Quote# 142986

GOD DAMN AMERICA AND GOD DAMN GUAM! They abort children here just as much! Queers and transvestites are all over the place on Guam, and they are fully supported by local businesses and the government. Guam is whore city at the beaches! And if you want an actual whore, lower Tumon is full of whore houses, just go to 90% of the massage parlors. They do this for the wonderful U.S. military, full of whoremongers! It matters not if it is a female from a local Baptist church, or a Korean prostitute, they all dress THE SAME, wearing pants! I'm just telling it like it is folks.

The courts on Guam are quick to arrest citizens for every little offense, but the whore houses are privileged, and for the sake of the U.S. military, the authorities look the other way. Shhhh, it's a secret! There's not a local man on Guam who doesn't know what I just told you, because it's not a secret, nobody cares, that's all. Strip joints are legal on Guam, and no clothes at all are required for the strippers. Great place to live, huh? I say that facetiously, Guam is a very sinful place! As much as I loath the Roman Catholic Church cult, some of the best people on Guam are Catholics, who have fought hard to keep the ungodly gambling casinos out, and I am happy for that! The local Catholics have also fought hard against abortion, even compelling a local abortion clinic to close its doors! Amen for that! Sadly, the local Baptist churches have DONE NOTHING to help as far as I can tell. They must operate like the whore houses, in secret! I am a Baptist, and I am ashamed of my own churches.

If you are a woman and wear pants, I do not condemn you. In this time of woeful debauchery and wickedness, most pastors have backed off on the pants issue, figuring they are fortunate enough just to have a congregation. However, that is not a valid excuse for not upholding proper dress standards for women and men. Someone needs to speak up for modesty, virtue is not dead! Just because nearly everyone else is an ingrate, indifferent, immoral, greedy, selfish, dishonest and immodest, doesn't make it right! I fall in love every time I see a Baptist woman in culottes or a long dress. My heart longs for such a wife. I am wondering if there is anyone like that left anymore, because the next day I see the same woman, she is wearing tight sexy black spandex in public. She's a whore at heart! Yes, this is the era of the Christian whore!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 36 Comments [3/26/2019 4:06:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 142959

Every thing that is against the bible that christians have to sit through to make a grade be it this or the teachings on evolution is a form of Christian persecution. In the wider sence. That what lutherans believe we know were being persecuted. Even gateway pundit supposedly a conservative political site Persecute's christians this is Gods world when a christian can not say that His God is by far better than any other God that is persecution in the wide sence! When you can not openly honor God in this world of his with out some devils advocate stopping your post from being seen!

robert boe, Christian News Network 13 Comments [3/24/2019 1:20:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 142999

[A post from r/ChapoTrapHouse celebrating the killing of a 19-year-old IDF recruit got posted on r/AgainstHateSubreddits, causing a wave of trigerred salty tankies to brigade it.]

Re: /r/chapotraphouse celebrates an Israeli soldier getting murdered by a terrorist

That isn’t true. I know because I actually did my damn research and now many IDF soldiers. This kid’s name was Gal Keidan, a 19 year old kid straight from high school almost conscripted into the army. No doubt he was literally just standing there doing nothing because that is what they usually do when they’re posted in the cities, they’re there just for security. Now this kid is stabbed and dead but it’s OK they’re just colonialists who cares it’s war. Bullshit. People need to maybe lift the veil that these are kids killing kids and it’s fucked. And to refute your point the parents have been arrested and the kid is still on the run, which is standard stuff even if it were to happen in the US or anywhere else in the West. This isn’t some Shiite/Sunni street vigilante justice like you’d find in Lebanon. It’s genuine due process.

So much for against hate subs, you guys may as well be one.

The state of israel is a colonial state though?

We are against hate. And the state of israel has colonized the west bank and built illegal settlements all throughout a land that is not theirs. Don't expect reasonable people to have sympathy for a colonial apartheid system.

> Kid stabs someone

> Parents are arrested

> due process

Is this some kind of joke?

Calling Israelis murderous colonists in response to being accused of anti-Israeli hate speech?

It's more likely than you think.

It’s almost like being against a country doesn’t make you racist

Care to specify what you mean by "being against a country"? Its people? Its existence? Against it in football?

Against the war crimes, colonization, and apartheid to became a few things.

"Islam isn't a race therefore it isn't bigoted when I say that Muslims are terrorists."

"Israeli isn't a race therefore it isn't bigoted when I say that Israelis are murderous colonists."

America was created by murder and genocide, so was Israel. I have no issue with the individual people, just the military.

That is not what is being said here.

It isn't bigoted to say Nazis are bad, Germans are not.

It isn't bigoted to say ISIS is bad, Muslims are not.

It isn't bigoted to say the government of Israel is currently commiting genocide, the Jews are not.

In all these cases I am referring to specific organisations who have committed specific crimes. It would be bigoted to try and extrapolate that to a cluster of related people (e.g. by race, gender, religious beliefs), but no one ITT is doing that. They are condemning the actions of a government.

It's bad enough that these commies are bigoted against people of means but hating soldiers just because it's their job to kill in defense of an active settler colonial project? That's even worse.

If it was possible for Jews to coexist peacefully with gentiles you might be able to argue that criticizing Israel wasn't antisemitic. But of course thanks to modern race science we all know that mitochondrial DNA and uh, epigenetics, gives the jew an irresistible urge to steal everything that isn't nailed down and murder anyone who gets in the way. So condemning that sort of behaviour is inherently antisemitic.

It's like saying you don't have a problem with dolphins, you just don't think mamals should swim.

I also call Americans murderous colonists. Shouldn't you be upset that this is on this subreddit instead of wasting time with me?

Are you actually comparing the Israeli government to Nazi Germany?

Kills Children

Is an Apartheid State

Has a minority group become second class citizens

Highly Militarized

Commits War Crimes


Attacks Civilians on the reg

Wants to expand land holdings

So...more like Apartheid South Africa, but you could also compare it to Nazi Germany

A terrorist? The only terrorists in the region are the IDF.

You see, shit like this is why I'm not a tankie.

chapotraphouse blurs the lines between valid criticism of Israel and outright antisemitism.

It's a real shame too. Both Jews and muslims have a mutual enemy in white supremacists - in an ideal world, extremists on either side would come over here and rid us of them, rather than fighting each other on a land already drenched in brotherly blood.

"muh antifascism is fascism"

What nonsense you a...


Imagine constantly posting shit like this and then getting your knickers in a twist when someone kills a soldier from a settler colonial apartheid state that routinely kills civilians, bulldozes homes as a matter of policy, and explicitly exists for the benefit of one ethnicity over all others.

The white supremacists side with the European settler colonial state though.

Oh no won’t someone think about the

shuffles cards

Poor Israeli War Crimi- I mean soldiers who murder chil- defend the nation of Israel.

Various tankies, r/AgainstHateSubreddits 7 Comments [3/26/2019 10:26:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 143016

It just donned on me how pathetic it is to be a 23 year old virgin

I'm not quite at the oldcel stage yet but I'm past the point of no return, I'm older than Elliot Rodger was when he died. Almost everyone has had sex at one point or another, not being able to get laid when you're past highschool and into your twenties means you are a huge failure. Even if I were to wake up one day and become white, then looksmax to Chadlite level, people would laugh at me if they found out I was a virgin. It's shameful to be a virgin at 17-18, it's even worse when your past that age.

I pray that Blackops2cel gives me strength so that I don't rope tonight.

tehgymcel420, incels.is 21 Comments [3/27/2019 5:10:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 142998

A couple of comments: First, how do you substantiate that uniformitarian geology has been out of vogue for 100 years? It wasn't until the mid 1950's that J. Harlan Bretz's Missoula flood evidence was accepted because it smacked of catastrophism. It wasn't until about 1980 that catastrophism was generally acknowledged by the geological community. But it is good that it is now acknowledged as a part of the process.

Mt. Saint Helens was mentioned for two reasons. First, it demonstrates that geological processes can happen in very short periods of time. Secondly, during the worldwide flood there was more than just a lot of water. The "fountains of the deep" opened up. There was a lot more going on than just rain coming down, including massive volcanism and tectonic activity. You may disagree with that--I accept that. But I do know the difference between a flood and a volcano.

Also, to answer a previous post. Noah was a preacher of righteousness, and all were invited to come into the Ark. No, it was not God's choice that people perished, but their own.

And yes, there is evidence for a worldwide flood. Many if not most of the sedimentary rock layers were laid down during the flood, and many other geological features are a result of the flood waters rushing off of the rising landmass to the sinking ocean floor.

And I don't think you have given a good explanation of water gaps. Oh yes, the land rose so slowly that the river could continue flowing through the gap rather than going around the barrier. A rather ad hoc explanation.

cewoldt, Ars Technica 10 Comments [3/26/2019 10:26:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 143008

Today's Laugh 3-26-19

(Picture shows in the corner a CNN broadcast titled "Mueller Strikes Out". In the foreground is Obama, unconscious, and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders geting drunk.)

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 19 Comments [3/26/2019 4:10:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143002

More "Alt-Left Hypocrisy & Hate, Liberal Logic & Faux Phobias" posts from Amos Moses:

(Black woman in bullhorn - caption is "Black Lives Matter". People protest killing of Cecil the lion - caption is "Lion Lives Matter". Picture of fetus - caption is "Shut up."

Caption: "The Politically Correct Manifesto: Whoever is declared the biggest victim gets to be the biggest bully."

(Image is of icicle-covered man saying "G-g-glob-b-bal warm-m-m-ming m-m-must b-b-b-b-be st-t-t-topp-p-ped!")

Caption: "If Planned Parenthood were caught selling puppy parts, they would have been shut down immediately!"

Caption is "How to Identify a Racist". Black woman says "I am proud to be a strong black woman". (not racist) Japanese man says "I am proud to be a Japanese American". (not racist) Native woman says "I am proud to be a native American." (not racist) Mexican man says "I am proud to be Mexican! Viva la raza!" (not racist) Arabic man says "I am proud to be Arabic" (not racist) White man (Walter Sobczak from The Big Lebowski) says "I'm proud to be white" (RACIST in red letters)

(Image shows Obama, Hillary Clinton, Biden and someone I should know but don't because I'm not American. Caption is "We don't negotiate with terrorists. We ARM, SUPPORT, TRAIN, & FINANCE them.)

Amos Moses, Disqus - News Network 23 Comments [3/26/2019 10:27:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143004


Misogysteria is exaggerated or uncontrollable moaning about misogyny. It is also a propaganda tactic used by misandric radfems who wish to shut down debate about issues that face men. A person with this angst is called a misogysteriac.

Misogysteriacs tend to have a tendency whereby they see misogyny even when such a designation is a stretch.

Incel Wiki, Incel Wiki 13 Comments [3/26/2019 10:31:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 143009

My doctor is threatening me now. He has twice so far refused to be my doctor anymore unless I subject myself to other medical treatments, which I have already undergone, which were worthless, and didn't help me at all. It's a big racket! Now they want me to subject myself to physical therapy AGAIN. I suffered through 5 months of that torture and nonsense. They gave me an electric battery-powered box that buzzes on my neck, as a pain alternative. I THREW IT INTO MY GARBAGE PAIL WHERE IT BELONGS! I paid $100 for that crap! That is the insanity of doctors today! Kindly, they surely do earn the derogatory title of QUACKS! Another doctor sent me to a chiropractor, who handed me a donut-shaped magnet to hang around my neck, to help alleviate my pain. THAT WENT INTO MY GARBAGE PAIL TOO, WHERE IT BELONGS! Magnets don't alleviate chronic pain! You're an idiot if you think it does, as much as the idiot doctor who insults you by handing it to you in the first place. Folks, nothing helps alleviate pain like good ole pain medications, which is why GOD GAVE US OPIUM! Is that so hard to figure out? The people dying from opioids are ABUSING DRUGS AND ALCOHOL! That is how actor Heath Ledger died in 2008, from illegally taking a cocktail of prescription drugs that he had no business taking!

Anyway, it's difficult just to get by from day-to-day. It all comes from my neck. I am sick of all this crap from the doctors. I will get street drugs if they cut my medications. I'll move wherever I need too to obtain them. As I type, the toothache-like pain in my neck is terrible and there's nothing I can do. The pain radiates into my facial area. The dull, aching, pain behind my eyes is awful. The entire facial area is sore. In 2011, I was taking 160 mg per day of prescription Oxycontin for chronic pain, and no one complained at all!!! Now in 2019, they've got me down to 80 mg per day and they're still complaining. I don't know how much more of this I can take!

People just don't understand. I try to force myself to go places and do things, but it is difficult. I feel overwhelmed. I look fine outwardly, but inwardly I am physically hurting horribly. My wife cruelly abandoned and divorced me 13 years ago, and I seriously doubt if I'll ever have a girlfriend or be married again, because I cannot find a wife anywhere. I have looked high and low, but there is no one. And of course, she would have to be someone that can get along with me, not a sassy brat with a big mouth, who thinks she knows it all, like my x-wife. Proverbs 31:10-12, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. I once found such a woman, at Hyles-Anderson College, but she married another man, and it haunts me to this day. She was voted Miss Highlander, but I foolishly didn't reach out to her. The curse of my life has been my fear of simply telling others how I feel. If you understand that, you'll then understand why I have such a big mouth in cyberspace, I am tired of being silent. I have something to say now! I have never been blessed with a Proverbs 31 wife. Most women today are a Genesis 3 woman, destroying her own family.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 38 Comments [3/26/2019 4:10:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 142983

The anti Trump forces are evil. They are Satan's tool to keep up the butchering of the unborn. (And now the new born)

Reynolds, BaptistBoard 10 Comments [3/26/2019 4:06:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Kang

Quote# 1447

No, you have not "mutated" your card [by having 5 of them and exchanging one for another]. You have added a card. This is NOT the same thing. This is where you are mistaken. Your example is an addition of information, not a mutation. A mutation would be to start with five cards and crumple one up or cut it in half or something. You have now mutated that card. Nothing has been added.

Rom831, Rapture Ready 6 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 143005


Macrophallism is an indisposition or condition defined by an erect penile length measuring 2.5 SD+ more than average. Although the macropenis is defined by being something abnormal, the ubiquity of porn has made macrophallism seem normal. This has resulted in a lot of angst and shame for 90% of men who don't measure up. Macrophallism may be normal for tapirs, which are South American herbivorous mammals who have penises so long they sometimes accidentally hit themselves in the face with it. Nonetheless, tapirs are pretty mch shortcels. That's where horses come in. Horses are pretty tall and they are also pretty well hung. Is it a coincidence that horses are seen as sacred in the western world?

In the incelosphere, macrophallism is wdely consider to be a trait held by gigachads. Since most guys can't live up to this standard, we now have phenomenon such as double stuffing, whereby a woman has a threesome with two men inserting their dicks into one vag. Although the average erect circumference is 4.6 inches, combined, they become 9.2 inches of girth.

Incel Wiki, Incel Wiki 15 Comments [3/26/2019 10:31:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 143013

Tyler Houck: Ah yes...scripture The infallible "word of God". The sacred books man can't keep his hands off of; retranslated, rewritten, reinterpreted by generations with agendas and schemes or the blasphemously ignorant to preach to masses.
The "good book" that will damn you to an eternity of servitude.

John Baugh: Your anger seems only exceeded by your ignorance of Scripture and its preservation. There is a science called textual criticism, which is used to verify the original writings given many different copies with tiny variations because of transmission errors, like scribes misreading words or marginal notes making their way into the actual text accidentally (or on purpose.).
For example, there are ancient Greek poems that have 200 or 300 textual variants, which actually helps scholars produce the original with better accuracy. And almost no scholar rejects a piece of literature from antiquity as being flawed if it has 200 or 300 textual variants. The more textual variants, the better. The Bible has over 5,600 textual variants. Over 98% of them are simple scribal errors. none of the textual variants have any bearing on modifying the doctrines of the church.
The Bible has been preserved miraculously, and no scholar worth his or her salt rejects that notion or believes in some sort of giant conspiracy.
Furthermore, Christ has made me free, so I am not at all under any bondage whatsoever. Thus, your point is moot.

John Buagh, Youtube 10 Comments [3/27/2019 5:10:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 143012

The passage in Isaiah is about the new heaven and new earth. The sin-tainted world will be no more.
And no, I have no compulsion or requirement to humbly try to lead someone to Christ who has no interest in it, and is actively hostile to the truth. God wins no matter what you or anyone says, so it's ultimately not going to matter to me one way or another. There are passages that suggest people in the lake of fire will actively still shake their fists at God... All while being continually tortured with no end.
This "little lamb" would agree with your position, but then we'd both be wrong.

John Baughn, Youtube 2 Comments [3/27/2019 5:10:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 141684

I was listening to a very popular radio host one day, who claims to be a Christian. He claims to deeply love God in every way. He is married with children. Yet one day I heard him tell his listeners that he goes to massage parlors from time-to-time, to have beautiful women massage him. I was saddened when he said that, wondering what kind of wife didn't care if her husband went to be massaged by other women. God is a jealous God, and something is wrong with anyone who is not jealous over their spouse. In America's sicko society today, where married couples “swing” with other couples sexually, it is horribly evil.

Only in a sinful, carnally-minded society do people go get a massage, letting someone of the opposite sex usually) put their hands all over you from head-to-toe. It is just plain wrong.

When I hear someone say that they're going to get a massage, I know that they're not right with God. Oh, I know, everyone has a bad back, or a bad leg, or some other health problem that they use to justify getting a massage; but it doesn't matter. It is sinfully for a man to have a woman putting her hands all over him (unless it's his wife). Massages are unscriptural and sinful, because they potentially arouse sexual desires (at least in a healthy, normal man) and often lead to sexual immorality during the massage. God calls all believers to a life of holiness.

A wife who doesn't mind if her husband gets a massage by another woman; probably dresses like a whore, has a loose past of fornication, approves of abortion, accepts homosexuality, et cetera. Only an immoral wife would approve of her husband getting a massage by another woman. You should be jealous over your spouse, just as God is jealous over His own (Exodus 20:1-5).

Massages are sinful. No one should touch you except your spouse. Even a man touching a man is creepy. No man should massage another man.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 19 Comments [12/25/2018 2:50:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 142790

George Pell sentenced to six years' jail for sexually abusing two choirboys

Cardinal George Pell has been sentenced to six years' jail for sexually abusing two choirboys when he was Catholic archbishop of Melbourne in the 1990s.

Pell, 77, was found guilty by a jury last December of sexually abusing the choirboys after a Sunday mass in December 1996 and then assaulting one of them a second time two months later.

The man who was once Australia's most powerful Catholic sat in the dock dressed in a black shirt and a grey blazer, without a clerical collar, as County Court Chief Judge Peter Kidd delivered his sentence.

The chief judge described Pell's abuse of two choirboys in the sacristy at St Patrick's Cathedral as "a brazen and forcible sexual attack on the victims".

"The acts were sexually graphic, both victims were visibly and audibly distressed during the offending," he said.

"There is an added layer of degradation and humiliation that each of your victims must have felt in knowing that their abuse had been witnessed by the other."

"There was a clear relationship of trust with the victims and you breached that trust and abused your position to facilitate this offending," the chief judge said.

"I would characterise these abuses and breaches as grave."

Pell will serve a minimum of three years and eight months in jail before he will be eligible for parole.

He continues to deny he sexually abused the boys and has lodged an appeal against his conviction on three grounds, including that the jury verdict was unreasonable.

'Breathtakingly arrogant' offending

Chief Judge Kidd said the power imbalance between the victims and Pell as a senior church official was "stark".

"The brazenness of your conduct is indicative of your sense of authority and power in relation to the victims," he said.

"You may have thought you could control the situation by reason of your authority, as archbishop, whether or not that belief was well-founded.

"Such a state of mind would have been extraordinarily arrogant, but the offending which the jury has found you have engaged in was in any view breathtakingly arrogant."

The chief judge said Pell's abuse had had a "significant and long-lasting impact" on the wellbeing of one of his victims, whom he referred to as J.

"J has experienced a range of negative emotions which he has struggled to deal with for many years since this offending occurred … he has found it difficult because of issues of trust and anxiety.

"I take into account the profound impact your offending has had on J's life."

The chief judge said he did not have the benefit of a victim impact statement from his other victim, referred to as R, who died of a heroin overdose in 2014 and never reported the abuse.

"However on the basis of J's account at trial I am able to say your offending must have had an immediate and significant impact on R," Chief Judge Kidd said.

"Whilst it is not possible for me to quantify the harm caused, or articulate precisely how it impacted on R in the long run, I have no doubt that it did in some way."

The chief judge gave permission for the hearing to be broadcast live by media outlets and the court room was packed with abuse survivors, advocates and journalists.


Pell's crimes committed at cathedral

The court heard that Pell abused the choirboys, who cannot be identified, after celebrating one of his first Sunday masses as archbishop at St Patrick's Cathedral in East Melbourne.

He caught them drinking altar wine in the priest's sacristy, which was off limits to the choir.

One of the former choirboys gave evidence Pell had planted himself in the doorway and said something like "what are you doing here?" or "you're in trouble".

The then-archbishop moved his robes to expose his penis and forced one of the boys' heads down towards it.

The trial heard one of the choirboys asked: "Can you let us go? We didn't do anything."

But instead Pell moved onto the other choirboy. He pushed the boy's head down to his crotch and orally raped him.

After a few minutes, Pell ordered the boy to remove his pants and then molested him as he masturbated.

Pell abused that boy a second time two months later, after another Sunday mass when he pushed him up against the wall of a corridor in the back of the cathedral and groped him briefly.

Evidence of the abuse came from that former choirboy alone, who was the victim of two assaults.

The Court of Appeal is expected to hear Pell's appeal over two days in June.

Cardinal George Pell, ABC News 13 Comments [3/13/2019 4:53:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 142984

Lady Checkmate wrote this headline: "Alt-Left Hypocrisy & Hate, Liberal Logic & Faux Phobias"

Post some of the funniest memes and gifs showing the hypocrisy of the alt-left and their faux-phobias. Liberal logic posts will suffice as well. I'll start us off:

("Can't say "My body, my choice" when you believe people should be fined for not having health insurance")

("Since the US is such an oppressive country, shouldn't we be warning immigrants not to come here?")

(Title is "Liberal Logic". Two photos follow, one of a man in a KKK outfit which says "mentor" and one of Donald Trump, Muhammad Ali and two others saying "racist")


(Man 1: "Hmmmm. It appears your comic showed a few examples of homophobia but clearly implied that they're bad, then made the point that for a Christian to merely hold a Biblical view of sexuality is not really homophobia at all. Well that's not hate speech. That's just you being a Christian and articulating a biblical worldview."
Man 2: "EXACTLY!"
Man 1: "We don't allow that."

Lady Checkmate:
Alt-Left soldier (LOL):

("The constitution isn't a relevant document right now.")

Oxford Martyrs:

(Picture of Sam Elliott saying "Y'know, if it weren't for double standards, liberals wouldn't have any standards at all.")

Amos Moses:

Linus and Lucy having a conversation.
"Lucy: I am pro-choice!
Linus: Can I choose to smoke?
Lucy: No, it's not good for you.
Linus: Can I choose a large soda?
Lucy: No, it's not good for you.
Linus: Can I choose to own a gun?
Lucy: No, it's not safe for kids.
Linus: Can I choose an incandescent bulb?
Lucy: No, it's not good for the planet.
Linus: Can I choose low-cost coal?
Lucy: No, it's not good for the planet.
Linus: Can I choose to honor God?
Lucy: No, that's offensive.
Linus: So what can I choose?
Lucy: An abortion."

(Rod Serling saying: "Imagine if you will living in a country where it is better to be unemployed and undocumented than it is to be employed and a citizen")

(Sign says "Abortion is systemic racism. whatabortionreallyis.com)

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 26 Comments [3/25/2019 10:29:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 142981

(Emphasis mine)

Newsflash! People are imperfect, and collections of people are also imperfect. Such crimes are not part of their creed. They aimed high and failed spectacularly, but at least they aimed. You claim no atheist has molested children? No corporation has protected their own? No police department has covered up law breaking cops? No law firm? No political party? Mob? All non religious organizations full of imperfect people.

Frankly it is mostly due to Christian morality that molestation is even considered abhorrent- a hedonistic atheist is perfectly justified in molesting kids. Right? Wrong? By whose standard? Why should they care? There is no god, and they happen to like groping kids- you live once and then you die.

It is far easier for an atheist to justify molesting kids than a Christian, and the only reason there aren’t more is that atheists are such a small minority. Thankfully most of them still cling to their Christian-rooted ethics (though there is little reason to assume that will continue).

bhs128, Ars Technica 16 Comments [3/25/2019 2:45:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: zyr

Everything Is Racist Award

Quote# 142977

Hint: You don't need to be a Creationist to see the evidence of a global flood. This is basically antisemitism against any belief.

Secular people see the evidence of a global flood themselves, but several don't want to believe it's true just because it is written in the bible.

ShagnWagn, ars technica 10 Comments [3/25/2019 2:44:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 142974

Rontow: I just want to correct you on one thing, as a Jew who read the entirety of the Tanach, Gehenna is not hell, it is a physical location called "guy Ben hinom" ("guy" meaning "valley", the "valley of the son of hinom") where Canaanite pagans (and heretic Jews at times) sacrificed their first born. There's no hell in the old testament (and Judaism), Gehenna is a physical location you can visit, though it is believed to be cursed (from the whole sacrificing thing)?

John Baugh: It was used by Jesus as a metaphor for Hell. And the Old Testament is full of the reality of Hell. With all due respect, Rabbinical Judaism of today is descended largely from the teaching of the Pharisees, and is a far cry from the sacrificial system under Abraham, and then Moses, instituted by God. Many (most?) Jews today do not acknowledgement an actual Hell, nor an actual Satan, and most I've spoken with don't acknowledge an actual Heaven or afterlife either. This is entirely contradictory of the teaching in the Tanakh (which I've also read many times.)?

?skylander king: I'm Jewish and the way I heard of Hell is as just a midpoint between being reincarnated if you didn't make it into Heaven the first few times. A boiling swamp where your soul would be tortured 6 days a week and only let out on Shabbat. I'm not sure how long this torture lasts for, only that it's not eternity.?

John Baugh: Well, the interpretation involving reincarnation is not consistent with the teachings in what we Christians refer to as the Old Testament (The Hebrew Bible, Tanakh.) Reincarnation is more of a pagan/far eastern/new age philosophy (probably introduced into Judaism by some sort of Kabbalah tradition.) Some of the confusion is because the New Testament uses terms that would have been more familiar to the Greek world (e.g., Hades, Tartarus), and then when English translations came about, the Nordic influence into English was clear, since the word "Hell" is from Germanic/Nordic tradition. But this doesn't mean the CONCEPTS were "borrowed" from the pagans. It's that that terms they could at least have some concept of could be used and clarified when needed. It is true that our knowledge of Hell is limited, but the souls definitely went to Sheol, sometimes also called "Mot" (although that is also a term borrowed from neighboring/conquered civilizations like the Canaanites for clarification.) I'd say that it's quite clear God says He was have vengeance and judgment upon sinners, and that this is a permanent state, if one makes a careful reading of Scripture a priority. (Isaiah 2:12; 13:6, 9; Ezekiel 13:5, 30:3; Joel 1:15, 2:1,11,31; 3:14; Amos 5:18,20; Obadiah 15; Zephaniah 1:7,14; Zechariah 14:1; Malachi. 4:5 are all decent references) Also, throughout history, God revealed Himself and how the universe works over time, so the earliest Jews didn't have all the information - there was a lot of mystery. For example, Jews then (and even still don't) didn't understand exactly who the Messiah would be. They assumed it would be a political figure that would save them from tyranny. This is why the Jews (Pharisees primarily) during the time of Jesus were assuming the Messiah would be someone to throw off the Roman conquerors, but in the same respect, they didn't want to rock the boat because Rome gave them quite a bit of autonomy. But, the prophecies about the Messiah throughout the OT says that He would be "bruised for our transgressions" and the "punishment that brought us peace was upon Him" (Isaiah 53 - which is CLEARLY NOT about anyone other than someone whose punishment can pay for your sins.) Furthermore, an enormous portion of the Old Testament/Tanakh points to Jesus as Messiah. And although this group gets a lot of hate from orthodox and non-Messianic Jews, I'd recommend they are a group to at least consider, as far as the points they have to make:

John Baugh, Youtube 4 Comments [3/25/2019 2:37:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142995

Let's start with one issue at a time as I find time to work on it. First, contrary to your statement, one flood or one even can and does lay down multiple layers of sediment. This has been shown both in the laboratory and in nature. At Mount Saint Helens for example, multiple layers were laid down in both hours and weeks, and significant canyons were formed afterwards. This is documented, eyewitness evidence that multiple layers can occur in just a few weeks from related events.

Also remember that the worldwide flood was a protracted even, with the inundation period lasting 40 days, but as the land surfaces rose and the ocean beds fell, there were countless other geological events taking place over several months and even years. In the case of the ice age, the events of the flood reverberated for hundreds of years.

cewoldt, Ars Technica 4 Comments [3/26/2019 10:26:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 1582

I don't believe ghost's are from a person..........but are a result of the actions of that person when they were alive..... The more evil an action was demonic spirits would be present....they sit around laughing at the person doing the act...imagine them sitting there watching as a human hacks a body into pieces.. The demons sit there and say to themselves...look at the stupid humans doing our masters work.. When stuff like this happens this delights the stupid demons and they like that area..

Fredbear, POD Warrior Forum 3 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 142955

[Responding to an article entitled "Science proves the Earth isn’t flat: An expert shares ways you can see for yourself"]

You can believe the Bible, or you can believe theoretical physics. You can't believe both. They are diametrically opposed to each other. You can either worship God, or NASA. gov Your choice. Choose wisely.

Franklin E. Tompkins Sr., Natural News 16 Comments [3/24/2019 1:20:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142958


(image says: "1 innocent Christian is murdered every 5 minutes just for believing in Jesus. Christianity is illegal in 51 countries. LEGALIZE JESUS")

Christophobia: the intolerance of, hostility towards and/or discrimination against Jesus Christ/God and Christians.

Why has intolerance towards God/Jesus Christ and Christians increased? Why is it celebrated?

Why aren't more news sources reporting the rampant persecution and abuse of Christians?

Why hasn't the mass murders of millions of Christians all over the world been denounced and stopped by every world leader?

Why is the hate (Christophobia) and physical abuse against Christians, in the video below, allowed ?

https://youtu.be/LI2_6mZi12k (link goes to YouTube video: "D.C. Pride Parade: Gay Supporters Attack Christian Preacher")

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified and the captives may be set free in Jesus name. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 16 Comments [3/24/2019 1:20:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 142978

The Worldwide Flood
There are lots of comments about how much water it would take to inundate the whole world with a flood, and where the water would go after the flood.

There is currently enough water to cover the entire surface of a flat earth with about a mile and a half deep of water. Prior to the Flood, a great deal of this water was under the earth as the Bible says in Genesis 7:11—-“. . . and the fountains of the deep opened up.” (Recent reports suggest that there may still be more water in the crust than there is on the surface.) And the world was much flatter than it is today, perhaps just one continent. So there was plenty of water to flood the entire land surface of the relatively flat earth.

There were tremendous tectonic and volcanic activities during the flood. As a result, the continents rose and the ocean floors sunk, just as the Bible records—Psalm 104:8. As this occurred, there was rapid water runoff from the continents into the oceans. During this time is when much of the water laid down sediments and fossils were created, as well as the continental shelves. All agree that on the highest mountain in the world, Mt. Everest, that there are marine fossils, and that these mountains were raised by tectonic activity. What young earth v. deep time advocates disagree on is how long this lifting process took, not that this is what happened.

Overall, the geological evidence we see today is best explained by a worldwide catastrophic flood.

cewoldt, ars technica 10 Comments [3/25/2019 2:44:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 4