who will be a thorn in the side of Satan and the Antichrist in the last days. When the Antichrist finally kills them, scripture says the people of the world will celebrate.

I always wondered how that could play out. Now I know. If you want to know what that looks like, you should read some of the ignorant emails and inboxes I and my team at Eden Decoded have been receiving since our site went down.

It's become an ongoing joke around here who can find the most demonic-riddled messages sent our direction.

Besides the typical devil-worshipers, necromancers, witches and outright satanists that are always around lingering and taunting us - the most jubilant celebrators have been so-called Christians who've been hanging around my page, nursing their hurts over some previous post that convicted them about their own lack of holiness, dedication and righteousness.

But they won't be getting the last laugh. Lets disgrace the devil today!

We are almost at our target goal of getting the monies needed to get the site back up and running, and from preventing it from going down again. Satan can temporarily hinder, but he knows he cannot stop the work of the Lord.

Thanks to everyone who has shown much generosity by giving. God sees your faithfulness - and He will reward you as generously as you have given. But we're not out of the woods yet. Much more is still needed.

I pray that you allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart as you are reading this, and that you would give generously to help me get my website back up ASAP. Please go to the link below and give your very best today. The enemy only attacks genuine works of the Lord. But we're determined to see this work through to clear and total victory through the power of Jesus Christ and through the generosity and help of God's people.

Thanks for your help. God bless you. Here's the link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr…

Mack Major, Facebook 21 Comments [8/3/2017 2:53:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142654

even 60,000 liberal rabbis can not change the truth - the Torah forbids homosexuality. I prefer to say that their behaviour is perverted rather than calling them perverts.
pervert is defined:by google as
1. a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.
synonyms: deviant, degenerate;

and you might come to say that homosexuality has become normal and acceptable and I would say that, this is the problem. The Torah is against it and the Torah is the truth.

Superfunkbox, Times of Israel 10 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 45431

(The whole thread where this is found is made of enriched, industrial-grade, 100% pure "WTF!?")

Their are some important thing's to remember when talking of Demon's.
Demon's are not to be confused with fallen angel's.
let me give an example.

When the Lord cast the Demon's out of the man at the tomb's.
The Demon's begged him to allow them to go into a heard of pig's.
Because their is some desperate need for demon's to have a host body to inhabit.
Fallen angel's have no such problem.

we see the Princes of Persia and Greece (fallen angel's) in combat with the forces of Michael.
they couldn't do this if they were needing body's.

The angel's that followed Lucifer in his fall I beleive are the ones
posing as alien's and Piloting these strange flying machines "that do exist"by the way and also seem to be inter dimensional.
As much technology as man has.
It's not to much of a stretch to Imagine that The Host of Fallen angel's and Satan have Immense Technology of their own.

The Demon's Are something else tho.
It's possible that they are from the time Before the first judgment of God apon the sinful world that took place somewhere between the first two verses of Genesis.
Long before Adam was created.
Possibly even a pre Adamite race of man or some other Noble creature that was made Lower than the Angels so that when they sinned against God they became Mortal.

These are very possibly the beings that are released into the air when the waters were lifted up on the second day of restoration.
Hence the Lord withheld his approval by not declaring it to be very good.

turtle, Rapture Ready 53 Comments [8/20/2008 10:36:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Savina

Quote# 142631

God has a reason for our lives
By Patsy Lambert - Contributing Columnist

God never does anything without a reason. Each one of us are in God's plan.

He has us where we are for a reason. He wants to use us for His glory.

We may not understand God's plan for our lives, but God's ways are so much higher than ours. We may have all kind of plans for our life, but God may have other plans for us.

We go through situations and wonder why things turned out the way they did.

At that time we did not understand, but later when we think about it we can see how God worked things out for our good and His glory.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55: 8-9 God calls us to be instruments of His love in this world.

He has a reason for our lives. This world is not our final home. We have an inheritance that can never perish, or fade away because of what Jesus has done for us. "To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you." 1 Peter 1: 4.

God has a reason for our lives.

Patsy Lambert, Newberry Observer 18 Comments [3/2/2019 3:38:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 142656

Let’s pray for America
Margaret Brackett - Contributing Columnist

Make your life richer, happier and more abundant with prayer

We ask God to give us complete knowledge of his will and give us spiritual wisdom and understanding. A person who prays to God can change the course of a nation. Together we can make a difference.

Let's pray for America. We ask God to give us complete knowledge of his will and give us spiritual wisdom. May we be overflowing with gratitude. Salvation can be established in our faith.

Rev. Pat Robinson believes God is at work in America today. He believes it is God's will to perform miracles as we reach up to him and pledge for prayers for America today. May God bless you and answer every need in the days ahead. May the blessings of today be the blessings we need the most.

Margaret Brackett, Newberry Observer 10 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 142663

As I was going through my news feed a couple of weeks ago I came across a status shared about the recent statements from Jacob Rees-Mogg on ITV’s show Good Morning Britain.

For those who may not know, Jacob Rees-Mogg is a British Politician who was first elected as the MP for North East Somerset in the 2010 General Election. Mogg is a member of the Conservative party, and also happens to be a Catholic. That last note is important for the story here … as it comes up in quite a key way.

Mogg has been touted as some as a possible candidate of Prime Ministership. However, he has recently come against some flack due to his apparent extreme views.

But what exactly are those extreme views?

To answer the raised question, let’s first take a look at Mogg had to say on Good Morning Britain.

If you watched the clip in its entirety, you will sharp see that Morgan and his co-host Susanna Reid hone in on two issues. Those issues being same-sex marriage and abortion.

Mogg said on the subject of same-sex marriage that he sides with the teaching of the Catholic Church. On the subject of abortion, he said that it is wrong and indefensible.

It is these two subjects that have been touted as “extreme views”. This kind of argumentation is unfortunately common in the media today if you do not agree with what pop culture determines as being good and appropriate you’re “extreme” or a “bigot”. Is this really correct? Absolutely not! In reality, it’s a bit of a joke.

To further unpack this controversy let’s take a look at the words of Iain Rowan in his short statement on the subject for iNews.

Iain Rowan on Jacob Rees Mogg
In his iNews article, Rowan says the following about Mogg’s views:

“Jacob Rees-Mogg justifies his opposition to gay marriage and abortion even in cases of rape on the basis of his firmly held Christian beliefs. Fine. One can admire people with principles based on profound belief. So where is his opposition to welfare cuts on the grounds that Jesus went out of his way to demonstrate his compassion for the poor and the lame, the lepers and the prostitutes? When Jesus says “blessed are the peacemakers”, how does that fit with Rees-Mogg’s record of consistently voting for military intervention? Where are his statements on debates about executive pay, reminding other MPs that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven? I’m confused: I thought being a committed Christian meant following the teachings and actions of Jesus, rather than standing at the pick-and-mix counter in a sweet shop, only choosing the fizzy snakes.”

Now let’s take this statement for what it is. It is an accusation of an inconsistent faith. Now I don’t know where Rowan stands in terms of the Christian faith, however, if we’re honest, nine times out of ten the accusers of inconsistency are inconsistent themselves. We’ll address that soon.

The key things that Rowan points out are found in Mogg’s voting record (which can be found here). Those things being his voting history on welfare cuts, military intervention, and executive pay. When you watch the video from Good Morning Britain you should notice instantly that these questions were never raised, and I honestly doubt that they were even considered. Why? Probably because Mogg’s voting history on those issues would be much more reasonable to a sizeable portion of the public. In terms of those issues, do you know which of these were party votes? Honestly, I don’t. If they weren’t party votes, then there are questions we can ask about why Moggs would vote in the way he has on these issues. But we will ultimately have to ask the question is the reason why he voted in the way he did consistent with the Christian faith, and in this case, with the teachings of the Catholic church?

The reality is that us as readers, and for me as a writer, we do not know the reasons as to why Mogg has voted the way he has. So we are not in a position to make an accurate conclusion as to whether he is being consistent with the teachings of the Bible and the Catholic church here. But that leads us onto a bigger question.

Are We Ever as Consistent as We Should Be?
The issue at hand here is consistency. Let’s put Mogg’s stance on same-sex marriage and abortion to the side. If we’re honest these raised issues are a smokescreen from the media in what seems to be a growing agenda to get Christians out of politics (remember Tim Farron?). The issue at its core is consistency.

So, let’s ask ourselves the question, are we ever as consistent as we should be?

The answer for most of us if we’re brutally honest with ourselves, is a resounding no! Or maybe that’s just me.

I myself am far from perfect, I wrestle with scripture all the time. I struggle with pride, all too often thinking I’m much more important than I am (I’m usually humbled very quickly). I struggle with unbelief, I often ask questions that lead me to wonder whether Christianity is ultimately true (that is also very quickly done away with). I could go on. But the point here is that I’m not as consistent as I should be, and without sounding harsh, you’re probably not either.

So why is Mogg’s consistency the issue here? Is it because he’s being inconsistent, or is it because many want him to be inconsistent if it appeases the cultural expectations. Honestly, I suspect it may be the latter. Inconsistency only seems to be an issue currently if it’s inconsistent with the expectations of pop culture. See if Mogg was as vocal about issues surrounding nuclear defence and money as he is about abortion and same-sex marriage, this story wouldn’t even be hitting the news. The issue that people seem to have with Mogg is that he is against what people want him to be for. It’s a case of inconsistency when he doesn’t vote the way that those objecting to him want him to vote.

So let’s consider this as we close off this short article. Why is Mogg being targeted here? Is it because he won’t be a good Prime Minister, that he’s not fit to run this country? No! It’s because he does not side with what the media thinks he should side with, and what the members of the public have bought when they’ve been told what to think. That’s it! It really is as simple as that.

So before you dive onto the bandwagon and write off Mogg as a potential Prime Minister. Think about why you’re being asked to do so, and ask yourself whether this is right or not. The answer may surprise you.

Mark Jones, Theology Review 7 Comments [3/6/2019 12:52:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 142630

Mick Williams:
Speaking of apostasy, I'm not sure if a cult or an atheist tore up some posted leaflets at a jogging trail recently. He was dumb enough to leave the pieces there, so I taped them back together. Tomorrow I'll tack them back on the same trees. He'll no doubt do it again, but it'll be twice he's rejected the word. Talk about heaping coals of fire on his head. . .

Lady Checkmate:
Excellent. We're tasked with sharing the word, not forcing anyone to accept it.
Keep up the good work!!

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 28 Comments [3/2/2019 2:49:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 86959

Time is up for the 'fun-n-games' of non-scientific evolution, which includes the following;

*Old earth 'Plate Tectonics' or the whimsical idea of 'coasting-colliding' continents and the 'breakup of Pangea' all rooted in science and taught as "fact". Plate Tectonics is a pseudo-scientific fraud used as an 'excuse' to vainly try and prove an 'old earth'. This theory will be completely debunked with true science backed by the Scriptures. Earth is a geological mess and the foundations are out of place big-time (Ps. 18:15, 82:5) due to a massive series of titanic volcanic eruptions, or fountains of the great deep.

**"Dinosaurs died 65 million years ago...." No they didn't. True archeology and human history coupled with massive volcanism proves otherwise. The Jurassic fairytale is nothing but a cartoon-concocted lie 'supported' by models in museums, and Hollywood....

***The factless Copernican heliocentric universe which has zero proof, requires the Earth to perform orbital 'gymnastics' and the moon to shift into reverse orbit (this in itself is absolutely hilarious and rejects the very principal of observable science...), and has been taught as non-scientific dogma for over 400 years. The Bible and true science emphatically denies that the Earth 'rotates' daily on an 'axis' and 'orbits' around the sun yearly. The very opposite is Biblical and true and heliocentric voodoo is Satan's second grandest lie cast upon mankind (followed by "you really won't die" which duped Adam and Eve in the Garden...). Many won't be able to swallow just how deep this fraud extends, and the great extremes mankind has gone to promote this lie along with "astro-evolution". But it is all about to end as scheduled in Revelation, and fast so buckle up!

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" Genesis 1:1

"He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing." Job 26:7

"The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." Psalm 24:1

"Who (Jesus Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:" Colossians 1:15

Earth is not a "planet" (wanderer) nor does God call His Earth a "planet" in His Holy Word. Therefore should we???

M.A. Masters, Architect, Fountains of the Great Deep 79 Comments [4/17/2012 12:22:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 149

Quote# 80726

[On Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]

My daughter recently brought a borrowed copy of this movie home from school, and, as usual, I reviewed it before letting her watch it, and I must say I was disgusted. Having never heard of this movie before, I didn’t know what to expect. Black magic! Witchcraft flaunted, as if it were to be encouraged for children. The characters who were supposed to be the heroes were as satanic and as far from Christ as the villains.

For example the teenage girl Hermione used Satanic incantations against her innocent (and I assume Christian) parents, so she could leave home and run away with two boys. The small portion of wedding that we did see showed no sign of being a genuine wedding, in the eyes of The Lord, and when characters ate, no one said Grace or a Blessing of thanks! Further more, bewitched jewelery showed two of the children having sex!

My outrage at this film does not end here, but I do not have the will to list every transgression against Christ! I did not see the point of the film, at all; the story made no sense to me, characters came and went with no explanation as to who they were. There was no mention of God’s Heavenly Glory or The Saviour! As I’m sure you could imagine, I did not let my daughter see this filth, and I roundly scolded her for bringing into my home.

Christine C., Christiananswers.net 132 Comments [4/20/2011 6:07:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 149

Quote# 142528


In his present form - that of a man - Satan is able lo transform himself into 999 different forms. All the time I saw him he was in the form of a man. He was very similar in appearance to the pictures we see of him and his face was very diabolical.

He can also appear in his original form of beauty (making 1,000 forms in all), but can do so for only a limited period of time. I have talked with human beings who have seen him in the form of a vulture (but talking like a human; he knows all the languages on earth), a black man. a white man. a ram. a lion and other forms.
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." -II Cor. 11:14

He can transform himself into an angel of light. I have spoken to those who have seen him. as well as other demon spirits, in the form of Jesus or an angel of God. Would you know the difference? This accounts for the appearance of the angel Moroni to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church. He didn't make it up. it's just that Moroni was not an angel sent by God - he came from the Dark Kingdom.

This ability of spirit beings to change forms will be discussed with greater detail in later chapters. However, I believe you can see from this knowledge how the Islamic prophet heard the voice of an angel and how false religions such as New Age are brought forth. That is why we must be spiritually mature and know the voice of the Holy Spirit in order to not be deceived.

Other forms in which Satan has been identified include:
1. A red-eyed demon possessing webbed wings, cloven hoofs and a tail. This is our characteristic picture of the devil as portrayed by the media. This is Satan as the accuser of the brethren.
2. The image of a lion in which he imitates Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
3. A python, cobra or other snake. This is a common form for many in the Dark Kingdom. Whenever I am in Africa, especially in the jungle villages, I am always on the lookout for "snakes."
4. A wolf.
5. A large ram with fully curved horns.
6. A fox.
7. Various human or angel-like beings with a white robe, usually surrounded by a cloud of glory.
8. A large dragon, breathing smoke and fire. In this form he is very fierce in appearance. He likes to assume this form when coming to a meeting of the Dark Kingdom. Those in the meeting shake uncontrollably from fear when Satan comes in this form.
It should be pointed out that in none of these forms can he fool the Christian who is in tune with the Holy Spirit. Also, the fact is that Satan rarely comes to earth personally. He prefers to send one of his errand boy spirits, normally Beelzebub.
Satan is the most vulnerable the last Friday of each month. The devil is involved in an all night meeting with his evil government and is thus preoccupied. He is noi available to reinforce his spiritually wicked rulers of darkness and wicked spirits. This is a night when the whole Church should pray effectively for maximum results.
Another good time to pray when your prayers will not be hindered as much is during the hours of midnight and 2 A.M. Nigerian time. In America, this would be hours of 6 to 8 P.M. CST. At this time of the evening, Satan rests for two hours. If anyone wants to see him his bodyguard. Beelzebub. will tell them that "the Master is resting."
Therefore, this is another excellent time to enter into concentrated prayer which will bring much fruit.
And. as you will learn later, the witches and wizards are meeting during this time as well. They are usually involved from midnight to 3 A.M. Nigerian time each morning in their meetings at the coven. Our deliverance ministry ministers all night to people on Friday night of each week and there is much prayer. The reason for our success in this area will be seen when wc discuss deliverance.

J. P. Timmons, Mysterious Secrets of the Dark Kingdom: The Battle for Planet Earth (book) 13 Comments [2/22/2019 1:43:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen